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Legions of Nagash force.


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Hi everyone I have been sitting on these for almost two years (after getting great advice from death forums on what to get) and had time off work due to injury and toon a serious painting notion. Glad to say after 15 years into the hobby for the first time I have a fully painted and based army. Feels really strange haha ๐Ÿ˜… Got a chance to spray my Mortarch so that's my treat before I check out some cool new nighthaunt stuff to add.




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On 3/24/2019 at 9:13 AM, Kramer said:

Hehe that should be the slogan of the whole AoS crowd ๐Ÿ˜‚

Please not... otherways I don't have enough tombstones^^ I'm really pressed to convert at least a part of the modelsย  to the new bases^^ and I'm stiill tempeted to realize a mono terrorgheist army (I have yet 4 of 6 ^^). I tremple at the idea when it will bereleased the deadwalker battletome cause I'm avoiding to buil 100 zombies more from some year now...(I have other 200 yet ready...)


On 3/24/2019 at 3:17 PM, Vitch_EGS said:

I'm so tempted to get more but not sure to get a different allegiance next or just nighthaunt stuff to add on. Got a new display too and empty shelf's could be used for more models instead of books... ๐Ÿ˜…



Do you have "some"prefrence towards green?^^ (are they salamanders or dark angels?)

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1 minute ago, deynon said:

Please not... otherways I don't have enough tombstones^^ I'm really pressed to convert at least a part of the modelsย  to the new bases^^ and I'm stiill tempeted to realize a mono terrorgheist army (I have yet 4 of 6 ^^). I tremple at the idea when it will bereleased the deadwalker battletome cause I'm avoiding to buil 100 zombies more from some year now...(I have other 200 yet ready...)


Do you have "some"prefrence towards green?^^ (are they salamanders or dark angels?)

Haha maybe it's the Irish in me but it's such a good colour normally to use compared to others like red or brighter colours, that over the years it really grew on me! And they would be Salamanders ๐Ÿ˜ย 

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2 minutes ago, Vitch_EGS said:

Haha maybe it's the Irish in me but it's such a good colour normally to use compared to others like red or brighter colours, that over the years it really grew on me! And they would be Salamanders ๐Ÿ˜ย 

so, you'll like the video about painting green nighthaunts that I'm preparing^^

goodย  choice, those half corrupted DA are always keepingย  bad shadows in their hearts, salamanders instead inflamme all their way (literally ahahah^^)

I prefer touse green on my Seraphons instead^^ (and nighthaunt^^)

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1 minute ago, deynon said:

so, you'll like the video about painting green nighthaunts that I'm preparing^^

goodย  choice, those half corrupted DA are always keepingย  bad shadows in their hearts, salamanders instead inflamme all their way (literally ahahah^^)

I prefer touse green on my Seraphons instead^^ (and nighthaunt^^)

Haha that's one of the two I'm considering too!

Might add few ghosts to have 1000 points ready to show the game to people and will definitely check the video out! Or get my childhood hero lizards finally. (Been paitent and praying to the frogs for new stuff though which has stopped me so far)ย 

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1 hour ago, Vitch_EGS said:

Haha that's one of the two I'm considering too!

Might add few ghosts to have 1000 points ready to show the game to people and will definitely check the video out! Or get my childhood hero lizards finally. (Been paitent and praying to the frogs for new stuff though which has stopped me so far)ย 

I have 200 saurus^^ I've collected them to play the Lizard' sacred armies years ago^^ And I love dinosaurs too^^ Perfect army, it's a pity now works almost only arpund slann. Anyway I'm waiting too the update, and I'm scared about how much it will cost^^ (I only hope they will redo those awful knights).

Anyway I've realised videos about them and how to modify and magnetize them if you like^^ In my signature there are some ^^

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone it's been a while and sorry if this counts as necromancy or anything wasn't sure if I should add here or start a new post.

Recent changes and all got the cogs turning and fire burning for AoS again so finally got around to finishing my Mortarchs to add to the force. (Silly late night Bert lighting pictures)

Any feedback would be appreciated and excited now to get in my nighthaunt and keep the painting notion burning!





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  • 3 weeks later...

So I went and treated myself to soul wars after finishing the Mortarchs to get the Nighthaunt started. Amazing models and were fun to paint! I'm going to need a bigger shelf.. (forgot I have to add Tufts to bases)



Edited by Vitch_EGS
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