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Everything posted by Noserenda

  1. As i understand it the initial projections for the 40k version should have lasted until Christmas-ish, i suspect the same would be true of Dominion. It was a one and done thing but not suspected to instantly sell out!
  2. Gw has been moving book production into the UK over the last few years, so it's entirely possible the new books aren't being affected by the bigger delays. That said an entirely unrelated book was delayed by the appropriate paper not being available anywhere in Europe so things are rarely simple these days... I guess check the books when they arrive and see what they say? I had heard its the same small team doing all gws apps and it's all hands on deck to get Warhammer+ up and stable so AoS got delayed a bit as it was more flexible. No idea if they are linked ofc
  3. Ahhh so you dont want critique then? Your maths on the first part seem shaky though.
  4. It would be nice to have Warcry move to Shadows given how much attention beasts is getting. You can get dawnbringers anywhere but samples/units for Eshin and Malerions lot would be AWESOME.
  5. Sounds like the usual launch day fun for this kind of thing too, subs vanishing, shonky servers, apps not working, all the bells and whistles
  6. Eh, signing up on day one seems like a mistake, you can still sign up in the next week and get the £10 bonus, will wait and see what the consensus is in the meantime. If the launch line up is as sparse as it looks i can always hold up a while, the real selling point right now is that sweet Vindicare mini and ill have to wait a year for it anyway, whats a couple more months?
  7. I think its for two reasons, pumping up those initial sub numbers with 2 months "free" (thatll also spike sales in Octoberish anyway ) and also hooking a few people who wont recall being subbed and leave the payments running anyway, which is a non trivial source of income on subscriptions and the like.
  8. They have been switching all production, including books, in country for the last couple of years precisely because of anticipated troubles, i guess we shall see what flag is on the book when we get it in November The Charge rule on the chariot sounds very good, and if all the hounds get that Interceptor rule as well as the hit and run i might well have to paint some up!
  9. They seem to be all hands on deck for Warhammer+, to the extent that they are stacking up irritants for their players, one after the other these things are mounting up to wreck the launch they are seemingly working so hard to support...
  10. Ooof a fair amount of sense in the rumours amongst the REEE-ing but i cant lie, Squatting AT would put me on a warpath, best game GW has made in years.
  11. Yeah big same with my stormcast, i was all aboard for the new style minis but now im not even sure ill get the army book. Though, also very much the same for Kill team, the roadmap for that was the last nail in the coffin if there will be starter boxes with forces i actually want in rather than kinda fancy but the seemingly endless previews for both have had a huge chilling effect.
  12. With playtesters involved in running tournaments i guess we shall see what they think as the scene recovers from Covid as they are likely to know better than most.
  13. Im relatively new to actively playing AoS but d6 mortal wounds seems super puny for a humongous dragon, even if the range is a lot longer than the olde dragons.
  14. Oh yeah theres that one and another where someone has done similar but unified a Brutes armour, Kruel boy shield and Savage orcs warpaint so they have that colour theming too.
  15. Ive seen some examples of the Orc types painted in unified schemes and they look a LOT better, but painted as three entirely separate armies they obviously dont.
  16. Apologies if its obvious but can you take two of the same core battalion in an army? If you can, and you take two Warlord battalions does that mean you have two "Strategists" icons and can use each "once per game" ability once, so twice in total?
  17. Well they did it once and it immediately went horribly wrong Fingers crossed itll do better this time!
  18. I mean if there are more Kruelboyz coming we will almost certainly see tham tomorrow...
  19. The app news is disappointing but not surprising, the 40k app was late and then a complete shitshow barely making it to functionality months after release, ill bet if anything that has knocked on to the AoS version too given how cheap GW is.
  20. Yes, thats exactly what i mean, its there in name but gets no where close to the focus, releases, white dwarf coverage etc etc. Its a specialist game they have to treat differently due to the license.
  21. LOTR was huge in its time, i was working front line for most of the original film tie ins runs and it was at least as popular as Warhammer, though the player age did skew a bit lower. It still has a dedicated following but im not sure how much of GW's insane growth the last few years has translated across to it. Like, i recall the Return of the King release being a huge spike in GW profits but its barely visible on a line graph now given how the numbers have grown since (mostly) 40k 8th's release.
  22. I think initially they may have planned to just speed up releases due to the system reset but apparently they like the increased release speed and have permanently expanded the teams to support this, pretty sure its just the pandemic and the shipping problems slowing releases right now, though hopefully not as badly as last year!
  23. Lotr is not a core game any more though, and hasnt been for years either. I suspect its just the licensing thats stopped it officially being added to specialist games but its there in all but name, a bit like the limbo Age of Darkness lives in but better supported.
  24. I cant imagine they are mad enough to push another core game in their less popular genre with a huge buy in and no crossover potential, though the way they treat HH does foreshadow that i guess.
  25. Getting painful now, my regular opponent and i are waiting on those battletomes before getting too in depth on the edition as they are the main armies we are running right now. Between this and the complete absence of Titanicus news its a lot of wheelspinning from GW
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