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Everything posted by N_Watson

  1. Ye, my local house rules ban non hero generals and also no duplicate artifacts, so i would probably take ravager as the trait with talisman on the maw krusha. With no other good battle brew option, would likely take a meteoric hammer blade on a chanter. Often overlooked item, but can be good. Megabrutes with tyrant definitely better though.
  2. I would probably go with something like this... Allegiance: DestructionLeadersMegaboss on Maw-Krusha (520)Orruk Warchanter (80)Orruk Warchanter (80)Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)Battleline3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)- Ironjawz Battleline3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)- Ironjawz Battleline3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)- Ironjawz Battleline10 x Orruk Brutes (360)- Ironjawz Battleline5 x Orruk Brutes (180)- Ironjawz BattlelineBattalionsGorefist (120)Total: 2000/2000
  3. Loving the talk of Gorefist! Might actually be not bad in the current meta with the easy turn one charge. Looking at the lists posted though, I just can't bring myself to not put the cabbage on the table. Do it with the cabbage!
  4. I have opted to got for 2*3 goregruntas myself, with the rest of list being pretty much the same. Just find myself using the ardboys to sit on an objective and the pigs can deny more space and are faster. Not to mention look better. Less bodies is a thing though. Would have replied yesterday, but was at vets night at my local GW. It takes a lot of time to type these things up, but people do read the thread and follow it. Was playing with my mates Stormcast Vs my own ironjawz list. Was hilarious watching someone else have to deal with filth for a change! Pretty much this. I have tried less than 20 brutes about 10 times now and it just doesn't fly. I think we need 6 pigs, 20 ardboys or half and half to support it, but we can reduce the number of brutes currently.
  5. Ye, I'm having a hard time settling on a list. Had most success with this (if going to SCGT i would have Mawcrusher as general also.) LeadersOrruk Megaboss (140)- General- Trait: Ravager- Artefact: Battle BrewMegaboss on Maw-Krusha (520)- Artefact: Talisman of ProtectionOrruk Warchanter (80)Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)Battleline10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)- Ironjawz Battleline5 x Orruk Brutes (180)- Ironjawz Battleline5 x Orruk Brutes (180)- Ironjawz Battleline5 x Orruk Brutes (180)- Ironjawz Battleline6 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (360)- Ironjawz BattlelineBattalionsIronfist (60)Total: 2000/2000 This might be down to the fact i haven't failed a turn one charge yet with the gruntas and cabbage, smashing out a flank. Looking forward to seeing pics of your shaman.
  6. I had been thinking about a similar list to this, but as I don't own the models and Gh2 is likely soon, didn't want to take the plunge. I can see what you mean about the above not really doing much more than pure ironjawz. If anything, it might be a little more efficient. I settled on something this list with theory hammer. Allegiance: DestructionLeadersFrostlord on Stonehorn (460)- General- Trait: Bellowing Tyrant- Artefact: Battle BrewHuskard on Thundertusk (340)- Artefact: Talisman of ProtectionMoonclan Grot Shaman (60)Battleline10 x Orruk Brutes (360)- Ironjawz Battleline5 x Orruk Brutes (180)- Ironjawz Battleline5 x Orruk Brutes (180)- Ironjawz Battleline20 x Moonclan Grots (120)- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields 3 x Ogors (120)3 x Ogors (120)BattalionsIronfist (60)Total: 2000/2000 No space for fanatics unfortunately, but feel it covers a lot of bases. Enough brutes that you can't ignore them, and a 12 wound hero with -1 to hit in combat and +4 ward can't be ignored either. Grots were just to provide bodies and deny space a bit better than Ogors do. I will twitter DM you about the Cry Havoc tournament. Don't think I have your Whatsapp. (Give me a follow so that I can DM you, haha! @SepherTV)
  7. Looking forward to seeing how you get on with mixed destruction and your SCGT prep. I'm averaging about a game a week at the moment, and still practicing pure Jawz stuff. Couple of net lists making their way into my club, so it will be interesting to see how the boyz do! The next event I'm heading to isn't allowing the megabrutes so just got to make do. Would be awesome if you could give a shout out for the event on TBS! I think i remember you shouting out a Scottish tournament at the end of last year. It's how i heard about it anyway. If you would rather no link in your thread just let me know and i will edit it out. Keep up the great work with the thread and the podcast. Also, booked into Novotel in Cardiff for Blackout, but cash poor currently. Will get a ticket asap.
  8. You legend! I'm trying to bring myself to do 3 more in 8 weeks. Gorgeous models, but they are so damn hard to paint! Looking forward to seeing these all done. Great to see this thread updated again.
  9. Looks like i will actually be able to go. Me and the Mrs-to-be are planning a road trip honeymoon, so it just so happens we will be in Cardiff this weekend. Can't believe she is ok with this! Count me in!
  10. The game we had was "Brute"al! I have been doing a little report of the games I had over the weekend in the Destruction section of this forum. I didnt' take any photos of out game though sadly http://www.tga.community/forums/topic/8446-the-iron-sunz-first-ever-tournament/ Great weekend!
  11. Hey, sent my payment and my list over John. Thanks.
  12. Was just about to provide this example. You can't argue it is against the fluff. It is in their most recent FAQ. The only reason they have to comp it is they don't like it. A bit upset that they didn't spend an extra 5 minutes of time to outline specific examples of why they are comping it and only comp those examples. No fair.
  13. @Chris Tomlin Just had a bit of a rant about this at my club as well recently. I am pretty much the only person who has an army which is reliant on inspiring presence to an extent and has no shooting/ranged threat. Nobody agrees with me that we kinda need the megabrutes to be somewhat competitive currently. They play sylvaneth, about 3 Stormcast players, one Nurgle and a few death. All of which don't really care about battleshock or have a ranged threat. Looking forward to the episode.
  14. Glad that your keeping this thread going. Helping to keep me motivated/inspired through all the painting and play-testing.
  15. You can have 1 boss per unit, so unit of 10 gets 1 boss. You can have 1 gore choppas per 5 brutes. You can have the rest in the unit as jagged gore hackas or 2 brute choppas. You can't mix and match though. I wouldn't run two units of 10 either due to battleshock being an issue. One big unit and the rest in small units will likely get you further. Rest looks ok.
  16. Looking forward to seeing the new additions. Your stuff is stunning as always. Will you be posting stuff on twitter over the weekend? Good luck in the games!
  17. I don't mind the big posts. I read all the posts though, so I would know what you are referencing on your tidied approach. Might be harder for people who don't subscribe and join in on the most recent post of the thread. Loving the update btw!
  18. As far as I am aware,yes. I'd imagine the sub lets you view all the battalion rules and stuff. From what I heard, you are not forced to subscribe, you just won't get the new list building options which I guess is like scroll builder.
  19. Not seen anyone talk about this yet. My store manager was telling me that the App is being relaunched at the end of Feb with an optional £0.99 a month subscription. For that sub, you gain access to all the points and a list building function. You can take photos of your own units to add to the list and stuff. Anyone else heard this?
  20. I tend to disagree. I believe that there are formations in this book that were in previous books, either updated or not, and the contents of a lot of what can be included in these battalions. reviewed points/rules updates. I would argue that they had every opportunity to include those battalions in this book and made a conscious decision to leave them out. Why would they go to the hassle of creating a whole new balanced army trait and update everything else, yet leave these two vanilla battalions that have a mechanic that was allowing them to over perform, that subverts the use of this new army trait? It doesn't make sense to me and arguing for the brotherhood/skyborne rules still being viable in matched play seems like grasping at straws.
  21. Will other things being used at SCGT be brought into the pack, like only leaders can be your General, or will the word of the FAQ be what is used on this one?
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