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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. 2 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Wanting to get back on to the topic of rumours. There is a type of creature that is not currently present in Warhammer and I deeply want to see represented as a neutral beast. Where are my Unicorns at?


  2. 1 hour ago, FFJump said:

    I've seen mixed reactions to them. They're either you love them or you hate them. Personally, they're my favorite models from the set. I love how they look, but it might be my Chaos Dwarf bias. I'm a huge fan of their skin color too, I'm glad GW actually made a paint for them (Hobgrot Hide) because I'm painting them that way. I know the color looks like puke basically, but I like how distinct it is in a sea of green, while not being horribly out of place. It really points out hey, these aren't orruks or typical grots. I'm kind of hoping they have hobgrot wolf riders and a leader too so I could make a pure hobgrot army :P

    I 100% agree with you (the Gutrippaz being close second). 

    And I'd really like if the "wolf riders" hinted at by our reliable rumor mongers were of the same style. The current Underworld wolf grots unit is EXCELLENT, but without any design divergences from the WFB unit of old, and with The Old World coming in a few short years, we strongly need clear design differences between AOS and TOW-WFB units.

  3. 5 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Malign Portents lasted 200 years and 3.0 is already hinting at a big timeskip.

    Apparently not : GW hinted at the lore being slightly reworked, and BR Kragnos confirmed again that the Age of Chaos lasted around 500 years (that was already known and confirmed) but specified that the time during the Realmgate Wars and the end of the Soul Wars (so including the Season Of War and the Time Of Tribulation) was like 100-150 years (see BR : Kragnos, page 4, about the Dirgehorn).

    We know Kragnos will come back with Kruleboyz forces to Thondia soon, and the "Cursed Skies + return of Grungni" plot line at the end of Broken Realms directly ties-in with the deployment of the Thuderstrikes Hosts SCE, so no big time skip here either. 

  4. On 6/5/2021 at 8:52 PM, Captain Marius said:

    Now i have my hands on the book and having avoided spoilers i am extremely satisfied with how it plays out. Gordrakk and Skagrott get some great screen time at last, and the duel between Gordrakk, Bigteef and Kragnos is suitably epic. Snazzgar's brutal death was a great character moment for Gordrakk. The Slaaneshi plot to seed a rift between men and aelves has some great potential, as does be'lakor chatting with the twins in the realm of Chaos. Kroak regarding Gardus as a fulcrum of the Great Plan is excellent, as is Nagash letting Teclis know its far from over. I like Kragnos leaving to smash some drakes and attracting the attention of the local Kruleboys. Morathi rejecting the judgment of the Celestant Prime as she is a god and can do what she wants cements her new role and repairs the grand alliance of Order at least for now. My absolute favourite reveal though is Grungni very strongly being implicated as having been the white dwarf all along, tying in nicely with the ongoing stories in WD and his appearance in BR Belakor. Great stuff and a solid finish to the Broken Realms series!

    You and @Baron Klatz are quite right and the Broken Realms narrative arc was really well handed IMO (by the four books, the free stories and the five BL shorts). And BR : Kragnos had great moments (tie-in with many plot lines, the persecutions of the Aelves, the "worldbuiling" around Kragnos and Ghur, the various strategies of Waaagh Gordrakk to attack Excelsis with false mercenaries, sea-borne ships and gargants, Troggoth human shields, etc.).

    But I can only concur with others in the thread that there was some weak spots in the story too, mainly how some characters' power level were handed. @The Brotherhood of Necros really nailed it for Kroak (I just re-read the 6th ed. Army Book chapter about The Fall ❤️ ). And even if having the focus shifts from Gods, Daemons, Monsters and "common" humans (the Ven Denst) was great, I think the Newborn as a formidable force of Chaos and inheritor of a god had an underserving story line... 

    So I agree : where were Sigvald and the Palanquin guy ? What was the point of Hammergrod and Gordrakk defeat against Kragnos then some Liberators ? Kroak and Morathi-Khaine pulling a "Tzeentch Illusion to get Sigmar to throw Ghal Maraz in a Chaos Portal" trick to redirect Kragnos was cheap... (it was hinted in the Kroak reveal trailer, but still...). They could just have given a reason for Kroak NOT doing another spell to emprison him again (I guess Dracothion wasn't around this time ?).

    Anyway, I'm looking forward for the Era Of The Beasts fluff, and my main grip with BR : Kragnos only was : WHERE ARE THE YEARS OLD EXCELSIS ARTWORKS, GW ?? :P

    • Like 3
  5. 21 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:


    I’m thoroughly disappointed that Lookout Sir! is still only a -1 to hit. That is a mistake imo. 

    Well, I too want to see Shooting nerfed... But the layout redesign and the new options for 1. Army building in Matched Play, 2. more versatility for Heroes and 3. Monsters getting more dangerous are IMO very interesting changes.


    Only thing I'm really afraid of (implied in the interview) : the transformation of the A4 version of the General's Handbook into those small, fragile looking booklets Ala 40k Chapter Approved with swirly binding...

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    But aren't they more like events instead of new Factions ?

    IIRC the Indomitus Crusade in 40k isn't a Faction per se, it's just an historical event where you can mix all your Imperial forces, just like here we'll apparently see Stormcast, Duardin and Humans crusading together :) ;)

    @Chikout the Order of Azyr being a subfaction of the Devoted is known fact since Grand Alliance : Order release in 2015. Given flagellant still has the Devoted keyword (like the Excelsior Warpriest had), and the new Priestess and Witch Hunters in Cursed City and BR : Kragnos belongs to the Order or the Sigmarite Faith, if GW updates Cities of Sigmar I guess it will be via the Devoted 😍

    @CommissarRotke the War Altar are classic WFB arts, it's 40k that stole from us ! :P

    • Like 1
  7. Well, a 1 hour 30 min long show ? Didn't expect that ! 

    As @Overread said, the Kruleboyz Orruks are a fantastic design mix of Oldhammer Orcs, 80's LOTR artworks and modern AOS plastic technology. Glad they take the Greenskinz slot in the wider Orruk Warclans, they fit that niche very well with their new spin.

    I really like the Hobgobs look. Interesting racial feature (Orange Greenskinz ??) and great armor design. Another nod at Chaos Duardin makes me think they clearly will be the new Chaos army for 3rd Edition. Remember Chaos Duardin were present in many places in AOS 2 (Core Book with artwork of their naval fortress in Shyish and lore, Warcry with two models, STD and SOB Battletomes with lore, and BL background even before their squatting by FW).

    The Thunderstrike Stormcast are everything I wanted. Everything. As our Hype prophet hinted, I hope we'll get more redesigns (mostly new DRAKES!!!) this summer.

    And as @Chikout pointed out, I'm also very glad we'll apparently see new Azyrite Scenery that are  NOT Age of Myths ruins (if those aren't 3d Printed like the OBR bone fortress.....).

    NB : the first SCE Vindictor shown isn't in Dominion, I guess he'll come with a White Dwarf or an ETB kit (sculpted base and all that).....



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  8. 1 minute ago, Tiberius501 said:

    I really hope this book is indicative of what 3rd will be like. It’d be a far more enjoyable experience if all books were at this level. Some of the combo building of other factions are absurd in 2nd Ed. 

    I 100% agree (even if, by an in-universe point of view, Daemons, Seraphon and KO should be strong - given their technology, magic, mobility and/or fire power. Alas for me the Legion of the First Prince isn't as strong as Daemons were in WFB 7th ed. :P).

    I have to say I cannot wait to see the rest of the Thunderstrike Hosts range for SCE as well as their rules - I hope they play a bit like Adeptus Custodes, aka a truly elite army. 

    .... Also, if the Thunderstrike Hosts really are a Warrior AND Extremis Chambers reboot (aka SCE Wave 1 redesign), I want to see new Drakes for our heavenly legions 😍

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  9. I'm still 100% sure TOW will be the right size (aka 28-32mm Heroic scale). 

    On a related note, the TWW III trailer was quite interesting. As other have said, we have pretty High Fantasy looking units for Kislev, and straight-out-of-AOS Blood Warriors for the Khorne-marked Chaos Warriors....

    I'm just bothered by the fact there seem to be no big distance between Northern Kislev (aka Troll Country) and the Realm Of Chaos. The Kislevite and her bear just walked through a forest and ended up in front of the very BRASS CITADEL.

    Did they forgot Norsca and the deadly Chaos Wastes inbetween Kislev and the Chaos rift at the North Pole ??? Which should also kill the girl and mutate the bear at the very least :D

    That sight (which was probably just a "vision") with Khorne's shadow at the end was dope though :P

  10. I'm glad we are getting Vampires just after Warhammer Fest ! That was a strange week, full of unexpected ups and downs... But well, OH BOY AM I HAPPY TO FINALLY SEE AOS 3RD EDITION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The rules looks good (with confirmations of Grimdark Live and ListLab leaks), and I'm sure the AOS team did a good job to clarify and upgrade them.

    What I absolutely LOVE are the fluff snippets ; 

    • Return the focus to AOS1 post apocalyptic fluff : the Mortal Realms are still Hellish Wastelands dominated mainly by Chaos (as seen in Warcry and the Slaves to Darkness battletome) ; but Order launches "Dawnbringer" Crusades, so Hope persists 😍 (Also : another mention of Grugni - with Grombrindal, Duardrazhal and Be'lakor - really hints at an eventual Dispossessed / Chamon Duardin release soon-ish !).
    • Meanwhile, ERA OF THE BEAST and Destruction on the rise, it really was their time (really looking forward to the new grimdarky Swamp Gobs if the hints are true ;) ).
    • The new Stormcast Eternals are incredible (... even most of that other hellish wasteland that is 4chan seems to agree). And just like I hopped this new wave looks like a Warrior Chamber reboot with new "Celestant" and "Paladin" types models. I can see how they were referred to as "Knighlty" (instead of "Brets") : in the sense that their armors and weapons are more "realistic" looking (with better proportions, leather straps, etc.), but still their own thing (Art Deco, greco-roman themes, Medieval / Renaissance celestial imagery, etc.). Also, kind of an Adeptus Custodes stance for the Vindictors, love it.

    In short : BRING IT ON ❤️ 

    • Like 14
  11. 3 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Did I use the word "leaks"? I feel you might need to figure out what quotation marks are used for.

    You might want to read a few posts above in the thread before snapping like this ? 

    3 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Yep, I can confirm that


      Reveal hidden contents



    What do you think ? The photos might not really be from the show, but the cast (and the reveal date) can still be legit....  

    I sincerely hope we got AOS 3rd on Saturday so I may be biased :P 

  12. 3 minutes ago, zamerion said:

    What makes me pissed off is the currency of this month. Why a sigmar symbol if there is nothing related?



    It's a bit crazy, but what if on the 15th the vampires are released along with the book of kragnos and on the 29th will be the box of the new edition?

    The Ghal Maraz coin, the absence of AOS novels and the AOS banner on the WarCom website are IMO good enough hints we'll get something Saturday...

    • Like 6
  13. 1 minute ago, Whitefang said:

    IMHO, I personally believe and think GW has almost reached their practical limitation of factions they can have at once.

    Which means beside the necessary new faction such as Mally and Grungni’s buddies (no read into these, we know they will eventually come despite how long it takes) we are unlikely to see splitting current factions.

    Certainly, we "know" we'll eventually get Grungni's "consolidated" Duardins, Malerion's Shadow Aelves, Kurnothi (as Sylvaneth thrid Wave ?), "consolidated" Orruk Warclans / Greenskinsz, and new Stormcasts (with hopefully common Azyrite Humans auxiliary if we do not get anything new for CoS proper). AND Tyrion and the other two Lumineth Temples.....

    That's still a lot. I'd like to see updates for BoC, Skaven, IDK, Fyreslayer, maybe Ossiarch and Kharadron ....

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Jeremierty said:

    he HEAVILY hinted


    I watched it too. Can confirm. 

    A credible person (the likes of Whitefang trust me) said this summer would be GREAT. 

    And apparently the SCE are worth the wait... BRING IT ON

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  15. 4 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    Yeah. To be honest, they could have just done it Saturday-Sunday like it would be usually and it would have been much better. 

    Yeah, this. 

    Let's hope we get AOS 3.0 on Saturday and that it'll save the week ;) 

  16. 1 hour ago, Whitefang said:

    Interesting art, see that dragon?

    It has twin tails

    Like, uh, a ... TWIN TAILED COMET ? .... Is it Azyrite ? Is it Dracothion ? 

    You're like the Oracle Of Hype :P

    Btw those dragons really looks like the Stardrakes (notably the ones in the Kragnos Trailer). PS : for those wondering, the "Cave paintings" artwork comes from the Warhammer Instagram page. 

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  17. 6 hours ago, BrownDog said:

    Hey all, let's temper expectations a little. For all we know the preview will be further Gravelord models and another Broken Realms book. I've seen angry disappointment too many times on the forum during previews.

    Well, yeah. 

    I have to say that IF we "only" get to see the end of the Soulblight range (aka Demi Drake Vampire Lady and Dire Wolves) and Kragnos, I'll be pretty disappointed. Also if we get news about years-ahead TOW and nothing for AOS 3....

    Getting Idoneth for WHU is also a probable option, but not much to add to that "AOS" sum.. (also if we don't get any news for WHQuest or Wacry....).

    BUT we are in May, at big event Warhammer Quest, with tons of rumors and leaks and a AOSified Ghal Maraz collectible coin, so I still have hope ! If it isn't shown Monday, it will be Saturday :P

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