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Everything posted by Furuzzolo

  1. Here we go, so, that's a report from a 2000 points game involving not 1, not 2 but 3 Gyrobombers. We played Starstrike (Cometstrike ? The one where in turn 2 and 3 comets come down and become objectives) and my list was: Grudge that reroll 1 to hit vs 4+ armor saves (I'm very sorry but english isn't my first lenguage and i don?t know the right translation to abilities etc.) Warden King -resilient-ancestral pickaxe Runelord x3 30 Hammerers 20 Ironbreakers 20 Longbeards 10 Warriors (to allow 3 ally units and screen) 20 Irondrakes 3 Gyrobombers (divided in 3 units as the matched play rules want) He had 3 units of chaos Knights, one big-15 man chosen units, 15 chaso warriors, 2 charriots, a chaos lord on manticore, a chaos lord on demonic mount, a sorcerer lord and a...slambo? Dunno about that one. I deployed very slowly (i mean placing single units or less relevant one to see his drop) trying to fool him to overdeploy on the right side but the 10 knights on the left scared me, he was very concerned about my Irondrakes. Turn 1: I let him had the first turn, he could not charge me in any scenario, so he advanced in order to secure a turn2 charge, i tried to position the longbeards and ironbreakers to absorb the hit, on the right side i repositioned my warriors, hammerers and a poor Gyrocopter to absorb the hit and let the Hammerers countercharge. Turn 2: That's the beginning of turn 2, the comet struck on the left and i started to move the Gyrobombers in that direction, he was very unlucky with charges and only 5 knights reached my ironbreakers on the left, the five in the middle charged my longbeards but turn 2 ended there, he got control of the objective. STD 2-0 Dispossessed Turn 3: He got the double turn, charged the Daemon prince OVER my longbeards, engaging the Irondrakes ( ? ), the chariot on the extreme left charged from behind (ending in 3" of the Irondrakes. Not a lucky shooting game), the Manticore and chaos warriors reached my warriors on the right side; the middle charriot was blocked by my BRAVE Gyrobomber, setting up a very good countercharge from my hammerers. I menaged to free the Irondrakes from the prince bombing mortal wound on him with the Gyrobombers but they was still engaged by the chariot. The comets struck on the enemy left side and on my right side (under my hammerers). STD 8-3 Dispossessed Turn 4: The melee was hell, at this point! Left: The Ironbreakers got the -1 rend from a Runelord and with the help of the Warden king command ability singlehandedly removed the 5 knights from the table and claimed the objective. Middle: Longbeards stood theyr ground against 5 knights and 10 chosen (thay hit hard but the longbeards gave me the one turn i needed), behind them the Irondrakes were engaged by the chariot, i decided to pickaxe them with the Warden King to setup a turn 5 steal on the enemy objective (was guarded only by the chaos lord on demonic mount, sheer number on the 9" charge could win me that). Right: Oh boys. The hammerers ran on the enemy! -1 rend from the Runelord and they removed the charriot and all the chaos warriors from the table, engaging the Chimaera. STD 10- 11 Dispossessed The end of turn 4. Turn 5: He won the roll and tried to claim the Ironbreakers objective but failed, so he called it there. Dispossessed Major victory! (Yes, we did the Hammerers battle, they killed the beast ? ) I hope you enjoyed the report, even tho my english is pretty bad. That was a list to try the Gyrobombers and my impression is that being in 3 different units they're not worth it. In a future where is possible to bring them in one unit maybe yes. 3 was way too many, i think 2 is the right number, the mobility thay have with the mortal wounds is pretty good and gave me a lot of options! One of them was used to screen hammerers, one to prevent a movement on the right from the chosen and one to be annoying on the right...the ranged weapon is average, the 4+ to mortal wound spiky.
  2. Yeah, next week i have a game booked! Gonna take notes and post a report of the Gyrobombers list. Edit: We've a small playgroup and the game-night moved to Sunday, so we'll have to wait a bit for any report..
  3. Nope, I love my Dispossessed allegiance! Maybe one day some "Legions of Na--Sigmar" book will unite some factions and let me play a regular-duardin allegiance. DispoBomber.pdf
  4. Yeah, that's right. I could maybe fit 3 in a list, so....gonna work on it!
  5. " A gyrobomber unit can have any number of models" from the warscroll.
  6. I'm going to try a 5 man unit of Gyrobomber, what you guys think? I'll obviously post the results
  7. Is kinda clunky but the Tank is fast, can pick low wounds heroes ad occupy objectives! Good one!
  8. In a mixed force i would bring a Runelord and one big Dispossessed unit. The Runelord is our standout hero with his +2 dispell and BIG rune buff. Warriors can either be deadly or very resilient, Rune-buffed!
  9. I use some "2H hammer lotr dwarf" instead of regular Warriors and the lotr ones are thin and shorter then AoS dwarves! You can definitely tell the difference on the table, not in overall size but in the body structure...if that make sense.
  10. I did some math, one month ago and the difference between the same points of warriors and ironbreaker is not massive, defensive wise (the gap is at 0 rend and -1, tho). Warriors are way more offensive; from a competitive point i think warriors are better, still bringing ironbreakers is not an huge error! I just like them... Same with the Steam Tank, i bring it to the table cause i love the model and i try to make it as effective as possible!
  11. Nope but i feel no fault in it. We played the new battleplan with the moving objective (i don't know the english name) and i controlled it in the first turn, then it moved for 3 turn in the nurgle army... I was very unlucky with it. His army was the battalion with 2 guo and rotigus, 30 bearers, 3 plague drone and chaos warrior to fill; 7 spells plus Nurgle cicle on 6 every turn. My list was: Warden King- spellmirror Runelord x3 Steam tank 30 hammerers 30 ironbreaker 10 warriors 20 irondrakes
  12. Hi fellow duardins! Yesterday night I played a 2000 points game vs. a Nurgle magic heavy list. I dropped the pickaxe for the Ulgu artefacts Spellmirror (if a friendly unit within 6 is affected by a spell roll a 5+ to ignore, if you roll a 1 the artefacts cannot be used for the rest of the battle) and it does stack very nicely with our built in 5+ magic save on units, plus it warded my runelords against spells; very good artefact if you think to face heavy magic lists, let me tell you
  13. Ok, i just noticed that in the official bases size errata all our army is on 25mm bases. Even heroes. Didn't they come in a 32mm base? I have to rebase my runelords and warden kings
  14. Around 1000 points i always felt that a flood of miniature or a really big and nasty one can dominate the game. Your list do bring ~ 80 wounds on the table and all elite units, should be good! And yes, you have a very good starting ground for your army. I would consider rebasing or adding at least 10 Longbeards to share the unit buff and build one more Runelord. One warden king should be good both for 1000 an 2000 points games. Let me know how the 1260 points list goes! N.d.r. Lately i had no time to play but i'm going to post more reports going in August!
  15. Does the Scibor 28mm size well with our duardin? Points drop+ max regiment really helped our list building. Command points added mobility options and flexibility that was really a mess, in our 1.0. Runelord is one of the best antimagic unit for 100 points, the 30" dispel and the importance of magic in 2.0 made him a champ! Irondrakes were always high damage but the short range and immovability really let them down...now they are nightmares for the enemy.
  16. DispoTank.pdf DispoMagic.pdf Does this link shenanigan work? By the way i want to test those two lists, now, but i keep fixing them and changing some bit, units etc Keep in mind that i put in first place my units preference and the models i like, not tournaments. Edit* The comet in the one with Knight Incantor is a placeholder for some endless spell.
  17. I'm a big fan of the turn1 command point, i would keep my list at 1950. For few reasons... Turn1 charge armies are popular, nurgle, all destruction, idoneth, stormcast dracoth, legion of blood, chaos alpha knights etc etc. With the Cogs endless even more easy. I think that in an event you should be ready to face at least one turn1 charge army. Sometimes you cannot avoid the 9" deepstrike rerollable charge with a smart deploy and an Inspiring Presence could change you the game. Aaaand mobility is the king in turn1-2, having a couple of commands point in the bank to reroll a vital charge, run some chaps to claim an objective could, again, change the battle. I've played both with 2000/2000 and 1940/2000 and having the extracommand is very handy!?
  18. Yeah, cause the ability state that MODELS within 8" reroll 1s to wound, not unit. That kinda sucks but still, if you menage to pull it off it can be brutal plus the warden king buff.
  19. I sometimes use 10 of them as a screen. That's maybe a problem of my playgroup but i usually face Ironjawz, big chaos monstes and (a while ago) Stormcast. Goregruntas, Chaos lord on manticore, Mawcrusha, Brutes CHOPS a 5+ save... I don't need bodies, I need chaps that can stand their ground ? By the way I'm on the Warriors "add to chart" button every day for at least 2 mins. Prove me wrong and 40 of them magicaly pops at my door!
  20. Tell us how they perform, for you! ?
  21. What's a flame cannon? Is it a compendium unit? I think that's not a pitched battle legal one...
  22. Yeah, that's the point. By the way is in the core rules, it's not goping to be optional. The rule is 1 out of 4, so you can pick 3 Dispossessed units and 1 ally unit. Then 3 Dispossessed units and 1 ally unit. And so on.
  23. I played two games with them, they're terrifying! Best units in the stock. The leader attack, doubled, can single handedly take out a monster in one turn.
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