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Project Ghoulway


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3 minutes ago, Dez said:

I love this, all the sculpting and converting looks great. I'm now thinking of starting a Flesheater Court, they're Hipsters who think they are at an all you can eat vegan tofu buffet.

Hahaha! I can just see them all with beards, scarfs, and tiny cans of Pabst :D

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16 minutes ago, Dez said:

LOL I almost mentioned drinking PBR :)

Do you know specifically which Basius pad that is? I think it would look great for desert basing, which I want to do with my Ironjawz.

Yeah, I have the Imperial pad. One side is more broken and rugged, while the other is flatter. Though they have a new Kickstarter campaign going with smaller pads. I'd look into those if I were you.

I went for a desert-ish theme for the rest of my Death army, and I think it works great. Though after painting my game board, everything else will just be painted to match that.

Here's a picture of my batswarms and the desert-ish basing.

2015-10-22 23.01.59.jpg

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Small progress update; Finally got everything primed and painted with a black brush on primer. Gave them a second layer of liquid greenstuff and added some sand to about 2/3rds of the models to give them even more texture on the base. I have never spent so much time prepping before. Converting yes, but never just prepping them. It's not even over yet, since the old ghouls needs another layer of brush on primer.

Buying a PS4 and Witcher 3 probably won't help my progress any, but I'm still confidant that I can have these done by August :-)


2016-06-26 19.27.05.jpg

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Great work! I've been ploughing away on my own ghoul army. The basic ghouls indeed are quite small models and the feet break so often when I remove them from the sprues, then a fair bit of mould line removal. 

Really good conversion on that second Varghulf. That model could use a remake some day, make it a bit bigger and not such a triangular pose. Glad I'm not alone on the finecast Varghulf dislike - just put mine together and I can hardly believe GW actually sells that stuff, in comparison with how high-quality their plastic kits are.

No Crypt Horror/Flayer courtier in your army? What tweaked me was if you did make one courtier or even two, you would never be able to have an even multiple of 3 of the corresponding regular unit (if concerned about maximizing your points use in the general's handbook). 

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Thanks guys!


@mrstimpson38 With all the sanding and prep-work I feel that I'm closer to 40% done at this point :D Luckily things will start picking up speed from this point on. When I manage to tear myself away from the tv and console  ;)

@polarbear Do NOT try stripping the little buggers! I had ten floating feet when I pulled them out of denatured alcohol. Though to be honest, my biggest peeve were the thumbs. I can pin or glue the feet back on, but once the thumbs are broken they're gone. Does fit the fluff though :D 

I really didn't see the benefit of losing a unit of horrors/ flayers to build a Courtier when I have two Varghulfs that can do the Courtiers job better. My one take away from the generals handbook is that I need more ghouls. The Ghoul Patrol battalion will probably be a staple in my lists. I'm thinking a big unit of thirty, and two small units of ten. What really disappointed me was the lack of any real allegiance bonus for the Flesh-Eater Courts. Who wants to run a Courtier as your general when you NEED a King to get access to any magic? Very anti-fluffy.

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So it took a loooooot of time to get an actual update, but now it's time to show some colour!

The under shading is done. Went a little heavier with it than usual, but figured that since the FEC are mostly flesh coloured, that might be a good thing. I also decided to test out my colour scheme for the flesh on three of the ghouls. The second picture is after one glaze of Rotting Flesh. That didn't really give the effect I was after, so I gave them a second coat, and promptly forgot to take a picture of it 9_9 However, the result was a bit too bright, so I gave them a thinned out wash of purple ink. I'm pretty happy with the result. In the last picture you can really see the variations in colour due to the under shading and washes. Comments? Critique?

2016-07-05 22.05.05.jpg

2016-07-05 22.52.57.jpg

2016-07-06 00.28.23.jpg

2016-07-06 00.33.12.jpg





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Your army-wide under-shaded shot looks a lot like my finished shot! Haha. Looking good. I think the ghouls are best done in that kind of style and not spend too long trying to pick out all the rings/bones/hairs/straps/fiddly bits. 

I agree with you it's unfortunate the flayer/horror courtier has to be the general to get flayers and horrors as battleline. 

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@polarbear I'll probably pick out the straps and all the other trimmings before calling them finished, though in very muted colours.


So I've been kicking around an idea that I would like to hear your thoughts on. I need another eleven ghouls to fill out a Ghoul Patrol battalion. Now, I don't have any more ghouls, but what I do have are gnoblars and ghouls bits. Is modelling eleven ghoul "children" a good idea? Would you let me get away with it in a tournament setting?

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@Ademo It does indeed! Very happy with that decision.


So I finally got back from vacation today, and I'm lagging a bit behind if I want to reach my deadline of August first (does not include the ghoul children btw). Luckily it's nothing some marathon paint sessions can't fix :D

Finished the two coats of rotten flesh on the entire army. First coat;

2016-07-13 20.28.21.jpg

And the second. It really makes the colour pop.

2016-07-14 00.35.23.jpg


Since I forgot to take a picture last time, here's a ghoul with and without the purple ink;


2016-07-14 03.12.59.jpg

I'll try to mock up a "ghoul-child" during the next couple of days. The other item I have planned is making an army-diary of sorts. I got this as a present, and the first thing that popped into my head was "hmm, that looks sorta like human skin ..... Necronomicon?"

 2016-07-14 00.34.26.jpg

Fill in some fluff, army composition, paint scheme, glue in some of the war scrolls from the box-sets, and it should turn out pretty cool if not all that useful 9_9

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Painting marathon day two, and things are coming along nicely!

I wanted to try out the purple wash on some of the other colours besides the skin, so I glazed the fur and wings Balor brown, the teeth and talons rhinox hide brown, and the eyes Badab black.

2016-07-15 00.02.35-1.jpg


Then I washed the entire army with a thinned out purple wash. I really wish I had an airbrush for this step. It would have saved me the four hours it took me to do it by hand.

2016-07-15 03.21.09.jpg


At this point, things are starting to come together. I'm not happy with how the fur turned out, so that'll get a wash with agrax earthshade. The wings will get a light drybrush with baler to bring them out a bit more. After that the only army-wide thing to paint are the bones :)  

I had considered highlighting the heroes further, but after seeing the result I'm not so sure.

2016-07-15 03.21.31.jpg

I'm not going to be able to blend the highlights smoothly enough to match the current state, and while it's far from award-winning, I'd call it a decent tabletop level.


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So that worked better than I thought it would. The head is a bit too large, but that would be WAY too big a hazzle to fix.

2016-07-15 18.06.13.jpg

2016-07-15 18.06.47.jpg


A unit of ten, and another hidden in one of my ordinary ghoul units should work pretty well :-) Yay for not having to buy yet another box of the little buggers.

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Day three, and I am at the very least up to speed to finish this month. Actually, I think it might be later this week :)

2016-07-16 03.30.56.jpg

At this point all that's left is the metal, the exposed muscle, and the various stones. Not to mention the hundred steps involved in the final clean-up, but that's another story 9_9

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This army is coming along great, those purple tones look great and I LOVE the idea of the child ghouls! So creepy.

Have you seen the new Start Collecting boxes? There is a Flesh Eater Court one, making it even harder for me to resist. I mean, I need a Death army for friends to play right?

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Well, of course you do Dez! Though in my case, I'm keeping the Flesh-Eaters for my self and lending out the rest of my death army :D

I finished the metal and stones, so all that's left now are the bases, some details, and the final touchups. It will have to wait a while though. I was a bit optimistic in my prognosis, and saw my speed drop significantly once I had to return to real life and couldn't do marathon sessions. So I'll be back with pictures once the army is finished :) Can't promise when that will, be but I'm still aiming for the august deadline.

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