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Everything posted by quina2525

  1. John C One pls, and stick my name in for the alpha challenge
  2. List Submission is closing in! Saturday the 30th is the deadline to remember to get them in to get your tournament points. Also still waiting for a few more payments, please get these ASAP please! 😀
  3. Tickets still available, and early ticket payment is still welcome 😊👍
  4. Hoping for Slaves/Dark oath, could be Slaanesh leather daddies 🤷‍♂️
  5. What they normally do is create the page and update that page as the info comes in. It's just a refresh job.
  6. It's up! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/08/8th-feb-lvo-studio-preview-2019-revealed-new-chaos-space-marines-sisters-of-battle-and-moregw-homepage-post-1/
  7. It's not an artifact, it's a command trait..? Not sure if that's on the rulebook or not for mounts. Don't have a rulebook at hand. Edit - Doesn't work with mounts. Just checked.
  8. Yeah for sure. I meant if you have a large unit bubble wrapping board edge to board edge. Like in a corner.
  9. It's all about deployment. You need to leave more than 3 inches between the screens and what you want to protect. That stops them charging and demolishing your screens, then chucking mortals over the screens (if they survive) into the units you don't want hit.
  10. Now accepting sign ups for teams! If you would like to enter and have no teammate, let me know and I'll put you in the singles pool to pair with another in the same boat. Looking about £16 per person for a ticket, when payment becomes available.
  11. Shroud of despair, is that the command trait for +1 bravery? Morathi can't have that no? Unique characters can't take command traits or artefacts?? Edit- Maybe a spell? Don't have the book at hand and can't remember! Edit edit. It's a spell. Ignore me 😂
  12. It's really hard to convey sarcasm in writing. But aye it's probably slaanesh but a khaine can hope!
  13. That rumour engine if deffo Daughters of Khaine underworlds warband. I can feel it right in my iron heart.
  14. I'm afraid not. I know it sucks. @jackmcmahon @The Jabber Tzeentch That's what i thought! Thanks ☺️
  15. Hi guys I can't seem to get a clear answer here. If I run a tamurkhan list. Can I actually take a maggotkin unique character. It says they can't get the TAMURKHANS HORDE key word, but the way it says "all units with the keyword benefit from the command traits" etc. Implying that they can be there without the keyword. Any also in the designers notes that ANY maggotkin unit can be taken in the army. Thoughts? Apologies if this has already been discussed, I'm only on page 12 of 59 and wanted to ask! Cheers ?
  16. Teams: 1. Team "Look out! The English are coming!" - Martin Swaffield💵 and Richard Elsdon💵 2. Team Git Gud - Liam Watt💵 and Nathan Watson💵 3. Team "Wait, what?" - Matt Rennie 💵and Stevan Ramage💵 4. Team Smash Face - Stu West💵 and Arwen West💵 5. Team "America is Really Good" - JP Ganis 💵 and John Harper 💵 6. Team Unlucky Frog - Craig Ross 💵and Ben Porter💵 7. Team Wrath and Rapture - Erik Bews💵 and Lyndon "Spadge" Sinclair💵 8. Team Fish Sticks - Craig Graham 💵 and Phil McGuiness 💵 9. Team Spoon - Gary 💵 and Will Pollock 💵 10. Team "You have goat to have herd of Khorne" - John Connelly 💵and Jack Carruthers💵 11. Team Stormbros- Graeme Davidson 💵 and Chris White 💵 12. Team "Straight outta Steppes" - Scott Smith 💵and Michael Hanns💵 13. Team Trouble and squeek - Adam Rawdon 💵 and Sam Pett 💵 14. Team "Old Boys club“ - Neil Peckett 💵and Trev Moffat💵 15. Team "Ogor powered beastmen" - Scott Pirie 💵 and David Norval 💵 16. Team" The Exiles" - Rhys Inglis 💵and Mark Tootill💵 17. Team "Change you can bereave in" - Richard Strachan💵, and Calum Todd💵 18. Team Pew Pew - Connor Gillian 💵 and William Convery 💵 19. Team Slider - Andy Hawthorne 💵 and Martin Johnstone 💵 The Reserve Team - Duffy and Mark Roberts Single players- Paul Di Duca Stephen Mccormick - Reserve
  17. until
    3 games doubles tournament. More information to follow.
  18. Event Title: Twin Realms at Common ground games, Scotland doubles event Event Author: quina2525 Calendar: Events UK Event Date: 06/04/19 09:00 AM to 06/04/19 06:30 PM Hi guys Planning a doubles tournament in Stirling, Scotland at Common ground games on the 6th April, 2019 More details to follow https://www.facebook.com/events/1686125741486739/?ti=cl Twin Realms at Common ground games, Scotland doubles event Pack found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bp2D1JKWw86EOgPGZy0Z2HO5-BQ4xFUO Lists here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rIoHxpR9pFWMaUfs_nMTtNZCWRJ3QIgM
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