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Everything posted by calcysimon

  1. They could be a new type of squigs like the nightvault ones. 😍
  2. Centipede behemoth 😍🤩 or maybe some new squigs types, like in the underworld box, mixed with night animals or plants, man-eating squig plant
  3. 4850 points only on heroes 🤣 plus 30 kings 30 chaos warrior 15 Chaos chosen proxies 30 plaguebearers and more, not a complete collection but on heroes I miss only 5-6 (archaon, twiceborn and plague furnace ecc)
  4. I am 100% sure we will see something of the keeper of secret on the last preview of wrath & repture on friday We are on the 20 next week
  5. Not always arts show new models, remember this from death guard 1 year ago
  6. What I rly hope is that khorne and slaanesh box will be a full daemon so it will be 40k/aos thing so we will not need to wait other 6 months for a new dual box army Next are darkoath and destruction factions since they waited to launch the "new warbands" for spoilers on warscrolls, we all know it, but since at the start of 2019 they need to announce slaanesh and in December they don't do new things since they need to sell the "big boxes of factions" I am rly disappointed they will come in March or after
  7. Orktober is nearly ending ? Rly hope in next week for at least some last moment reveals
  8. General's Trait work with it, u can trigger 2 effects of "start of the hero phase", u can use and trigger all the abilities as u want (only the ones that say at the start) in the chosen order With cast u can't since the start of the phase ended
  9. None of those lists fits 2000 points Only the last is near it, without chaos warriors
  10. Here is my two conversions of slaughterpriests as nurgle chaos lords, maybe I had exagerated with the blood and gore effects on the a e guy ? Added only some spikes as corruptions shoulders and my bbf typhus corruption
  11. Chaos chosen do a lot of mw if u have the wheel on +1 wound and if u have a reroll buff or a plague priest (mw on a 4+ wound on 31 3+hit attacks, not bad)
  12. Beasts of nurgle need to return at 60 points each to become playable ? Or 80 but with 1 attack with rend, just compare it to a khorgorath
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