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Non Wizard Named Characters scoring Objectives

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For the Battleplans 'The Relocation Orb' and 'Places of Arcane Power' heroes with artefacts of power or wizards are required/gain bonuses for being near the objective.

Do you think non-wizard named characters count?

on page 242 of the main rules in the Named Characters section  it says that they have their own artefacts of power, so i would assume that even though you cannot assign one you choose, they still have an artefact of power on them.

Is it more explicit anywhere in the rules that i've missed, or do they just not count?

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Interesting question! I would personally think that the text describing the artifacts wielded by named characters is more flavor than actual rules text. That would mean the Battleplan would require someone with a named artifact taken at army creation. However, I'm by no means a rules expert!

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  • 1 month later...

It seemed to me that GW said that named characters doesn't count as having Artefacts of Power, but I can't find it in the errata or designer's commentary, so maybe I misremembered something.

Ok, I found it here: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/age_of_sigmar_core_rules_designers_commentary_Basesizes_en.pdf

Q: Is a named character assumed to have an artefact of power for any rules purposes? A: No.

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