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Everything posted by svnvaldez

  1. Other stuff got better in the game imo. Last time I remember him being good in combat was when it was just the 4 GA books. His scroll is fine... but the game isn't about your scroll now. It's about the tomes interactions. He's just a slow dude on foot. His CA is usable thou if you build around it.
  2. Yes I believe the poster has a typo. They use to be 3 so I understand the error. Ironically I own 6. Do not really want to ebay 2 more so if someone wants to pick up 2 from me they can go ahead!
  3. I spend far more in paints (a silly amount) monthly than I do in models. Armies being rarer bulk purchases.
  4. I’m only skimming but I didn’t read enough mentions of warcry. Warcry is an amazing way to start the hobby for young ppl or ppl on a budget. 2k is an awful way to start AOS imo. Start at warcry then move to meeting engagements. If Warcry was around when I was a kid I think a lot more of my buddies would have started to play table top games.
  5. I would disagree. More likely that they will recieve supplemental support or some in AOS3.0. It feels like a highter up said we need to get all armies we are keeping up to date rules wise by the end of the year regardless of whether or not we have new models for them.
  6. Mid-tier. I don't think they are trash. I don't think any build in the book can touch Slaanesh, but I think Slaanesh needs an FAQ. When writing lists I would focus on what you may want if you play an army like say DoK, Fryreslayers, Skaven, FeC, Clans, etc. If you have a list your comfortable vs those tomes with I think you'll be in a good position. I'd build around a unit of 12 gluttons. Maybe Large units of leadblechers in Underguts. I'm going to start my lists with 2xFL on Stonehorn and 12x1 gluttons. Aim is for it to be fun and playable. It will get crushed in a poor match up.
  7. Totally agree. Model and Lore the game is 10/10. Rules wise GW just needs to keep up with FAQs and the move to 6 month pointing was helpful. It concerns me that slaanesh summoning has not been fixed yet. It makes me feel like GW doesnt give a **** about the overall balance of top end builds. If GW fixed the most abusive builds the game would go from a good game to a great game imo
  8. What are people’s opinions? In pissed this was not in the FAQ or confirmation that it is intended that BigG can have a mount trait.
  9. Then you can watch him win it! The Ironsunz counter charge was epic and game winning.
  10. There are some inconsistencies with Gloomspite and the base size document. Unless they updated it loonboss with cave squig is still on 25mm when clearly he shouldn't be. The base size document was sorely needed when it came out but I don't think GW keeps it up to date (and frankly they don't need to other than these rare cases with old models). I'll be rebasing my butcher to a 50mm. Seems like the intent.
  11. Because they are finecast models that GW wants to slowly phase out imo
  12. The answer at most tourneys is just bring something stronger. I’ve always viewed tourneys as taking a list that has a lot of good matchups and will auto win 70-80% of games and then in bad match ups make sure you have the tools to compete and make the other guy play for the win. Thats about 1k right? 2x keepers or 2x FEC monsters would clean most things up. It all about if you wanna meta chase or just semi optimize your fav army so you at least have a shot vs good stuff.
  13. Yea I think it’s awesome you can take them in the army. They make cheap battle line which is cool! I just don’t believe they are that great. Which I think is a good thing. Use them if you want, but they won’t be tabling people.
  14. His CA use to be stackable which made him amazing. Yesterdays FAQ made it non stackable. For 140 points there are better options but he is still usable. The perfect place for old units imo.
  15. I think all their rules have been adjusted so that they are a sub par generic army. No real tricks and slightly overpriced. Which is great imo. Literally zero people should have a complaint playing them. Same with TK, they are legal now (in GH) but don’t do much. This was not the case 2 years ago. TK were really good and that was a problem since imo it’s not great for the game to have a squatted army on the top tables.
  16. If you were playing a very large game an had allies? Ironfist is... 90+90+90+110+160=540 maybe there is a size that allows that. Maybe open plan has no ally restrictions? you can’t use it in 2k thou.
  17. The Orruks book did not remove any warscrolls. However, there were only 3 warscrolls with finecast models (the 3 savage orc characters). Would have been pretty infeasible to remove all of the heroes for BS. Cities removed a ton of warscrolls with models who were either old plastics or finecast. The difference was that for each unit type they removed there was a similar unit with a newer plastic which was kept. All old plastics and finecasts are always on the chopping block. Just a matter of time before they remove or replace all of it. I would think that the butcher and the firebelly are pretty safe this time around. I worry about yhetees and hunters. But who knows. I had thought they would remove gnoblars but it does not appear they will.
  18. For about the last 6 months yes. Before then no.
  19. I have the same question... I know it is way to early for a definitive answer. Also how do people like to arm the pigs? the spear or the choppa. My gut says go with rip tooth for MK and go with spears for pigs... literally the opposite way I have mine built. I'm a firm believer that GW just rotates the optimal weapon set up so people who don't want to magnetize, yet play WYSIWYG will go out and buy duplicates lol
  20. Hahaha I love the thought. I tried multiple times to make 3 FLs work. 2 was better. Also Ardboyz need to be 10+ to be battleline. I missed that as well on the first read.
  21. Forget the discussion of whether AOS is balance / should be more balanced / Etc Those two principal problems imo lead to a non interactive game. Non interaction does not lead to a fun game in any setting i think. AOS seems to have had waves of non interaction with slaanesh being particularly bad currently.
  22. Should be monday (10/21) morning. Generally around 10ish am PST.
  23. I think you will do very well with it
  24. I'm not sold that the HoG spell is all that good. Casting value seems high with limited ways to get + to cast. If you plan to HoG something I much prefer taking the artifact from bloodtoofs. I think 1 Warchanter will be auto include in every list (even at 700 points). Are you guys playing a Vanguard pitched battle (pg. 54 of the GH19)? rather than a Battlehost or a Warhost pitched battle or say a meeting engagement (pg. 72 of the GH19)? Vanguards only require 2 battleline. maybe think about something like this? Allegiance: Ironjawz Leaders Orruk Warchanter (110) Battleline 6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320) - Pig-iron Choppas 15 x Orruk Ardboys (270) Total: 700 / 1000
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