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Updating past Battletomes

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15 hours ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

I'd love to see new models for FEC, but I won't hold my breath. We're still in a position where only a tiny fraction of the 60 factions in the game have even had one battletome, let alone a second. With so many factions awaiting a battletome, and with GW clearly wanting to release entirely new factions too, hoping for GW to devote resources to a second battletome for these pretty minor factions (even as an exercise in speculation and wish listing) seems like a waste of time.

As a FEC collector, I feel privileged to even have one battletome and a set of allegiance abilities. I don't need or expect any more than that.

Who is asking for second Battletomes for minor factions?  If you mean Bonesplitterz, I would consider that more as a first Battletome for Spiderfang (one of the 60 you referenced) than a second one for Bonesplitterz.  With the addition of keyword synergy that ties it into an existing army (and probably a lower price point since it would be pretty thin, and I wasn't asking for nor expecting an expansion in the model range) - hence tagging on "Supplement" to distinguish it from the content in Battletomes for larger factions.

If you mean the Ironjawz Mk II that several people have discussed, then I don't agree that they are a minor faction.  They are the poster boys for their GA and I think it's quite reasonable to ask for a modern battletome in the same vein that Stormcast and Khorne already got their update.  They are popular too so it could well make commercial sense.

And as a general point, I don't think it's helpful to tell fans of this great game that we shouldn't  discuss what want to see.  We know GW monitors social media so I don't agree that it's a waste of time.

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7 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

Who is asking for second Battletomes for minor factions?  If you mean Bonesplitterz, I would consider that more as a first Battletome for Spiderfang (one of the 60 you referenced) than a second one for Bonesplitterz.  With the addition of keyword synergy that ties it into an existing army (and probably a lower price point since it would be pretty thin, and I wasn't asking for nor expecting an expansion in the model range) - hence tagging on "Supplement" to distinguish it from the content in Battletomes for larger factions.

If you mean the Ironjawz Mk II that several people have discussed, then I don't agree that they are a minor faction.  They are the poster boys for their GA and I think it's quite reasonable to ask for a modern battletome in the same vein that Stormcast and Khorne already got their update.  They are popular too so it could well make commercial sense.

And as a general point, I don't think it's helpful to tell fans of this great game that we shouldn't  discuss what want to see.  We know GW monitors social media so I don't agree that it's a waste of time.

When I say 'minor factions' I mean any faction that received a battletome but no new models. GW clearly has a strategy of doing low-cost, low-maintenance faction launches (Pestilence, FEC, Beastclaw Raiders) in between fuller reimaginings that include complete faction overhauls with new models (Ironjawz, DoK) and entirely new factions (Stormcast Vanguard, Kharadron Overlords). There are some factions that they want to lavish lots of time, imagination and resources on, and some that they don't. I assume that they choose which factions get the 'quick and easy' release treatment based on a combination of commercial reasons and creative reasons. Those reasons applied when they launched Bonesplitterz, and there's no reason to think that they don't still apply now. 

The only precedent for GW returning to factions they've already worked on is to consolidate popular flagship factions into a new battletome with everything else that shares the same keyword - specifically Stormcast and Khorne. Your Bonesplitterz example doesn't fit with this precedent.

There is also one more precedent - the combining of multiple factions that don't share a faction keyword into a single battletome, of which Legions of Nagash is so far the only example. So you might imagine, as with your example, that multiple orruk and grot factions could be combined in this way. But none of the factions in LoN already had their own battletome, so the pattern doesn't hold up to support your speculation. The fact that you talk about some kind of faction 'supplement' - something that GW has never done for ANY faction - just illustrates the extent to which the scenario you're setting out sits firmly within the realm of fantasy rather than reality. Add to that the fact that you think Bonesplitterz are the 'poster boys' for Destruction when the only Destruction faction that's received new models and a modern battletome is Ironjawz, and I think it's pretty clear that your speculation is rooted in a very optimistic bias for a faction that you're personally invested in.

I get that the point of this thread is speculation and wish-listing, but the starting premise is rooted in an idea that runs entirely counter to the established pattern of releases. Strictly speaking only one faction has ever received a 'second edition' battletome in the truest sense, and that was Stormcast Eternals - and when it comes down to it they are the only 'poster boys' for AoS. No other faction comes close. To think that sideshows like FEC and Bonesplitterz stand a good chance of getting the same treatment (factions that GW have explicitly demonstrated that they want to treat as quick and easy releases) is optimistic at best and outright delusional at worst.

I enjoy speculation as much as the next person, but when that speculation is completely divorced from reality I really don't see what value it has. The imagination and energy in this thread would be better directed toward creating fan-made supplements or second editions for these factions, rather than excitedly shouting ideas into the void.

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8 minutes ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

When I say 'minor factions' I mean any faction that received a battletome but no new models. 

I think that's a fair definition, that's why I said I don't think Ironjawz are a minor faction. I think you need to read my post again - I really think you're getting hung up on the idea of me wanting a new Bonesplitterz book, when that's not my point at all. To the extent that you're imagining I've said something (that Bonesplitterz are the poster boys for Destruction) when I've actually said the opposite (that it's Ironjawz, not Bonesplitterz).

Your statement that only Stormcast have had a 'second edition' battletome, and that no other faction comes close, is factually incorrect. Khorne got the same treatment around the same time, as I pointed out above. In that context I don't think it's unrealistic at all. 

My point on Bonesplitterz (as I have made clear twice now) was actually about getting a book for Spiderfang that ties in with Bonesplitterz from a lore and keyword perspective - to be crystal clear I am NOT suggesting they bring out a second book of Savage Orruks. 

You can call it whatever you like - just call it Battletome Spiderfang if you prefer. But GW have released multiple Codex Supplements in 40K (e.g. Angels of Death and Waaagh Ghazghkul) so the idea that they might call it a supplement is actually rooted in recent memory rather than fantasy.

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Although to be fair I did go off on one about Bonesplitterz points changes. That was a complete tangent and although I think the points changes in GH17 didn't change the faction for the better, the place to correct that is most likely GH18.

There is a precedent for points changes between GHs (Fyreslayers and Tomb Kings), but really the GH is the vehicle for that. 

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38 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

I think that's a fair definition, that's why I said I don't think Ironjawz are a minor faction. I think you need to read my post again - I really think you're getting hung up on the idea of me wanting a new Bonesplitterz book, when that's not my point at all. To the extent that you're imagining I've said something (that Bonesplitterz are the poster boys for Destruction) when I've actually said the opposite (that it's Ironjawz, not Bonesplitterz).

Yeah, sorry - I did jump down your throat a bit there. I also misread which faction you were referring to as the poster boys of Destruction. Apologies.


38 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

Your statement that only Stormcast have had a 'second edition' battletome, and that no other faction comes close, is factually incorrect. Khorne got the same treatment around the same time, as I pointed out above. In that context I don't think it's unrealistic at all.

Technically Khorne was a different animal. The Khorne Bloodbound faction was consolidated into a new faction called Blades of Khorne - 2 different factions with 2 different battletomes. Stormcast Eternals was a second edition battletome with the same name - 1 faction with 2 battletomes. But this is just me nitpicking.


38 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

My point on Bonesplitterz (as I have made clear twice now) was actually about getting a book for Spiderfang that ties in with Bonesplitterz from a lore and keyword perspective - to be crystal clear I am NOT suggesting they bring out a second book of Savage Orruks. 

So if I'm understanding you correctly, you'd like Bonesplitterz and the more 'tribal' greenskin factions to be consolidated into a single battletome, the way Bloodbound was consolidated into the bigger Blades of Khorne faction? If that's the case then I guess that's somewhat realistic. Consolidating factions definitely seems to have become a trend since Bonesplitterz and these other 'minor factions' were released.

The one thing that makes me think this might not happen is the fact that FEC weren't included in the consolidated Legions of Nagash battletome. FEC already had a battletome, Bonesplitterz already have a battletome - you see where I'm coming from with this? The FEC battletome is just as in need of updating as Bonesplitterz, and GW chose not to revisit them even though they had the opportunity with LoN. That suggests that they consider these factions to be done and dusted for the foreseeable future.

So my central point still stands - revisiting factions that already have a battletome is a very rare exception that seems to be reserved exclusively for factions that GW have already lavished a huge amount of attention on. The assumption that any particular 'minor faction' with a battletome will be revisited with a new book (whatever form that book may take) seems like a real stretch.

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@Jamie the Jasper regardless of whether it’s likely or not, isn’t really relevant to the topic at hand and as stated in th OP, this thread is purely so people can have fun wishlisting and posting things they’d like to see, not whether it will happen or not.   

If you disagree with the premise then that’s all good, but I feel like there’s other, and better, places to do so than this thread. 

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3 minutes ago, AthlorianStoners said:

@Jamie the Jasper regardless of whether it’s likely or not, isn’t really relevant to the topic at hand and as stated in th OP, this thread is purely so people can have fun wishlisting and posting things they’d like to see, not whether it will happen or not.  

Okay then, here is my wish list of things for the next Flesh-eater courts battletome:

  • Zombies included as peasant levy.
  • A greater focus on the different divisions of fuedal society and aristocracy, with models and units to represents all the different classes and types.
  • A unit called 'The King's Table' that buffs everything around it - a table with giant bat wings, covered in human flesh, and with Freeguild corpses impaled on the chairs. Dead, naked ogor on a silver platter in the middle with an apple in its mouth.
  • The option for Freeguild allies to represent those who have only recently been taken by the Ghoul King's madness
  • Different army-wide effects if you field Nagash, depending on whether your court sees him as a benevolent creator god or a malign god of destruction.
  • A set of 'build your own allegiance abilities' tables so that you can customise the delusions and traditions of your court.
  • All Bretonnian kits reintroduced to represent new units that can be created by combining Bretonnian parts with ghoul parts.
  • A copy-paste of the the LoN grave site mechanic, allowing ghouls to flood onto the battlefield from their subterranean nests.
  • A 'psychic blast' ability that you can use once per game to make your opponent's army fall under your Ghoul King's delusion for a single combat phase. During this time you may make your opponent's units attack each other (like Wrathmongers).
  • Some named characters.
  • A giant kit for an Execrable Ghoul Emperor mounted on a Dread Terrorgheist.
  • A unit of fast and difficult to remove chaff called Corpselings - pudgy cherub-like children that have been transformed into grotesque ghouls and swarm over their enemies. A bit like really fast Nurglings.
  • More mounted units. These guys think they're knights after all. Not mounted on actual horses obviously - either mounted on hobby horses (stick horses) made from decapitated horses' heads or mounted on abused and mutilated ogors that have turned to cannibalism and fallen to the mordant's curse.
  • More banners. Probably made from human skin. And a section in the book covering the grisly heraldry of some notable courts and kingdoms.


Is that the sort of thing you were looking for?

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4 hours ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

Technically Khorne was a different animal. The Khorne Bloodbound faction was consolidated into a new faction called Blades of Khorne - 2 different factions with 2 different battletomes. Stormcast Eternals was a second edition battletome with the same name - 1 faction with 2 battletomes. But this is just me nitpicking.

Actually Stormcast was Stormcast Eternals battletome and Stormcast Extremis battletome (both had separate listings for points, etc in the first GHB) and got merged into One battletome and one listing in Matched Play.

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2 hours ago, Jamie the Jasper said:


  • All Bretonnian kits reintroduced to represent new units that can be created by combining Bretonnian parts with ghoul parts.



All this is cool and this would be particularly so.  I thought GW missed a trick by not bringing back the Men-at-Arms kit, maybe with a ghoul head upgrade sprue like these dudes, to represent those servants of the court that aren't quite 'there' yet... but it's a struggle to imagine anything that would enrage former Bretonnian players even more.:/

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43 minutes ago, chord said:

Actually Stormcast was Stormcast Eternals battletome and Stormcast Extremis battletome (both had separate listings for points, etc in the first GHB) and got merged into One battletome and one listing in Matched Play.

Also the Vanguard Chamber

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One thing I would like to see for Beastclaw Raiders was a simple, one sentence change on one warscroll that would help fix a lot of problems in this army:

On the Beastriders Warscroll just add: "When taken as Battleline on a Beastcalw Raiders allegiance army, Beastriders DOES NOT count as Behemot. Also, treat their remaining wounds as number of models for any scenarios purpose"

That would be a simple and elegant change, will allow us to run true "monster mash" lists and solve at least partially the problem of low model count. Leave the Frostlord and Huskards as they are (hopefully with a minor point reduction), as they are heroes...

Just my 2 cents..



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