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Khorne Bloodbound or Nurgle Power, Peoples Opinions


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So for the Season of War starting from today I took it upon myself to be the only person in a league/campaign to be the only 'baddies' and I am going round in circles deciding what I want to play/collect/hobby the next month for the campaign and running up to Armies on Parade in October.

The choices I narrowed down too are either a Khorne Bloodbound list or a Nurglely collaboration.

Khorne Bloodbound 

I currently have the Age of Sigmar starter box (with none of the models painted) and would look at buying the £125 expansion pack to give myself a reasonable size army.

Pros: Melee combat would be 40k Ork-esque throwing all the dice, amazing synergy between units.

Cons: Had enough of painting red armour with gold trims (recently finishing up a Blood Angel force), Would be tight/nigh on impossible for me to get painted and a board done for October, Glass Cannon?

Nurgle Nonsense

I currently have 20 Plaguebearers, 3 Plague Drones (which I am happy with the painting on) and would look at adding the Clan Pestilans starter box, Vermin Lord Corruptor and a Herald of Nurgle.

Pros: WAY easier to hobby and paint before October with a board (No armour to highlight, YAY), bigger variety of nonsense, Tougher than Rocky Balboa

Cons: Not as Killy, Less unit synergy between the Skaven and Daemons


Like I said before I really am torn between the 2 ideas so I think any decent comments and ideas from your brains would probably influence me one way or the other. What are peoples thoughts on my predicament.

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Cons: Had enough of painting red armour with gold trims (recently finishing up a Blood Angel force), Would be tight/nigh on impossible for me to get painted and a board done for October, Glass Cannon?

Why to red and gold?  Break the mold!  

What about bone and brass and then splatter red on them.  The models with the most splatter are the most killy!

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I'd suggest Nurgle because the previous idea of a corrupted forest with a Realmgate is bad ass for Armies on Parade, and very fitting given this years campaign.

I'd suggest Khorne Bloodbound if you were hoping to have the edge in play.  There is just way more synergy in Bloodbound then between Skaven/Daemon.  The Daemons will be safe from a lot of the Skaven Pestilens special rules, but they will offer nothing to eachother in the way of Command Abilities or Abilities stacking/playing off eachother.  Skaven/Nurgle Mortals has some synergy, but a lot of this stuff is again dependent on Mortal Nurgle or Skaven or Pestilens.  Daemons are pretty greedy and from what I've seen all of their abilities are for Nurgle Daemons, not just Nurgle units.  The exception being Epidemus, whom takes after Nurgle himself and gives everyone boons and blessings!


Goodluck either way!

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