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The Rumour Thread

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8 hours ago, Garrac said:

Oh, it's not that I didn't expect it, but it took me for suprise that they would erase such an iconic unit of the army (vespids) when the update is around the corner. Just had to hold on resin for, what, like 6-10 months?. Makes me suspect clan Pestilens lists will have to use botafumeiros, and Moulder clan lists will be characterless if the rumours are correct.

Lol. Botafumeiros. Imagine a proper rats cathedral... xD

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7 hours ago, Garrac said:

Ok, gonna summon now the oracle @Whitefang back me up if he wants to iluminate us again, let me grab my farsqueaker:

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-14 140258.png

Oh, in the name of the Great Horned One! I summon you, oracle-seer! Yes-yes! What do you see-smell on the tunnels-to-come-be? Will all superior and mighty skaven clans be able-ready to field-field with own-own new plastic leaders, yes-yes? Or will there be-be at least one clan no leader, no character, no-no? What is your wisdom today for, yes-yes?

(I need more hobbies)

Ohu, that Skaven language is hard to follow. One starts thinking if I am drunk.

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7 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

You know it would actually be cool if instead of just killing off one of the cities at the end of the Dawnbringers, the campaign was actually to decide which one of them live. Order players would have to choose which city their army is going to protect, while non-Order players have to chose which city they're attacking, with whatever city fairing worse being destroyed. But that's not going to happen. 

The only shame it is limited to GW stores. I will try to go to my city one during a bank holiday (as I have holidays from a different province) and play my first ever game (if thats what you have to do).

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4 hours ago, Hollow said:

This is complete wish-listing, but I have just watched the first 4 episodes of FX's Shogun (It's really good so far) and man what I would give for a full Japanese/Chinese/South east Asian inspired faction. An AoS Grand Cathay type faction based in Ulgu. It would be interesting to have other human factions that were completely different to Cities. 

I would say that's OBR.

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3 hours ago, EonChao said:

Valrak has mentioned hearing rumours from trusted sources that the Blood Angels codex will have a new plastic Sanquinor released along side it.

Went and checked the actual rumours he's been sharing and the update is apparently:

plastic Sanquinor, Astorath and Lemartes

updated Sanguinary Guard

new upgrade sprues

Death Company themed launch box with Lemartes like the Deathwing one Dark Angels got

Ruination and Death Company around the same time. Maybe they even share a component!

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3 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Guys, what if the 12th Dawnbringers faction was Skaven ?

So far we have had Nurgle (1), GSG (2), Fyreslayers (3), FEC (4), Warclans (5), CoS (6), SCE (7), Sylvaneth (8), SBGL (9), DoK (10), StD (11). It looks like daemon Khul is becoming less likely, but there's still an empty spot. What if Skaven were to take it ? As a teaser of what will happen in 4th ? Also reinforced by this :

  Reveal hidden contents

Spoilers for Dawnbringers 5 ! You have been warned !

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Krethusa warns Callis & Toll about a "green flame that will burn the gold and heavens". Gold + Heavens = SCE obviously but green = warpstone = Skaven ! The Skaven are coming for Hammerhal and the SCE and maybe we might see this in the finale of Dawnbringers !



It could be Khorne as well, if we get Khul.

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55 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Nah, GW needs something to release between March and June and 40k doesnt have nothing big cookin

After June, july should be for a big 40k release (Blood Angels/Agentes), august is the dead month, and september/october would see the rest of the skaven and stormcasts minis.

A better question is: how much of the starter box Will be showed ar adepticon? Im guessing that not a lot (just two units) but now that there wont be fest this year some may want to grap copium for more reveals.

I expect a dedicated preview for the box reveal.

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15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It could be Khorne as well, if we get Khul.

Khul and Vandus need to be in a dual box together right?? Which means the 2nd BoK wave is likely coming with part 2 of the Ruination Chamber/Warrior refresh for Stormcast. personally i can't see Khul coming before 4e, especially if Lady in Ruin is Varanguard.

Maybe Darkoath releases with her, as Archaon tries replenishing the Varanguard through the worthy?

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4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

If we're talking about The Honest Wargamer Rob then I believe this man to be a Saint in this community and hobby!

i do like how unapologetic he is about AOS as a setting/game (likely because streamers deal with all kinds of trolls and haters), and I was glad he pushed back against Miniac's video panning the ruleset. He comes across as a dude who knows not everyone is into Matched Play, but wants both sides to know it doesn't need to be hyper-competitive.

wish I had more time to watch his battlescroll/balance streams, cos I love the excitement he brings to narrative and model releases :)

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@Ejecutor you know you can use the "multi quote" button ;)

3 hours ago, Luperci said:

he's been saying blood angels have been coming for about a year now, it's a very safe prediction after the BT primaris wave and now DA too, not to say I don't believe him but it's one of those things where if you just keep on saying it, it will happen eventually and then you can say you were right all along

Not to defend Valrak, but he did in fairness always say the blood angels were going to be after dark angels, and he's gotten the following pretty close to bang on, more than a month out from their reveals:

- necrons

- admech

- dark angels

- orks

- custodes

- tau

- kill team nightmare

And that's just for winter/spring 2024!

You can dislike the chap and his content all you want, but there's no denying he has a strong track record by now

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4 minutes ago, Preppikoma said:

This happened at Warhammer Fest.

Ah, true! I forgot it

But that's the thing, ain't it? We're not getting Fest this year.

Ofc, there can be another preview on the way between march and june... but GW could also prefer to put a lot of eggs on the same basket.

It is also yet to be seen how will the trailer for Ruination be, but I bet it will look like the Leviathan one.

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Just now, Garrac said:

Ah, true! I forgot it

But that's the thing, ain't it? We're not getting Fest this year.

Ofc, there can be another preview on the way between march and june... but GW could also prefer to put a lot of eggs on the same basket.

It is also yet to be seen how will the trailer for Ruination be, but I bet it will look like the Leviathan one.

I forecast there will be an online Fest-style preview, like in 2020--2022 (IIRC). Adepticon seems quite packed with the number of games-settings sporting some content, and GW likes to stretch the hype. Thus, I don't expect a different treatment than 40k E10 preview at the event (full cinematic trailer, a non-character model per faction, discussion about forthcoming changes).

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2 minutes ago, Preppikoma said:

I forecast there will be an online Fest-style preview, like in 2020--2022 (IIRC). Adepticon seems quite packed with the number of games-settings sporting some content, and GW likes to stretch the hype. Thus, I don't expect a different treatment than 40k E10 preview at the event (full cinematic trailer, a non-character model per faction, discussion about forthcoming changes).

Oh, yes, that's what I expect as well:

-Blurry trailer

-Some clanrats showed

-Clanrats datasheet

-Articles on warcom

And then a spetial preview on april-may to show the entire starter box.

Also, Leviathan trailer was SICK. I hope Ruination one ends up being half as cool as that was.

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41 minutes ago, DoctorPerils said:

@Ejecutor you know you can use the "multi quote" button ;)

Not to defend Valrak, but he did in fairness always say the blood angels were going to be after dark angels, and he's gotten the following pretty close to bang on, more than a month out from their reveals:

- necrons

- admech

- dark angels

- orks

- custodes

- tau

- kill team nightmare

And that's just for winter/spring 2024!

You can dislike the chap and his content all you want, but there's no denying he has a strong track record by now

Which one is that button? I only see one for quoting.

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here's a thought... what if there isn't a NEW lie, and we're getting a bit of a red herring here??

Whitefang's said Death will have a protagonist role in 4e & we've seen teases of Shyish's role in the campaign books and shorts.

We KNOW for a fact that Nagash hates Sigmar because he feels betrayed; what if this is Nagash saying "Sigmar lied"?

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

Khul and Vandus need to be in a dual box together right?? Which means the 2nd BoK wave is likely coming with part 2 of the Ruination Chamber/Warrior refresh for Stormcast. personally i can't see Khul coming before 4e, especially if Lady in Ruin is Varanguard.

Maybe Darkoath releases with her, as Archaon tries replenishing the Varanguard through the worthy?

I see tricky Vandus and Khul sharing a box if it is not in the ed launch one. It would take quite a lot of time to get it and the moment would lose its momentum.

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So given that rumours point to an index at the start of 4th edition. Anyone like to theorise what kits/subfactions/armies are being cut?

I'll start:

* Bonesplitterz (sad face)

* Cities dwarves

* Beasts of Chaos cease to exist, but some stuff gets rolled into slaves

* endless spells and (possibly) faction terrain

* Most fatcast from first edition: prosecutors, liberators, paladins. They'll prob get replaced with thunderstrike equivalents - we've already seen what new liberators look like in Realms of Ruin. Unsure about the fate of the pyjama-cast, or vanguard. 

* Skaven resin/metal stuff as rumoured 

* yhetees, old gorgers, cats, maneaters, firebelly, slaughtermaster


I think GW is going to be brutal next edition. For the past year or more there have been serious stock issues, with some people waiting a year to get hands on a loonshrine, for instance. Even plastic kits go out of stock for months at a time.

I get the feeling their factory or warehouse can't keep up with production demand. This is only made worse by their ever expanding catalogue. They need to cut back to make room for new releases.


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