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Warcry - Bonesplitterz Discussion


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Alright ladz! We got the best value Warcry box, some of the nicest, most expressive models, and from  what I can vaguely recall of the book I peeked during demo day, a pretty okay campaign quest!

What do you reckon we can expect for rules though? "Most Well Rounded" faction never really bodes well, IMO. Ironjawz don't got it any better with "Simple To Play".

I think we'll be a reasonably tough, reasonably mobile, reasonably hordey faction. I'm eyeballin "Lodsa Arrows" on our skillsheet, so that might mean we have situational shooting.  "Charge!" seems like it'll really help us cover some ground, "Toof Shiv" is a bit uuuh (maybe it's for nailing those last few HPs?), and the juju one is probably tied to our totem boy.

The thing I'm most looking forward to is the Big Stabba rules, they're always hilarious to use in core, and hopefully that carries over here.

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On 8/1/2019 at 12:26 AM, soak314 said:

I love how we can field a warband that's just one boss and 6 totem boys.

Also what's the consensus on Lodsa Arrows? Is that +1 Attack on there for the rest of the game? I'd say so.


The wording would definitely suggest so. If it doesn't work like that, it means Onslaught is always a better choice.

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On 8/7/2019 at 8:12 PM, tom_gore said:

The wording would definitely suggest so. If it doesn't work like that, it means Onslaught is always a better choice.

Yeah literally no reason to ever use it if it didn't last the whole game. As it is, it's a good dice sink if you aren't immediately engaging.

Have had 7 games with my boyz so far, I think we're in a pretty damn good place! A quick breakdown of units, from least to most useful IMO.

7. Morboyz: 110 points for a 1 inch juju stick with no juju? And they give you access to Toof Shiv, possibly The Worst Double In The Entire Game? There's very little reason to take these fellas unless you reaaally like their look. Shockingly bad relative to the rest of our options.

6. Arrowboyz: Now that the morboys are out of the way, we get to the good stuff (i.e. the rest of what we can take). Arrowboys are excellent goalkeepers, and a good pick for anti-horde. You'll find most bow wielding units are really good at gunning down chaff, so you'll likely want couple of these on your roster for when you face the inevitable 12-15 model skeleton/grot list.

5. Shieldboyz (Chompa/Stikka): Your bog standard boyz are relatively cheap t4 models at 15 health with a massive footprint! If you support these guys with a juju stick, they will be a rock solid wall of ork. Take em in a mix, stikkas and chompas paired up, to maximize your attacks!

4. Morboy Boss / Shield Boss: Standard boss spread on a thicc stack of wounds, these guys are pretty good, if quite pricey. I don't like having my leaders stuck in, so I tend not to use em, but they are by no means a bad pick. But the discount on the shield boss isn't worth the dip in damage, IMO. The morboy boss on 3/6 can really help him pack a wallop.

3. Arrowboss: Oho now we're talking. 125 points for a 4t 25 health Waaagh battery! I knew from the get go I'd run the arrow boss almost exclusively, and he's been my favorite model for playing warcry with in the dozen or so games I've had so far. You can sink triples into him early if you don't have anything else to do with em, which lets him clear chaff like a, uh, boss. His melee's also nothing to sneeze at!

2. Big Stabba: A cheaper version of the ogor breacher with less toughness! I have a couple of these, and whenever they get rammed into the opponent's battleline on the first turn thanks to a waaagh + charge, it always does their morale in. The 30 wounds, intimidating model, and massive footprint can really help em be the distraction they need to be, while being capable of dishing out some awesome damage on a good roll. These guys are primo targets for Onslaught and Rampaging Destroyers.

1. Totem Boy: And here we are, our single best unit. With precision use, the totem's beast juju ability is what can elevate the Bonesplitterz from pretty alright to just plain overwhelming. The ability just also happens to be attached to a relatively cheap model that has 3x str 4 attacks  from a 3 inch (!!!) range. Stick him next to a cluster of shieldboyz and they turn into what feels like an invincible green blob. Have one tail your Big Stabba/s to get rid of their glaring 3T weakness. Stick one next to your boss, and get him up to 25 health 5T, which is as tough as a Stormcast Eternal. All this in a 6 inch bubble from the model, which provides no small amount of threat by himself. An absolute must-take unit, I'd take two to a list for most cases.

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i played  yesterday, I won but i feel a little week the arrowsboyz, A2  S3 and D 1-3 my enemy defense was around 4, so wasnt easy kill something with the arrowboyz, I bring 4 arrowboyz and the boss the good thing is the life of this guys  but I prefer the totem and the big stabba, they are really good

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Played my first two games last night with my Bonesplitterz and it was a ton of fun. My opponent ran Ironjawz so it was a pretty forgiving game for errors as we both had lots of wounds to go around. Definitely felt like the Totem and Big Stabba's earned their keep, with an insanely lucky Stabba doing 24 wounds in one go. 

I do find it  weird that the Totem guy has range (unlike in AoS) but the Big Stabbas DON'T have range.

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8 hours ago, Euphanism said:

 I do find it  weird that the Totem guy has range (unlike in AoS) but the Big Stabbas DON'T have range.

Chalk it up to an anti-monster weapon being wielded in quick melee combat I guess?

But likelier to be a go at balancing em out. The big footprint means a 2 or 3 inch range would give them an enormous threat zone.

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10 hours ago, tom_gore said:

You find that weird but not the fact that neither the Ironjawz Gore-Hacka or the Gore-Choppa don't have range either? 😛

I've never played Ironjawz (in AoS or Warcry) so I wouldn't know if it was weird or not! 🙃

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5 hours ago, Dew said:

So can you make all of the available Warcry models from 1 box of Orruks?

All the leader varieties?

You get two duplicates of the one orruk set in the box. Each set has enough for one big stabba, one melee leader, one bow leader, and one totem and skull drummer.

That's two melee leaders as intended. The bow leader only really needs a choppa in one hand to be wysiwyg. That's three bodies for your leaders.

Two totems is all you'll need in most cases, same with big stabbas. That's 6 bodies for the stabbas and the totems, 9 total.

That leaves you with 11 more orruks to work with. I'd say you won't need more than 3 of each kind of melee boy, and likely never more than 2 arrowboyz.

So it comes down to exactly what you need!

EDIT: Also unless you really like em or they get faqd I'd just make the morboyz into more spear, arrow, or shieldboyz.

Edited by soak314
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7 hours ago, soak314 said:

You get two duplicates of the one orruk set in the box. Each set has enough for one big stabba, one melee leader, one bow leader, and one totem and skull drummer.

That's two melee leaders as intended. The bow leader only really needs a choppa in one hand to be wysiwyg. That's three bodies for your leaders.

Two totems is all you'll need in most cases, same with big stabbas. That's 6 bodies for the stabbas and the totems, 9 total.

That leaves you with 11 more orruks to work with. I'd say you won't need more than 3 of each kind of melee boy, and likely never more than 2 arrowboyz.

So it comes down to exactly what you need!

EDIT: Also unless you really like em or they get faqd I'd just make the morboyz into more spear, arrow, or shieldboyz.

Thanks so much for the info!

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I've played against boneslitterz several times now, as they're brother's chosen warband. 

I've made a few observations from the other side of the board. While the warband has relatively low toughness across the board, I feel their 15 wounds even on the grunts makes up for it.  I can't remember how many times I've attacked an orruk, only for him to survive with one or two wounds.

Their staying power, coupled with their cheap "Charge!" ability makes them fast and hard to get rid of. 

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just picked up a box of Bonesplitterz Savage Orruks So i have 20 boyz to work with. From people are saying I should build a big stabba, a totem boy, and the Arrowboy boss,  What else should be built with the other 16? Boyz w/shields and Arrowboyz?  Any Morboyz?

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38 minutes ago, BlazyCrane said:

just picked up a box of Bonesplitterz Savage Orruks So i have 20 boyz to work with. From people are saying I should build a big stabba, a totem boy, and the Arrowboy boss,  What else should be built with the other 16? Boyz w/shields and Arrowboyz?  Any Morboyz?

@Soak318 left a really good breakdown above

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On 8/22/2019 at 2:41 PM, Dew said:

@Soak318 left a really good breakdown above

I guess I was trying to make the question more about numbers; such as how many of the arrow boys and shield boys should I make? Should I make two totem boys or two big stabbas?  I want to build this box out in a way I can get the most bang for my buck and be prepared for any opponent. 


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All my boyz are built and ready. 

Have a tournament coming up and I want to give them a shot. Here's my thoughts? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully I can get a few games in before.


Arrow boss

Big Stabba

2 totems

2 arrow boys

3 shield choppas


I know for sure there will be nighthaunt and two different mostly squig warbands there at least

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