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Everything posted by calcysimon

  1. None noticed the maggot?! But could be there to confuse us
  2. could even be a new race of flesh eaters similarr to Radukar , more beastlike, if u check the little ones from the boxed game on the 2 on the base the leg is similar, and the pose even
  3. - aos new faction - teasers about phone games - new boxed game or expansion
  4. remember that there will be 1 more hero for each faction already existing, they told us so, and they already show us 2, so maybe just 1 hint from rumours can be 1 model specific instead of multiple hints about a new faction ecc
  5. no because the hands on the flute are nurgling's one , but could be for sure a beastmaster idoneth wb , from the other hints. And idoneth submit creatures in other ways, not by music ecc
  6. oh boy Belakor wings ARE HUGE! 😍 sooooooo......maybe..........slaves to darkness will have more more stuff to come in the future
  7. imagine if they are covering a huge army by throwing us vampires models as bait to change our attention 🤔
  8. someone should update engines still not solved i am usually the one but i am kinda slacking recently
  9. Now that I think it that arm is really really skaven like, could be really some new rat kit Ooooor a nurgling hanged on a death guard bone deformation, since the hook is more advanced than a "medieval" tool
  10. There is even an engine with a sword similar with a ghoul king hand still unsolved, my guess is an elite ghoul unit or new heroes
  11. they say it but i agree too with you, that hook is planted into flesh in my opinion AND that genre of tail is the same of plenty new releases : ossiarch hero on steed with double tail, deepkin hero on big goldfish narvalo ecc, similar tail pose
  12. From builder I can't have a unit of more than 3 models as varanguard hero but I can't find something that state that I can have 1 unit of 6 as 1 hero?! Or only units of 3 counts?
  13. could be be huge singol model release? 1 for each faction
  14. WHAT ON EARTH WAS THAT....... 😂 cattle power!
  15. with 8 stegadons/bastiladons army the oobjective of the game is not points, it's a stampede 🥰
  16. Just a thing i spotted today : more than half of seraphon products are out of stock 😵 just a coincidence?! 😱
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