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Skaven tide conversion kits... What would you like?


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Hi, I'm Russ and as well as being an AoS player, I'm also a professional minis designer and sculptor for various game lines and boardgames, Eg. Warmachine, D&D, Kings of War, etc

I'm currently working on a skaven army and, unhappy with the state of some of the older minis, I'm making some kits for converting plastics to my own needs... 

I currently have designs for heads and arms that might, for example turn a certain stormy unit of vermin into acolytes or jezzail team members, and a few parts that'll me able to make a grinder into a fire thrower or ratling gun. I've got a mortar to ratling gun converter idea too, for those who can't let go of island of blood (that's me!)... 


Is there any interest in my getting these cast up and made available, and is there anything else that you would like to see? The intent is, make the modern plastics fit the range until GW offers up newer kits. 


Example heads I did at lunch time  Thurs shown! 


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Have you seen Puppetswar? They do loads of heads, arms and guns and parts just like this. Skaven I think would certainly have an interested market as there isn't too much out there for them and upgrade kits are always neat for adding some variety. A few heads and then showcase a few cast up and made and on models to show what they look like at actual scale and on the models. 

Those heads all look great and very in keeping with the designs! Love the warpstone eye idea!

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One or two more elaborate pieces in the same manner as what you've already done for Warlock or Arch-Warlock kitbashing, like masked/helmeted heads, techno-halberds, weird pistols, an arm with a flamethrower perhaps! Gas-tank backpacks, perhaps, for Acolytes, and arms with hands that are holding globes (very hard to find good globe arms!).

Either way, I can't wait for these things to be finished! Great work.

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those rat heads are great.  However I would like to recommend that instead of 3 bare heads (since we can get plenty of those from clan rats already), perhaps some heads with skryre looking armor or goggles. on them but no gas masks on those 3.    Like maybe one rat head that has a monocle or bionic face, one with a pair of goggles and no mask and one with armored helm that has maybe a single eye piece on it.   The 3 with gas masks are great right now.   As for other pieces, perhaps a few globe arms that can be added to clan rat/stormvermin kits and backpacks that are skaven looking.    The arms you could maybe have a right and left arm that are throwing them, and a right arm/left arm that are simply holding the orb, and maybe a pair of arms that is pulling an orb out of a pouch.   These parts would do well to help with the acolyte conversions and I could definitely see buying some right now if you had them.  

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11 minutes ago, Rizara said:

those rat heads are great.  However I would like to recommend that instead of 3 bare heads (since we can get plenty of those from clan rats already), perhaps some heads with skryre looking armor or goggles. on them but no gas masks on those 3.    Like maybe one rat head that has a monocle or bionic face, one with a pair of goggles and no mask and one with armored helm that has maybe a single eye piece on it.   The 3 with gas masks are great right now.   As for other pieces, perhaps a few globe arms that can be added to clan rat/stormvermin kits and backpacks that are skaven looking.    The arms you could maybe have a right and left arm that are throwing them, and a right arm/left arm that are simply holding the orb, and maybe a pair of arms that is pulling an orb out of a pouch.   These parts would do well to help with the acolyte conversions and I could definitely see buying some right now if you had them.  

You're absolutely right! I should have explained those are my base heads to match the style of clan rats. That's not the final ones I'll use though! 

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Seconding what @Kirjava13 covered in his post. I'm a huge fan of Skryre, so anything that helps alleviate the rough state of acolytes and just general lack of technological heads (without zealously prowling bits sites for Warp Lightning/Doomwheel crew heads) would be amazing.

I've been using bits from the Skitarii range to try and solve for lacking certain bits, but sculpts more purpose made for Skaven would be phenomenal. 

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I would also suggest some dagger\throwing star\sling arms and cloaks\hooded faces for Gutter Runners\Night Runners.

Armorless (or less armored) Clanrats are wonderful to use currently but I wouldn't mind using the body of actual Night\Gutter Runners if I could at least replace the arms and heads.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/16/2019 at 1:50 AM, Russrmc said:

Hi, I'm Russ and as well as being an AoS player, I'm also a professional minis designer and sculptor for various game lines and boardgames, Eg. Warmachine, D&D, Kings of War, etc

I'm currently working on a skaven army and, unhappy with the state of some of the older minis, I'm making some kits for converting plastics to my own needs... 

I currently have designs for heads and arms that might, for example turn a certain stormy unit of vermin into acolytes or jezzail team members, and a few parts that'll me able to make a grinder into a fire thrower or ratling gun. I've got a mortar to ratling gun converter idea too, for those who can't let go of island of blood (that's me!)... 


Is there any interest in my getting these cast up and made available, and is there anything else that you would like to see? The intent is, make the modern plastics fit the range until GW offers up newer kits. 


Example heads I did at lunch time  Thurs shown! 


Color me on board for this all the way, depending on cost

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