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Everything posted by Klamm

  1. I'm also into the rapid release of battletomes, even if it shortchanges some factions of a massive release. The underrated part of that approach is this: JUST THINK OF HOW MUCH LORE WE'RE GOING TO GET! It was less relevant with 40k, as the Codexes were just re-issues of established factions, but let's not forget that Gutbusters, Wanderers, Dispossessed etc. have had very slim write-ups in this new setting, so we don't yet have their 'identity' nailed down. I do hope 'soup' doesn't become the default. This is a personal opinion (I did a whole wishlist write-up on reddit about it) but I DO NOT WANT BCR and Gutbusters combining. I'm a narrative guy, so combining factions is something which I'd want lore justification before a mechanical one, and the whole Everwinter nomad theme the BCR have is difficult to marry with the more traditional tribal Gutbuster Ogors. Same reason why Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz benefit from separation. As for Wanderers and Sylvaneth or Fyreslayers and Dispossessed, I can see lore reasons why you'd want them to combine. Both would be strained alliances, but that's good: internal conflict can make for interesting stories. Allarielle would be resentful about the Wanderers abandoning them, but be forced to accept their return because of the dangers posed by Nurgle and Nagash, while the Dispossessed/Fyreslayer alliance could be established by Grungni, finally deciding to return to his people and leveraging a promise to help the Fyreslayers reassemble his brother Grimnir in return for partnership (throw in the shock return of Valaya, and you got yourself a Gloomspite Git tri-faction book). The Aelves, though... that's a messy situation. I think the old saying applies to GW here: ****** or get off the pot. They've had over 3 years, it's time to pull an Ironjawz (flesh out one or two unique units into a whole faction) with some subfactions (Phoenix Temple are probably the best choice) and bung the rest together so they're playable.
  2. It's pretty much what we expected, right? A smaller offering for AoS than last time (40k got the substantive reveals) but still some cool tidbits and hints. Slaanesh reveal on the 14th?
  3. I like them somewhat, but I can see why people have issues. I think it's the splayed posing which is supposed to be dynamic but looks rigid and unnatural (and the feet: the only reason I'm not planning to get Thunderscorn allies is I that CBA to resculpt them). But, as you say, in terms of detail and overall aesthetic they are quite good. I think the gold standard for older sculpt are regular Ogors: they've got a great amount of detail and their languid posing suits a lumbering gait.
  4. I actually think GW should go forward with a mix of diverse 'mega-factions' (Legions of Nagash, Skaven) AND smaller niche offerings (Sylvaneth, Ironjawz), obviously sticking with the middleweight class too (Idoneth Deepkin, Seraphon). There's an appeal in both an expansive sandbox and a niche, distinct faction identity. But, and this is where it's just my opinion, there comes a point where certain factions like the 4 Kit (plus 1) Flesh Eater Courts just don't have enough 'meat' to them. Proper fixes for this becomes modifying the lore to fit with a 'merger' or supplementing the faction with fresh releases (which with FEC they're trying, and the debate is whether that's enough). It's making me wonder about the Duardin/Ogor rumours we've been getting. There's a similarity in that both old world armies have been fragmented, with at least one splinter being a codified AoS army which has been criticized for its lack of diversity (Beastclaw Raiders and Fyreslayers). Do we see them getting into a grand Duardin/Ogor coaltion? It's anybody's guess. My prediction would be that Kharadron Overlords always remain independent, as they have a strong aesthetic ripe for future development and have independence baked in. As for the Fyreslayers, I could possibly see them getting combined in a Dwarf 'Gloomspite' style release that emphasizes the three traditional Duardin ancestor gods: Grimnir's Fyreslayers (receiving no new models, as their modest number is sufficient as an army's 'third'), Grungni (who gets an actual model release following his appearance in various novels, and leads a cleaned-up Dispossessed faction with the appropriate Ironweld mixed in) and Valaya (presumed-dead Goddess making a comeback with a small, mixed-gender pious sub-faction). As for the Ogors, it could really go either way. If FEC is anything to go by, Gutbusters have enough diversity to go it alone. Firebellies or even Maneaters could be expanded to a whole subfaction. My guess would be that the BCR remain separate, but hope that they would get a few kits accompanying a fleshed out Gutbuster release. All BCR need to feel like a vibrant faction is rules rewrite and a few extra models. If they released new Yhetees along with a Yhetee Ice Shaman hero, I'd jump on that frozen wagon immediately (the lustre of endless spells and terrain is starting to wane a little for me, but I'd be hyped about massive ice-blizzard pieces. Like, how appropriate would it be to have purple sun sized ice vortexes of the Everwinter?).
  5. Aren't the Silver Tower minis on shared sprues? They released the Ogroid and the foot Gaunt Summoner alongside Tzeentch (oh, and the Knight-Questor for SCE). I mean sure, that might be a blip, but I'd be surprised if they didn't repackage the Deathrunner at some point (curious that it hasn't been mentioned). After all, for better or worse this release has embraced a degree of asset recycling, so why not give clan Eshin their only new hero in AoS? GW took some positive steps in releasing some of the original starter set separately (Vandus and Korgos Khul). I think the Bloodsecrator and Khorgos box is sold out, but the models are still available in one half of the original starter, as they split the factions into Thunderstrike Brotherhood and Goreblade Warband boxes. While I feel for SCE player being unable to get a Relictor separately (well, other than Ebay), having them disappear entirely is way worse. The whole limited edition model question is more pertinent when it's a distinct model (like the Ogroid or Khorgorath). When it's just an alternative sculpt of an existing unit, like the Silver Tower blue horrors, it's not such a problem. The caveat to this is when there's a quality disparity between the up-to-date looking limited edition sculpt and the 'official' model: a hideous hunk of resin/metal. The webstore Rat Ogors beside the Spire ones are like... well, Mantic beside Citadel. But there's no definitive precedent. After all, the Darkoath Chieftain, Warpriest and Fyreslayer from Silver Tower are not on sale. Are they to be released alongside their parent faction getting an update? Who knows? I mean, the fact that they've implied no new models *technically* doesn't preclude them from putting the ST Deathrunner up for pre-order on the 16th. Fingers crossed for Eshin fans.
  6. I don't blame anyone for disappointed. I'm excited about to hear about the new lore, but in the case of FEC models, it's a little underwhelming (and not because of the lack of actual units, I think the Skaven stuff is awesome). On the sliding scale of 'okay' to 'amazing' that AoS releases tend to fall on, the Skaven better represents its faction. The Gnawholes are a crowd-pleasing, intriguing depiction of just 'how' Skaven burrow through reality. Then their endless spells hit the key beats: bell, realmstone, the dreaded 13th spell. Meanwhile, IMO the FEC stuff is a little generic. The endless spells look fine, but really: if no one told you which factions they were for, would you be able to guess? The goblet is generic death, only the red colour implying FEC or Soulblight. The fence would fit equally in deathmages/deadwalkers. None of this captures the admittedly elusive themes of madness, delusion and flesh-EATING that define FEC. The terrain piece is a little better, subtly hinting at the duality in the detail, but 'ruins and some skulls' is not the kind of maverick, creative thinking that GW has spoiled us with in GG, IDK, Maggotkin etc. I don't want to harsh anyone's buzz. The model quality, as ever, is on point. But in terms of theming the army to its great AoS lore, opportunities were missed.
  7. Yeah, you'd think that they would allude to the possibility of ANY more things on the way. Makes me discount the possibility. That said, is there any precedent for a non-model featured on anything as integral to the faction as warscroll cards or battletomes? It's so specific as well.
  8. Ah, I can't read the rest of the text on the card. You're saying it's an ability that effects units not heroes? In that case, who knows, maybe there's more stuff on the way. I doubt it, going by the article, but there's always a chance.
  9. You can build a Crypt Ghast Courtier out of the ghoul kit.
  10. So we finally get to find out what's up with Thaquol? Wooooo! Unless his model becomes a generic hero. Is REVENANT a horror keyword and SERF a ghoul keyword? Man, those skaven Gnawholes look great. A bit disappointed with the FEC stuff: nothing playing to the theme of duality in delusion? Boo!
  11. Pretty sure there's an 'eye of the gods' style rule in the Slaves to Darkness allegiance ability about turning into a Daemon Prince, right? We could reasonably assume that it'll be implemented in the new Slave to Darkness book (considering that Beasts of Chaos integrated the Brayherd GHB allegiance). I think it's likely that we'll not only get Darkoath units in an StD release but a new Daemon Prince kit. The current Daemon Prince kit is old and crucially hasn't been a part of any start collecting bundle. And since they've hinted at a 40k Chaos Marine release this year too, that could pull double duty. I'm curious about two lore questions related to that, though: is Belakor coming back and will there be any other undivided daemons (I guess they could remake the Furies) other than princes and grinders? The thing about the old Deamon prince kit, though, is that it's modular and customizable in a way new GW kits tend not be (with some exceptions, like the Rotguts, AoS stuff sacrifices customization for precise design). So if they wanted to do Daemon princes RIGHT, and they are such an iconic part of the lore, I could see them releasing 2 or 3 kits: A burly Daemon Prince (which would build as a Khorne or Nurgle prince) A lithe Prince (builds Tzeentch or Slaanesh) Possibly even a heavily armoured Prince (builds undivided or a re-imagined Belakor) Splitting the concept of a DP into three kits would be the dream situation for customization, especially since the sprue is going to have to contain some 40k themed bits to make it work for both systems. The bits possibilities are endless, but I can just see the various different wing options (maimed Khornate bat-wings, rotting Nurgle fly wings, crooked Tzeentchian raven wings and bedazzled Slaaneshi butterfly wings). Reintegrating demon princes (and their different permutations) into the lore would really round out a chaos release. Plus it's an opportunity to make them more formidable on the TT. They don't need to be at the level of Greater Daemons, but as it stands they are less scary than a foot Megaboss. Surely they should be a 250 point brawler that could go toe-to-toe with a Dankhold Troggoth?
  12. Yeah, I had this thought too. I think it would be realistic if they implemented Morathi-like dual-model units in certain places. Like, they could sell a noble regent model: an optional upgrade which is your Ghoul King when first deployed, having rules representing their enchanting presence (simulating how their enemies can't help but fall under the madness), with a mechanic for transformation after they're damaged. You'd probably have a foot version and then a pegasus monarch to represent the mounted ghoul king. I think this would make a great two-piece terrain kit. One half is the 'Royal Marquee', a regal tent outpost for a lord's hunting party with wealthy amenities. Then you have its true form: a 'Carrion Cave' where the ghouls pile up the bones of victims. The opportunities for fun mechanics there goes without saying. I hope they run with the delusion idea, it's one of AoS's better lore additions.
  13. Oooh, if we're doing Gutbuster speculation: Gnoblars on the Irongut sprue (maybe even the Bull/Leadbelcher sprue) get a warscroll, possibly as super-cheap characters or low-model count unit. A special character on a Rhinox (dual kit with generic Tyrant) A new unit to integrate the Firebelly theme, probably magical infantry (if they were lazy, they could even use the same half of the generic ogor body sprue that guts/Belcher/bulls use with fire-themed weapon/mask options, that's one of the best old kits GW has) A big, centrepiece wagon dual kit for a Butcher's stew kitchen/Firebelly pyre-shrine (which gives us the plastic Butcher, and perhaps even a special character additional option) Stretch: New Gorgers Larder terrain piece As for endless spells: The Maw is obligatory, also something food-themed, and then something fire-y for the Firebellies.
  14. As someone painting up Chaos Warriors I really really hope this is the case, but I'm pessimistic. I think it's more likely that the new darkoath models will exhibit 'stat inflation', though their lack of armour acts as a gameplay balance for this. Which I think is sad, because I still have the Old World mindset of Chaos Warriors being elite champions that the marauding tribes aspire to be.
  15. This looks awesome, I can't wait to learn more. I have two questions, not sure the extent to which you can answer: What's the philosophy when it comes to maps? Maps have been a contentious thing since the release of AoS. Some love the almost surrealist stuff prevalent in the early books, others prefer more traditionalist maps, so I'm curious what degree of territory you plan to map and in what style? While I know you're focusing on Order factions, is there any mechanic for morality? Will the rules allow for a character who worships, say, Nagash, or other corruptions?
  16. Nice work! I'm just starting out with NMM, so this is great to see. Also, love the profile pic. Been a Slaanesh fan ever since that N'Kari Vs Aenarion artwork in the old rulebook, and if the eventual KOS kit looks similar I'll be over the moon.
  17. Thanks! As for the size issue, I guess it's a preference thing. The Namarti aren't that different to Revenants in terms of size (though the trees are a little taller), so it depends on whether you like the large weapon look. Plus, they're the same height as my Chaos Warriors (though lither) so I feel it's consistent. My reason for choosing that over the Dark Elf stuff is that, to me, the Slaaneshi Aesthetic is soft curves and swirls rather than the harsher, jagged look of the Dark Elves. But either would work.
  18. River Basing Tutorial I've put up several pics of my slow hobby progress, and the one thing everyone wants to know is how I did the water effects. I'm no pro-painter, so I feel a little weird making a tutorial, but people are curious and it's an easy technique so why not? Here's what you'll need (aside from paintbrushes and a pointed sculpting tool of some kind): Water Texture (transparent is best) Course texture gel Gloss Varnish ('Ardcoat) Incubi Darkness Coelia Greenshade Jade Green (Kabalite Green is GW alternative) Foul Green (ditto, Sybarite Green) Gauss Blaster Green White Shaping the Waves Figuring out what waves 'look' like took me a little while. My army's theme is Hysh, and I wanted it to look like they are crossing an alpine river, glistening in the sunlight. The nature of your body of water will dictate how the waves behave. Below is a good picture of the chaotic pattern of a river's surface. You don't need to see the bank to sense a certain direction, and a more roiling stream will have even more dynamic splashes. The sculpting process requires trial and error, but it's not too difficult once you apply yourself. Below are three Slaaneshi Marauders, about to leap into the river. Using my pointed sculpting tool (silicone ones are good because they have a little give), I slap some texture on the bare base and start sculpting. You'll want to have an elevated riverbank, else the lack of height difference will make the river look unnatural. That's a few minutes of work. You need to pick a direction of the current and sculpt it with that in mind, sketching out a messy, crisscrossing hex pattern and pushing the waves around until you deem it to look natural. The above seems good to me. It'll take a little while to dry but when it does it'll be transparent, and so the shape might be a little difficult to make out on the black base. Once you undercoat it, you'll have a better idea of whether it needs any tidying up. Painting the Surface As I'm painting up Chaos Warriors at the moment, you'll forgive me if I demonstrate the water effect on a different trio of models (the technique is identical). I didn't include painting the turf in the tutorial because it's a fairly standard technique (Dryad Bark for soil, Mechanicus Grey for rock, washed with Agrax and drybrushed with Celestra) and most of it will be covered up by foliage anyway. Onto the main event: Step 1 Base the water surface with incubi darkness. At this stage, the wave's 'shape' becomes more obvious, and you might decide to soften the sharpness with 'Ardcoat. Step 2 Wash the surface with Coelia Greenshade. Step 3 Drybrush with a 50/50 mix of Incubi Darkness and Jade Green. Step 4 Drybrush with Jade Green, leaving some of the previous mix visible below. Step 5 Drybrush with Foul Green (again, lighter than the previous step). Step 6 Light Drybrush of Gaus Blaster. Step 7 Add the Coarse Texture Gel as if it's water foam. This is also a great opportunity to mask any paint blemishes on the river bank or rocks from drybrushing, so this step is doubly beneficial. The gel is very bright when applied, but it dries into a dimmer hue as you can see below. Step 8 A light drybrush of white, picking out the wave's "glisten" as well as the texture of the water foam. It really brings out the, well, texture of the texture gel. I did this a little heavier than would be realistic, but I want it to feel like a sunny day. Step 9 The final steps are applying a gloss varnish to get that wet look (Slaanesh approves), to tidy up the black of the base (you certainly don't want to paint your base rim an earth tone, it'll seem incongruous) and finally adding static grass and foliage. As this will all be done after I spray the completed model matt varnish, here are some Chaos Warriors I prepared earlier: Here is another pic, this time with an additional "splash effect". This is pretty self-explanatory: cut thin strips of transparent plastic, stick it where you want a jet of "splash", slather water texture over it, and repeat the foam technique from steps 7 & 8. I did overdo it with my first few attempts, so I'd recommend a "less is more" approach. Well, I hope this tutorial was useful. Now, if you'll excuse me, I want to throw up some more pics of my Chaos Warriors. It's a project I've been planning for a while and I finally have finished my first three and am very happy with the result The NMM gold came out better than expected, and even the dreaded chainmail turned out okay. I've commented where I'll be putting certain light hotspots on future models, especially the swords, but we live and learn. Now I've officially got at least one of every variety of Chaos Warrior dedicated to a specific god. A true coalition of chaos (well, other than the current UK parliament, badum-tish).
  19. Since GW seem to be signalling a boxed game with some new models followed by book release (+terrain and spells), what I would most want from a KO thing (which I guess we could hope for by around 2020, realistically), is a special aerial battle game. You could release an all-flying KO force and an all-flying antagonistic faction (Grot Scuttler sky pirates perhaps, or a Skaven air navy), with some neutral natural air threats (loved the KO book asides about various beasts drawn to Aether-gold). So, instead of endless spells or terrain (not in keeping with the army, really), I'd rather see a cool battlebox to go along with a different air-themed faction. I'd like to see yet another ship added to the roster (perhaps a specially designed monster hunting ship?) as well as some cool ariel beasties (some manticore pups and one crazy sky whale or Kraken monstrosity). The latter could solve the endless spell deficiency: what if the KO had some ability to lure (e.g. 'summon') hazardous sky beasts to the battlefield? It would be dangerous, but have some strategic value and make sense in the lore. So you could have a 'neutral' sky monster whose mechanics would be similar to that of a predatory spell, except you can't unbind it (though perhaps as well as simply killing it there's a battleshock mechanic to 'scare it off'.
  20. Slaanesh Release Specualtion Okay, so I’m a massive Slaanesh fan and I’m salivating at the prospect of a new release. The following is a mixture of speculation and pure wishlisting for a release, with the focus being on lore and models with some mention of mechanics (this is how GW itself does it, after all). Obviously, I want 1000 new kits for Slaanesh. What would be a realistic guess? Well, I think it’s realistic to go by recent factions (either brand-new or significant additions to a few older kits, NOT INCLUDING terrain or endless spells): Idoneth Deepkin (11 total: 5 unit kits, 6 hero kits), Kharadron Overlords (11 total: 6 Unit kits, 5 Hero kits), or the upcoming Gitz (11 total? 4-5 Hero kits, 6 Units kits) set the precedent that we can expect at least 10 new boxes of stuff, not counting terrain and spells. Okay, let’s work with 10. My assumption and hope is that, given that Slaaneshi Daemons currently have 10 units (5 units, 5 heroes), most of the new models will be Slaaneshi mortals. That said, I can see 2 ‘slots’ going to round out the Daemons. First is the inevitable centrepiece Keeper of Secrets, which will almost certainly be a dual kit for a special character. As for who the alternate build will be, well, it could very well be a Rotigus style wholesale invention. But if they were to take someone more established (like Kairos) N’Kaari may be a perfect oldie to make a comeback, given his history with Tyrion and Teclis. The only other addition that the Daemons need is one more generic hero. My idea would be a ‘Vice-Sribe, a Scriviner-style scribe Daemon whose responsibility is to be a database of mortal vices, which would translate to buffs to Daemonette units. The Mortal Hosts One thing I want to get right up front. I really REALLY REALLY don’t want the army to focus on chaos-tainted Aelves. It seems like the lazy choice that doesn’t really make much sense (as Morathis demonstrated, even Aelves who work for Slaanesh just end up as food anyway, so there’s no incentive to give into the Dark Prince). And when you think about it, the reason many mortals would turn to Slaanesh is that they desire grace, perfection and beauty, all inherently Aelven traits. Wouldn’t it be more interesting and make more sense if Slaanesh’s followers were mortals who wished they could be LIKE Aelves? Now, saying 'no' to Aelves doesn't mean I don't think the mortal hosts should have a distinguishing theme. Indeed, my hope is that GW decides to explore how Slaanesh straddles the contradiction of Ulgu and Hysh (there's one rumour engine picture which appears to depict this light/dark duality on a yet-unreleased model). This is one fascinating aspect of Slaanesh, and I hope the new units manifest the different aspects of light and dark. It's more than simply a realm of origin, but the direction of worship the followers take. And it goes without saying: this entire army is mixed gender. Light and Darkness If you read my previous lore post about the aspects of Slaanesh, Hysh represents Dominion, Vanity and Indulgence, while Ulgu represents Submission, Creativity and Neophilia. Hellstriders are the only currently available basic Slaaneshi troops, and I think their aesthetic would serve as a 'baseline' for the factions style as a whole: ornate soft-angled armour with a light Greek theme. The Hysh theme would run with the ornate, resplendent plate gilded with pristine cloaks and buckets of gemstones, to represent a vain perfectionism (the current Sigvald model would fit in this niche). In contrast, the Ulgu theme would take cues from some of the older Slaanesh champions models with a bit of Dark Eldar thrown in: pallid, sadomasochist mortals with claw-like mutations and armour painfully fused to their bodies. These two aspects represent the contrary desires within the faction, and we might consider those which manifest both in equal measure as ‘unaligned’. And it doesn’t need to be codified to the extent of keywords, merely the lore enriching gameplay in an unobtrusive way. Unaligned Units Pleasuremage – As the faction lacks a mortal wizard, this would be the Slaaneshi sorcerer lord choice, with a potent augmenting spell capability. As the current Slaaneshi Lord on Daemonic mount is somewhat dated (not to mention underwhelming rules-wise), I can see them releasing a multi-part kit with which you can build a Slaaneshi Lord, Pleasuremage or named character on Daemonic Mount. The non-mounted version of the Pleasuremage would come from a different kit, which I’ll get to. Hedonaughts (Battleline) - Though we already have one example of basic infantry in Daemonettes, it is absolutely essential for there to be a mortal ‘grunt’ unit. There needs to be a clear ‘entry level’ rung on the totem pole, a version of the everyday Slaaneshi acolyte (this is the most glaring absence in Maggotkin, detracting from the ‘papa Nurgle welcomes all’ lore). It makes sense to harken back to the hellstrider aesthetic for these foot troops, with a little less armour. This marauder equivalent would be more elite than your bloodreaver or Kairic acolyte, with combat stats closer to Idoneth thralls or Witch Aelves. They could have a close combat or ‘spell conduit’ variant, and be customizable enough to fit either a Hysh or Ulgu theme. Hellstriders (Slaanesh Battleline) - we all know and love these chaps. Their current rules are strange but work, so changing the warscroll is unnecessary. However, if you were to lean into the Hysh/Ulgu divide, you could turn the box into a dual-kit: the crested helmet and whip assembly could be a Hysh warscroll retaining the Soul-hunter rule while the mutated, bare head claw-spear version could be an Ulgu-style warscroll with different rules. Hysh-Themed Units Lord Paragon - the old Sigvald model still looks great and would represent a vain, elegant leader perfectly. He could do with a rules boost, though, to put him in line with the Mighty Lord of Khorne or a Lord Celestant. Soulwring Sommelier - a rotund lady clad in finery. She isn't quite a wizard per se, but has studied the arcane in order to master the ways of soul extraction and infuses fine wines with the captured souls of Aelves, Daemons and Mortals. This would be a versatile but short ranged support hero, with her various vintages functioning like prayers. Quicksilver Paragons (Hysh General Battleline) - Clad in gleaming plate, these are the faction’s elite warriors (equivalents of Paladins or Skullreapers with better damage output but more brittle, having 2 rather than 3 wounds). One or two in this unit are rotund gluttons. These are no yucky blightkings, though, rather Bon vivants who enjoy feasting almost as much as they enjoy fighting. Paragon Lancers - These are essentially mounted versions of the paragons, riding Slaaneshi Daemonic mounts similar to the lord (the old ‘boobsnake’ could get a complete overhaul or just a minor redesign, but should be a beefier beast than the Hellstrider steed). These warriors are so arrogant and snooty that they enter battle with blindfolds so that they need not gaze on the crude beasts they slay as well as to intensify the taste of battle on the air. Ulgu-Themed Units Blissflayer - This would be a lightning fast assassin, a loner who takes enormous pleasure in the murder of great heroes. Both in the lore and on the table, this would be your depravity point engine, and would likely have some nifty deployment shenanigans that enables him to get to protected enemy heroes. Agonic Impressionist – Where the Pleasuremage derives power from positive sensation, the Agonic Impressionist paints pure torment onto the world’s canvas. A jovial saadist clade in studs and blades, this character would come as part of the same behemoth kit as the foot Pleasuremage (as in unmounted, not a... you know). The Unsated (Ulgu General Battleline) – the unsated are perennially unsatisfied, their search for extremes having left them numb and hungry for sensation. They nit would visually harken to the sadomasochist aspects of Slaanesh, pallid bodies covered in mutations and self-inflicted mutilations. Though they lack the Paragon’s brutal combat power, they have AoE debuffs and hit-and-run tricks. They could use javelin throwing weapons, representing one of the few ranged options in the army. The Behemoth Many recent armies have more than one centerpeice model, and the mortals deserve something distinct from the Keeper of Secrets. My concept rejects the obvious ‘big beastie’ in favour of a large, mobile shrine (similar in scope to the Cauldron of Blood or Arkanaut Ironclad) which manifests the Ulg-Hysh duality in two builds. Either build is a large, ornate mobile shrine. It would be cool if it was a wagon pulled by a crowd of Slaangor, so that even if they aren’t represented in the core army there exist models to use for conversions. As for what is on top of the wagon, the platform would be modular enough to allow for the following variants: The War Banquet (Hysh) – This would be what it sounds like: a mobile feast of decadent food and drink. Honoured champions of the Slaaneshi army would be rewarded with this privilege, and the sight of them eating and drinking on the war banquet would fuel fellow warriors to the height of jealous zeal. Agonist Orchestra (Ulgu) – Replacing the banquet table would be an orchestra platform. Taking cues from the Enrapturess, the band’s instruments would be gory perversions of the mortal form: a cacophony of painful music. This would be a damage dealer, rather than the Hyshian buff engine. The orchestra’s conductor is the Agonist Impressionist, and so her infantry model is a spare from this kit. It’s also where we could get the infantry version of the Pleasuremage (considering that’s how the Cauldron of Blood and Magmadroth do it, I think it isn’t inconceivable). Other Terrain – Repository of Vice, an ornate structure of shelves filled with tomes and locked chests, each holding within them guilty secrets and hidden addictions. This could have some kind of fun temptation mechanic, wherein units the opponent sets up after deployment have a chance to be drawn to this terrain piece rather than where the opponent wants them, and perhaps dazing nearby units. Or, alternatively, it could force the opponent to reveal secrets (e.g. hidden units or being forced to commit to a specific use of command abilities a turn early). Mortals (8 New Kits) Heroes Slaaneshi Lord on Daemonic Mount (Unalinged) Pleasuremage on Daemonic Mount (Unaligned) Pleasuremage (Unaligned). Lord Paragon (Hysh) Soulwring Sommelier (Hysh) Blissflayer (Ulgu) Agonartist Mage (Ulgu) Pleasuremage on Agonist Orchestra (Ulgu) Units Hedonaughts (10 models, unaligned) Hellstriders (unaligned, though could divide into the Ulgu and Hysh Variant) Quicksilver Paragons (5 models, Hysh) Paragon Lancers (3 models, Hysh) War Banquet (Behemoth, Hysh) The Unsated (5 models Ulgu) Agonist Orchestra (Behemoth, Ulgu) So, that’s 8 new mortal kits and 2 new Daemon kits. I think that’s realistic quantity to hope for, and not impossible that the Ulg-Hysh angle is what GW will focus on. Well, those are my prediction/dream-picks. Anyone have anything they want to add/disagree with?
  21. To add to the Slaanesh speculation topic, I really REALLY REALLY don’t want the army to focus on chaos-tainted Aelves. It seems like the lazy choice that doesn’t really make much sense (as Morathi demonstrated, even Aelves who work for Slaanesh just end up as food anyway, so there’s no incentive to give into the Dark Prince). And when you think about it, the reason many mortals would turn to Slaanesh is that they desire grace, perfection and beauty, all inherently Aelven traits. Wouldn’t it be more interesting and make more sense if Slaanesh’s followers were mortals who wished they could be like Aelves? There's just a lot more appeal for me in the idea of mortal followers. It's a Chaos god which doesn't need to coerce followers through war or disease but tempts the people of the mortal realms with the opportunity to seize pleasure and perfection. I'm all about the mortals, and there are so many great possibilities the army could explore. I want them to take the Helltrider aesthetic as a baseline and expand from there, with the units reflecting the dualism of Hysh and Ulgu Slaanesh represents. More Hysh themed units would be resplendent, quicksilver paragons in gleaming plate, really embracing the ornate Greek look. The Ulgu themed contingent would visually harken to the sadomasochist aspects of Slaanesh: pierced skin, mutations and armour fused to the body. And here you've got an opportunity for divergent playstyle, with the armoured warriors being more survivable and CC damage dependent while the Ulgu reavers would have stealthy glass-canon deep-strike abilities and short-to-medium ranged shooting capabilities. That's my wishlist, though, and if we end up with Slaanesh elves I'll happily convert them.
  22. Rumours abound of the next Slaaneshi battletome. What is certain is that it'll represent a definitive direction for the god in Age of Sigmar, and so I'm anxious to see what direction they'll take it in. The rumours about Slaanesh being 'toned down' to be more child-friendly can be pretty much discounted based on the surprisingly extreme models in the Wrath and Rapture box (fiend mammary glands and the tendon harp are pretty disturbing details). However, it's not enough for Slaanesh to keep its 'teeth': what I'm looking forward to is an interesting and iconic exploration of the inherent potential of a Chaos god of 'pleasure'. GW has produced some of its best lore out of relatively limited ideas (Flesh Eater Courts and Kharadron Overlords becoming instantly iconic) so I think it's entirely possible the background writers can knock it out of the park. What follows is a kind of mix of sepculation and fan theory, trying to artoculate what I think is so interesting about Slaanesh, and why I'm so excited about a Slaaneshi mortals release. 6 Aspects of the Pleasure God The aspects are not rigid categories, and indeed a follower may embody many simultaneously to varying degrees. Each aspect describes a form of hunger for pleasure; the desire that serves as an avenue through which a person comes into the Slaaneshi fold. They're also arranged in three pairs, with each representing a contrasting duality of ways in which Slaanesh may be worshipped: a mirror of the light/dark duality. 1. Indulgence The Glutton, The Hedonist, The Debauchee Indulgence is perhaps the most commonly manifested aspect of Slaanesh, yet still comes in a variety of forms. It may be expressed through gluttony of food, drink, carnal activities or other sense-pleasures. The commonality of all such pursuit is excess; overstimulation of corporeal pleasure. Within this aspect, there is a thin yet profoundly meaningful line. It is the difference between the proudly hedonistic bon vivants and the compulsively overstimulated; the slaves to their own addiction. It is usually only the former category which has a chance to rise to the status of champion. The latter group is likely doomed to an eternal, unrestrained sensory excess. The Prince of Pleasure is grateful for this self-sacrifice, and he looks upon his thralls of addicts with fondness. 2. Neophilia The Thrill-Seeker, The Adventurer, The Explorer The neophile shares with the glutton a desire for overstimulation, but seeks it through the novel discovery of the-not-experienced. The insatiable thirst for newness means they rarely over-indulge in any one thing, but quickly tire of one activity and are thus spurred to seek another. Slaaneshi neophiles are perhaps the least reliable followers, given their penchant to abandon their masters in order to seek new adventures. They tend to favour mounts, as a good steed will allow them to cover more ground and explore more lands. They tend not to get too attached to their mount, though: there's often some strange new creature to tame just past the next hill... Aestreth the Magpie Lord, great plunderer of Ghur, was a notoriously fickle Slaaneshi champion. His military exploits earned him the favour of his patron in the form of a Demonic sword, said to have been forged from a shard of Slaanesh’s fingernail. This formidable blade earned him yet more victories… for a time. As the novelty of the weapon began to wane, so too did Aestreth’s enthusiasm. One day, he stumbled across a particularly fluorescent warpstone blade, which he pried from the dead claws of a Clan Skryre Emissary. Any Duardin could have told him that a Skaven blade isn’t worth a Grot’s expulsion. However, mesmerised by its jade glow, Aestreth dropped The Prince’s Nail into his massive hoard of trinkets and decided to use this new blade instead. Aesthreth had the misfortune to christen this warp blade in a duel with an Urruk Megaboss. The first sweep glanced off the brute’s shoulder plate and the second shattered the skaven-forged blade to the hilt, and Aesthreth soon found himself splattered into a cautionary about respecting one’s gifts. It is said that, following the Urruk massacre of Aesthreth’s Chaos horde, Aesthreth’s trove of exotic treasures is still somewhere in the realm of beasts. The Prince’s Nail waits impatiently for a new wielder. 3. Vanity The Handsome, The Aesthete, The Paragon Slaanesh’s vain followers are numerous, and it is rare for any disciple of the Dark Prince to truly not care about their appearance. However, the true path of vanity is not simply a superficial one. It is those who strive toward self-centred perfection in all things, in intelligence, grace and a thousand different skills who truly embody the path of the vain. While those who embody the aspect of dominion strive toward leadership, those who embody Slaaneshi perfectionism become leaders as a product of their quest for mastery. Thus, the selfish desire for perfection creates some of the most powerful and important leaders within the faction. This aspect's desire for power invites the lure of Tzeentch, but while the changer can only offer diverting boons and obstacles to their ambition, Slaanesh lavishes the fruits of their vain ambition with admiration. 4. Creativity The Artist, The Poet, The Musician Least likely to worship Slaanesh via the blade is the artist. Painters, musicians and poets pay homage to the dark prince with their craft tools instead. The creative aspect is similar to ‘vanity’ in a preoccupation with aestheticism. However, instead of focusing on themselves, the object of the creative follower’s aestheticism is transposed into the art. The creative aspect is perhaps most reverently respected among the Slaaneshi hosts, even if this doesn’t always extend to the creator himself. Every self-respecting Lord has a chronicler, chef and musical band: one of the perks of leadership. Most common are the various types of musicians who serve in the command of units, and these individuals invariably take more pride in their craft than the crude hornblowers and drummers of the other gods' armies. Slaanesh is the patron of all aestheticism. No piece is too explicit, too strange, or even too Heretical. There are whispers of Sylch, a mighty Slaaneshi Sorcerer Lord who resides in the Realm of Hysh. He is rumoured to have gazed upon a vision of Sigmar and has since dedicated himself to painting the god king’s likeness in portrait. Though perceived by the other chaos gods as heresy, Slaanesh has blessed Sylch for his work. The Dark Prince understands that examining and re-creating beauty is a worthy task, even if such a pursuit glorifies his enemy. For if Sigmar's glory can be painted on canvas, perhaps his power can be understood... 5. Dominion The Tyrant, The Patriarch, The Mentor This aspect is embodied both by the sadistic tyrant and the benevolent protector of his people, for the aspect does not dictate HOW the dominion is exercise, only that an individual's power/influence exerted upon others. Indeed, many a benevolent voivode who think they know best for their subjects falls into the worship of Slaanesh, who encourages them to take pleasure in their power and control. Yet this can also entail sadism and tyranny, for how the master plays with his pets is up to them. What matters is the impulse to assert one's will onto another. Mortals who embody this aspect feel the temptation of Khorne but it is only Slaanesh who allows them to savour the experience of control, while Khorne encourages domination for its own sake. 6. Submission The Acolyte, The Servant, The Maaasochist Opposite the aspect of dominion is that of the submissive. These souls are often insecure or fearful, wishing to transcend their sad existence by dedicating themselves fully to a rapturous cause. Few who worship Slaanesh recognize their 'death drive' enough to articulate it, but the dark prince senses their existential terror and gives them what they truly want: a warm, accepting oblivion. Such despondent souls might also be tempted by the embrace of Nurgle, who will free them from their pain if they give into dispair. However, Slaanesh offers them something more: if they relinquish not 'sensation' but their very 'self', they can experience the rapture of oblivion. These zealots form a foundation for any Slaaneshi revolt of civilization and they serve in the armies as loyal minions to the cause. I've fitted these aspects on the oppositional axis below, as well as which of the three categories of Slaaneshi follower the aspects tend toward (in context of how they are reacting to the absence of the god: either seeking to find him, asserting themselves as replacements or simply pretending everything is fine). This text post has gone rather long, so I'll save my speculation/wishlisting of new releases for another time. Oh, and just for purposes of starting an argument, here is my subjective ranking of the philosophical depth of each of the four chaos gods: Slaanesh Nurgle Khorne Tzeentch (Swap Nurgle and Tzeentch and that's how I rank my preference of the aesthetic style). Thanks for reading, let me know if you share my passion for the dark prince.
  23. Well, since there's a teensy baby Dankhold pup on the base of one of the five grot shamans, this could be the first unit in AoS to have a model representing its baby, adolescent and adult stages. They make a nice family photo.
  24. I've been wondering about Mollog's size. Just judging by base rim dimensions, NV's Mollog is on a 50mm. That would make him shorter in stature than the rockgut troggoths, let alone the dankhold troggoth. I'm guessing the dankhold troggoth will be a mutlipart kit in with which you can build a trogboss? Unless the mysterious white Troggoth model seen in the background of a few leaked images is the trogboss, but it looks smaller. My guess is that Mollog is an anomalously small/young dankhold.
  25. The banner has gone full gobbo loony, but I can't examine it on my phone. I assume the vid will drop any minute now.
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