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Project Ghoulway


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It's time to get started on a new project, and for once I'm working on a pretty current one. I got sweptup in the delusional grandeur of the Flesh-Eater Courts, and picked myself up King Vlagorescu's host. Add that to the twenty ghouls, Varghulf, and Zombie Dragon I already have, plus my favorite necromancer for magical support, and it's starting to look like an army :D


For the sake of consistancy the ghouls and Varghulf will be stripped and repainted.

I'm really looking forward to working on this project! I'll be back with an update once everything is built :)

2016-05-26 15.59.41-1.jpg

2016-05-29 13.39.52-1.jpg

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I hate cleaning and assembling models. Every time I see a shiny new model I forget how much I will hate cleaning and assembling it. But I hate flash-lines even more.


I finally have enough done to update though. All the ghouls from Vlagoreschu's box are (finally) cleaned and assembled. And I figured out something that always bothered me when using ghouls in my Death army; how to distinguish the champions. There is very little metal in a Flesh-Eater Courts army. So when the fluff mentions that ambitious ghouls are often given scraps from the battlefield as rewards, I got the idea to use old shields to mark the champions. To make the Courtiers stand out, I decided to chop up a Dwarven Ruins set from Scibor I haven't found any use for yet. All the Courtiers and Kings will get some ruins on the base. Using a 40 mm base for the Ghast Courtier might have been a bit excessive though. Opinions?


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I think using the basing works great, I like the bigger sized one too. Love the blog name, haha! Somebody else must have a wife that like Heidi Klum and Thursday night TV...


(PS nothing wrong if you like the show without having a wife either!)

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Hahaha! Thanks Dez! :D Can't say that I've ever watched the show. Just seemed like an appropriere pun on the whole WIP-blog thing. If I was to go by my girlfriends favorite show I'd have to name the blog Ru Paul's Ghoul-Race ;) 

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On 8. juni 2016 at 1:54 AM, Dez said:

I'm sure my wife and your gf are probably watching most if the same shows...while we retreat to the painting table!

Which unfortunately for me is still in the living room. At least I've convinced her to wear headphones when watching Girls. Cannot stand the voices on that show.


Back to the Flesh-Eaters, I've finished stripping and cleaning the remaining twenty ghouls and the old Varghulf. This is the last time I plan on ever stripping plastic. I have never had good results. But they are as good as I'm going to get them. Seeing all fourty ghouls and the Varghulf together, I am really happy that I went with the forty millimeter base for the Ghoul Courtier. He disappears next to his bigger cousin.


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I might have messed this one up. Don't get me wrong, I love the pose I ended up with, but I intend this army to be my tournament army. And how the &@"? am I going to transport this thing? The spikes on the wings might have to go...



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I'll have to see how it fits in the new 'Ardcase, but a seperate box might end up being the best solution.

The plan is to keep the paintjob pretty simple, in line with the Zombie Dragon I painted. A nice dirty flesh colour, bones, and light brown wing membranes and fur.

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The Horrors and Flayers are finally done! Now all that's left is the second Varghulf. That will need some light conversion-work, and it's the first finecast model I've ever worked with. But with a bit of luck, I'll be done with both the Varghulf and greenstuffing everything over the weekend. Things will start pickung up speed after that, so the current estimate is that everything will be painted by the end of july :D


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52 minutes ago, Soulsmith said:

I am really excited to see them painted, your work is awesome. Are you using the winged ghouls as vargheists?

Thanks :) Actually, GW got the maximum bang ofr their buck with the new Flesh-Eater Courts. Almost every conceivable way of assembling the old Horrors/Vargheist box got their own warscroll.

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Finished the second Varghulf. All the hate for finecast online now makes sense. The chances of me ever paying money for a finest model ranges from "never" to "you'd have to pay ME". I did some simple part swaps with the wings from the Horror/Vargheist set to avoid two identical models, then cut & re-glued the left wing a bit. Nothing fancy, but it got the job done. It feels like the finecast is a bit smaller than the pewter version, though that might just be the slimmer wings. They're both smaller than the Horrors, so if ever there was a candidate for alternative models, the Varghulf is it!

I can see now that I have to cut down the statue on the Vargheist to the right a bit. And find a victim that the left one can be gnawing on. Probably a gnoblar. I have way too many gnoblars. Anywho, I'll be picking up some greenstuff tomorrow, and hopefully should be able to prime them all on Monday. 

2016-06-17 21.25.12.jpg

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Excellent force - I really like the idea of this army and glad you managed to make room for Kemmler. I'm not sure if anyone else has asked about your basing yet? Do you have a press mould you're using or sculpting each texture from scratch or some other magic trick? Either way, it's a seriously impressive effect

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Thanks :D I really couldn't think of a better use for such a great model. Not to mention that between the hat and the cloak he fits right in with a bunch of flesh-eating madmen:D


I got a Basius pad of Kickstarter last year, and since then I've pressed all my bases on it with greenstuff, and intend to keep doing so! I love the resulting bases. For this army I've ordered some gamers grass as well, just to set them apart from my other undead.

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First full army shot!

Did some more work on the Varghulfs and removed the spikes from the Terrorgheist. What it lost in cool-factor it gained in transportability and ease of storage.

I'm not done with the prep work quite yet though. The greenstuff and liquid greenstuff needs to cure, be sanded down, then repeated for another layer before I'm satisfied.

2016-06-19 21.38.44.jpg

2016-06-19 21.38.57.jpg

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I love the varghulf conversion!  Fresheaters are such a cool army and its really nice to be able to see a project log dedicated to them.

I am curious what is next in your building agenda.  I would say more ghouls is almost mandatory with how the courtiers summoning works.  

Could we see a close up on one of the ghouls?

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Thanks guys!


@Gorthor21 I'm considering this force more or less done at the moment, though that might change if and when I start bringing them to tournaments. The plan is to deploy a unit of 20-25 ghouls and use the courtiers to keep them above the magic limit of 20. That gives me at least 14 dedicated "summoning" ghouls. If/when I add to them, another box of Ghouls and a box of Horrors is probably on the top of my list. 


There's a picture of the Ghast Courtier and the two Ghasts (ghoul champs), further up on the page, but I'll try to snap a picture later today. Anything specific you had in mind?

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These guys? They´re not really painted yet. I stripped them in order to paint them to match the rest of the army. The colour on them is just the parts of the old primer that survived the bath in denatured alcohol. Luckily I'll be both priming them with a rattle can and then going over it again with a brush on primer, so none of it will show through. 

2016-06-20 11.42.20.jpg

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