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Everything posted by hughwyeth

  1. I painted this when it came out, such a nice model!
  2. This month - 3 skyfires! Base shading done with airbrush. If these are quick, I might also try and do 10 tzaangors! Seems unlikely i'll get 3 empty days in a row as i did to do the Acolytes, but fingers crossed!
  3. Im painting the last 10 of my unit of 30! These look great dude!
  4. Same experience dude. nagash, 10 horsies and 20 skellies and plaguebearers have zero response. They're on 32mm bases, they're 120pts for 10. Make them -1 to hit in combat base, -2 if 20+. -2 to shooting base. The whole nurgle thing is resilience. Give them 3+/5+- even then they'd be only similar to pheonix guard, and without their damage output!
  5. I mean i still love Nurgle, it's just they don't have any of the tools that would really help. The wheel is actually pretty powerful, more so than most allegiance abilities. But we don't have all the extra bits, and most of our units don't stand up. My initial Nurgle list included 2x30 PBs, so i definitely agree they're good! I think there's an opportunity to really put Nurgle narrative into the rules- make them more resilient, make the weapons feel like they're absolutely filthy and contaminated with plague.
  6. Right, but you'd want 30 PBs with LoB, costing 460 points to slow down 1 enemy unit, which PBs will never manage to take off the table. It's a huge cost and only worth it against a super-high cost unit.
  7. The biggest gap for me was seeing the warscrolls for Mortek Guard and Pheonix Guard comparing to plaguebearers. Pleaguebearers have zero damage output - terrible weapon profile and 32mm base size. Their "strength" of a 5+/5++ was decent at the time, but is now barely mentionable. Pheonix Guard have 4+/4++ for 10pts more for 10, with weapons that do serious damage. Mortek Guard are insanely powerful - again 10pts more for 10. Even if plaguebearers were half points cost, is there any particular strength to them? They slightly more resilient than the average battletine, maybe?
  8. Finished another character for this month, so i beat the target! Tzaangor Shaman.
  9. Love the shading, lovely limited palette and NMM on the gold and weapons!
  10. Yes! Have the beastgrave box and wanted to do the beastmen as a little paint project.
  11. Hey tzeentchy peeps! I'm painting up a small mortal Tzeentch list because the models are amazing. Just finished some acolytes - ] I'm thinking of going Guild of Summoners as it fits the narrative background for this force, with acolyte and tzaangor units and perhaps using the Alter-Kin, Skyshoal or tzaangor coven- anyone have experience with these? I know they're not super competitive, but I'm more after a fun play experience with this force.
  12. Looking good! I'd also say a drybrush of something like a light blue over the whole wing helps make the colours blend even more and pop the colour!
  13. That wing looks great! Now to do the other 5
  14. Finished the Acolytes! Really pleased with the paintjob, think it's my best yet!
  15. Because the end of the month creeps up on ya. Gotta get the heavy lifting in early!
  16. Shield is just straight blending with glazes. The skin is more glazes on top, but leaving most of the airbrush shading coming through.
  17. More spam! Finished 1 acolyte to test out the paint scheme. I like it! The last army being FEC, with lots of gore and blood, painting bright, colourful models is nice.
  18. Didn't think I'd get time to do a battleline unit as well but I now have a week off from work, so I've started on these Acolytes. I've started with a base shade using an airbrush of purple from below and a zenithal of flesh for the bodies, to be kept for all the skin. Then mid grey base for all parts and a little shading for the base to darken the edges.
  19. Love these! looks so cool as a squad
  20. Colours look great! The basing work on the darkshards looks great too! What list are you building towards?
  21. Those are all pretty detailed models! Remember painting my first balistar and thinking "this thing is never going to end!". You got the Soul wars one or the easy to build ones? The later are even longer to paint with those bases!
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