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Wolfman’s AoS conversions


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Hello all. I’m a long time GW hobby participant that loves to convert and kitbash. Figured I’d make a place to share the things I come up with.

Knights of the Black Chalice

This is the start of my Soulblight force. I want them to be an army of knights so I’m converting a lot of counts as units to keep the knightly theme. The plan is to expand it to run as a Legion of Blood force too. We’ll see if I ever get there.

Chaos knights as Blood Knights. Shield arms left off for ease of painting. I plan on having 2 more units of 5.


This is the start of my counts as Blood Palanquin. Instead of a platform carried into battle by an ethereal host it is a war machine around which spirit hosts will cavort.



My converted Knight of Shrouds for Malign Portents who madly believes himself to be a Knight Questor.


More Death will eventually follow. I have plans for counts as Vargheist using Stormcast Prosecutors, huge vampire knights borne aloft on ethereal wings. Aetherwings painted as huge ravens to count as Fell Bats, Executioners with head and weapon swaps to be Grave Guard etc.


Storm Scions (name still in flux)

My custom Stormcast warhost. Taking my inspiration from Viking myth (Sigmar as a mix of Odin and Thor), the god Ulric from the World-that-was, and Space Wolves.

First 6 Liberators. 4 more planned in a similar vein.


Lord Celestant is still WIP, based on the Neave Blacktalon model.


I had to stop working on my Liberators to make this guy once I saw the Warscroll for the upcoming Knight Incantor. Since they are described as stormcallers and I’m using some Space Wolf inspiration I knew I had to make me an AoS version of THE Stormcaller, Njal himself. So I took the leader of the Farstriders as the base since he has a bird on his arm. That gave my my Nightwing, Njal’s Cyber raven. I swapped the head and hands and voila. My Stormcaller Knight Incantor.


Up next will be a Lord Relictor then the rest of the Liberators. Other plans include Judicators, Paladins, Raptors and Palladors.

Let me know what you think so far.

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14 hours ago, Wolfman said:

My converted Knight of Shrouds for Malign Portents who madly believes himself to be a Knight Questor.


Hahaha that's so cool! 

In general such great conversions! But the inclusion of the old school throne with the blood couldron is the best for me! 

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Finally an update.

I finished converting and painting my Lady Celestant. I had been struggling to find a head for her for a while. When the excellent ETB Sequitors were released alongside Soul Wars I knew my search had come to an end.

Pics aren’t the best but they’re what I have. Here is Lady Celestant Kàra Sigrùn.





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