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Everything posted by TalesOfSigmar

  1. It says in the article that the Shrine is a free terrain piece for a Khorne army.
  2. Loving those Judgements of Khorne. Can see the Skulls and the Axe being used quite a bit, great that we can only control them unlike Endless spells where it's dependant on who's taking 2nd turn etc. Those Skulls doing -2 to cast, unmodified 8 to cast makes it unbound and forgot the spell + the D6 Mortal Wounds to all Wizards within 12". Imagine Nagash forgetting his spells and blowing him and his friends up haha
  3. I think alot of people convert them with Stormvermin and 40K Skitarri bits. Think it's not financially viable to buy legit models for a full unit!
  4. Cannot wait for this, already got a sizeable 4K Khorne army and adding more to it as we speak. Meant to be taking Khorne to the Justice Series Grand Tournament end of the month, so hopefully my list that I'm building and painting at the moment isn't invalid with the new book haha. Can't wait to see what the Judgements do. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!
  5. Think I've settled on a list to take to Justice Series end of the month, it's the Stop Hitting Yourself Build along with Gorepilgrims for a 3 drop army. Basically the 2 x 10 Blood Warriors are in the Bloodforged batallion so ignore Rend 1 and have a chance to make enemies within 3" of them in the Hero Phase attack themselves on a roll of a 6. The small unit of 5 are more to fill the Gore Pilgrims requirement. Skarr Bloodwrath is there to charge into hordes and smash stuff up, die and then resurrect and do it all over again. 3 Units of Wrathmongers to boost attacks and make opponent hit themselves when they kill the Wrathmongers. Opinions? Allegiance: Khorne Leaders Bloodsecrator (140) Slaughterpriest (100) Slaughterpriest (100) Skullgrinder (80) Skarr Bloodwrath (80) Battleline 10 x Blood Warriors (200) - Goreaxes 10 x Blood Warriors (200) - Goreaxes 10 x Bloodreavers (70) - Reaver Blades 5 x Blood Warriors (100) - Goreaxe & Gorefist Units 5 x Wrathmongers (180) 5 x Wrathmongers (180) 5 x Wrathmongers (180) Battalions Gore Pilgrims (200) Bloodforged (160) Total: 1970 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 2 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 132
  6. So with the rise of the Alpha big scary monsters what's people's opinions on this? The batallion ignores Rend 1, and also targets all models within 3" of a unit from the formation (Wrathmongers and Blood Warriors) and on a 6 they attack their own unit or themselves. Wrathmongers to make people start hitting themselves when they kill the Wrathmongers. I can just imagine 4 FEC Dragons hitting themselves to death...... Allegiance: Khorne Leaders Bloodsecrator (140) Skullgrinder (80) Skarr Bloodwrath (80) Slaughterpriest (100) Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrathhammer (100) Battleline 10 x Bloodreavers (70) - Meatripper Axes 10 x Bloodreavers (70) - Meatripper Axes 10 x Bloodreavers (70) - Meatripper Axes 10 x Blood Warriors (200) - Goreaxes - 1x Goreglaives 10 x Blood Warriors (200) - Goreaxes - 1x Goreglaives Units 5 x Wrathmongers (180) 5 x Wrathmongers (180) 5 x Wrathmongers (180) 5 x Wrathmongers (180) Battalions Bloodforged (160) Total: 1990 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 157
  7. Painted up a Nagash army in the last week and a bit and ended up winning a 20-Player one dayer this weekend running Grand Host of Nagash and the following list; Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash Mortal Realm: Hysh Leaders Nagash Supreme Lord of the Undead (800) - General - Lores of the Dead Spell 1: Amaranthine Orb (Vampires) - Lores of the Dead Spell 2: Soul Harvest (Deathmages) - Lores of the Dead Spell 3: Pinions (Vampires) Necromancer (110) - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread Guardian of Souls with Mortality Glass (140) Battleline 10 x Chainrasp Horde (80) 5 x Dire Wolves (60) 5 x Dire Wolves (60) Units 30 x Grimghast Reapers (360) 20 x Grimghast Reapers (280) Endless Spells Umbral Spellportal (60) Total: 1950 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 106 Game 1 was Scorched Earth against a Gloomspite army with a Troggherd (Troggboss, Mollorg, Dankhold Troggoth, 2 x 3 Rockgut Troggoths) and then a Loonboss on Mangler, 40 Shootas and a couple of fungoid shamans. Hand of dusted the Mangler off after it ran up the board hoping to turn one charge. Magic’ed off a couple of the Rockgut’s and then made my charge with both 20 and 30 Grimghasts and Nagash. Proceeded to chop through the majority of the army, the two Dankhold Trolls wiped the 20 Grimghast but then Nagash between magic, shooting and combat managed to take both out in one turn. Major victory and only lost the 20 Grimghast. Game 2 was Starstrike against a Clans Pestilence Army (120 Plague Monks – 3 x 40 units, Furnace, Verminlord Corruptor, Grey Seer on Bell, 2 x 5 Censar bearers). First turn was a bit sketchy with opponent taking the first turn and moving cautiously forward. I sacrificed the 20 Grimghast turn one with the Vanhel’s, temporal location spell moving them 6” and then with their move and charge went into 40 Plague Monks and the screaming bell. I took off 20 monks in the first combat and then for some reason he activated the bell to attack next despite me pointing out they can pile in and attack again. The Grimghast then killed another 12 monks leaving 8 left in the unit. Next turn the Grimghast finished them off only to be hit by the next wave of 40 that killed them straight out. On the other flank the remaining 40 monks buffed up with +1 attack and rerolling all hits and wounds went into the 30 Grimghast. In total 70 damage dealt and then with my Re-Roll save triumph, death save and having the unit wrapped around mystical terrain only 6 Grimghast died! The look on my opponents face…..priceless. The 30 Reapers then obliterated the Monks, Nagash hand of dusted both the Bell and Furnace off and brought back the 20 Grimghasts. Held all three objectives for the win. Game 3 was 3 Places of Arcane Power against a mixed Skaventide army – (Verminlord Warpseer, 2 Grey Seers, Arch Warlock, Warlock Engineer, 3 x 20 Clan Rats, 2 x 10 Giant Rats, 2 x Warp Lightening Cannons and a Hellpit). Wasn’t looking forward to this as I knew with only Nagash and two squishy heroes I was already on the backfoot. I gave him first turn and he skitterleaped the Arch Warlock onto the corner objective where his gnawhole was and cast Geminids onto the 30 Grimghast to make them -1 Hit/-1 Attack, he then brought through a Hellpit and made the 9” charge into the 30 Grimghast. Thankfully made majority of my saves and only five died. My turn I moved the Grimghast out of combat using the spell and towards the Arch Warlock and Nagash came to the side and took the Hellpit off in the first turn of combat. 30 Grimghast took out the Warlock and Nagash spent the whole game sitting on that corner objective surrounded by 30 Grimghast. He was in range of the middle objective to spell any little heroes that tried grabbing it and then threw 10 dogs onto the centre to stop any heroes skitterleaping. The opposite corner my Necromancer held the objective backed up by the Guardian of Souls and 20 Grimghast. He failed his 9” charge with the Warpseer and then spent the whole game fighting 20 Grimghast that just kept regenerating. His Warp Lightening cannons couldn’t target the Necromancer who was hid behind a tree. Ended up winning 20-2 on objectives. Wasn’t expecting to take out the event, my dice were on point for the majority of the day and Nagash can truly just shut down hero phases if he’s in range to dispel. Grimghasts are crazy good and the Guardian of Souls didn’t really get to use his charge shortening abilities much but that 6” move in the hero phase (including out of combat) is amazing to really increase the threat of the Grimghasts.
  8. The official base size from GW is 60 x 35 oval as described here - https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Core-Rules-and-Bases-Sizes-EN.pdf
  9. Wondering what people thought of this list. Considering running it in a couple of weeks time.
  10. Hey guys, looking at starting Sylvaneth again. I ran them back when the book originally came out and it's the one army down the line I've ever regretted selling. I used to run the Household/Gnarlroot formation with 18 Hunters at the time.... so it's odd writing lists with so many Dryads for objective holding this time. Was hoping I could get some feedback on a potential list, I was toying between the Evocators or two Stormcast Ballistas. I'm just not sure how well the ranged artillery will work with the woods blocking their line of sight. Allegiance: Sylvaneth Leaders Alarielle the Everqueen (600) Branchwraith (80) Branchwych (80) Knight-Heraldor (100) - Allies Battleline 30 x Dryads (270) 10 x Dryads (100) 10 x Dryads (100) 10 x Dryads (100) 5 x Tree-Revenants (80) Units 5 x Evocators (200) Battalions Forest Folk (140) Winterleaf Wargrove (90) Endless Spells Chronomantic Cogs (60) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 2 Allies: 100 / 400 Wounds: 111
  11. Cheers for the advice, I did toy between the Vampire Lord and the Guardian however the Guardian of Souls is the Birthday Store exclusive one (the spell lets a Nighthaunt unit move 6" in the Hero Phase) meaning the Reapers are moving 14". Also any enemy units within 9" of him can only charge on a 1D6" which can hopefully hinder some units. The reapers for me are fast, multiple attacks and have rend, something I feel alot of the death units lack without having to spend alot of points (Morghasts etc). 4+ unrendable and the fact I can get them to pile in twice I'm hoping they can do the damage while also capturing objectives with their numbers. Might have my first game on Thursday against Skaven so will see how I do then.
  12. Wondering whether I could get some thoughts on this list; Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash Mortal Realm: Hysh Leaders Nagash Supreme Lord of the Undead (800) - General - Lores of the Dead Spell 1: Amaranthine Orb (Vampires) - Lores of the Dead Spell 2: Soul Harvest (Deathmages) - Lores of the Dead Spell 3: Vile Transference (Vampires) Necromancer (110) - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread Guardian of Souls with Mortality Glass (140) Battleline 10 x Chainrasp Horde (80) 5 x Dire Wolves (60) 5 x Dire Wolves (60) Units 30 x Grimghast Reapers (360) 20 x Grimghast Reapers (280) Endless Spells Umbral Spellportal (60) Total: 1950 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 106
  13. Was great meeting you @Tzeentchmike and was great chatting all things Slaanesh, your army is beautiful! Chariot list was great fun to play all weekend, finished with 2 Major Wins (Both against new Stormcast), 1 Minor Win, and 2 Major Losses. Could've got a Major Win in my last game which would've had me finishing about 17th but I failed a 9" re-rolling charge on my Daemonettes and couldn't get the objective. Annoying as I'd made my 9" charge with all my units basically every game I summoned! But hey these things happened. Meant I finished 44th out of 88. Off to the Howling in two weeks time with the same list, this time though we're not limited to what we can summon so should be able to bring back the Keeper of Secrets if needed. I have considered getting and painting an Exalted for the weekend to summon but not sure I've got the time/money to build and paint one in a fortnight. Archaon and Varanguard were fun to use too, cannot wait to see what bonuses/buffs Archaon can get when we finally get a new book out. Have been looking at more stupid lists for Slaanesh. If I dropped one seeker chariot, Varangaurd and Archaon I could run this.... Allegiance: Slaanesh Leaders Exalted Greater Daemon of Slaanesh (440) - Dimensional Blade Keeper Of Secrets (260) Keeper Of Secrets (260) Keeper Of Secrets (260) Herald Of Slaanesh on Exalted Seeker Chariot (160) - General Herald Of Slaanesh on Seeker Chariot (100) Battleline 1 x Seeker Chariots Of Slaanesh (80) 1 x Seeker Chariots Of Slaanesh (80) 1 x Seeker Chariots Of Slaanesh (80) 1 x Seeker Chariots Of Slaanesh (80) Units 1 x Exalted Seeker Chariots Of Slaanesh (140) Endless Spells Chronomantic Cogs (60) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 92
  14. Could always kitbash some chariots. Use the Chaos Chariot as a base and then rather than a horse pulling it have some Chaos Warhounds dragging it along. Add some Bestigor as crew and hey presto!
  15. Haha yeah that would be funny just bringing a KoS up other end of the board. I had my first practice game last week against Spiderfang, all those 2-Wound Spiders had me wrack up 46 points by Turn 3. Annoyingly opponent conceded with three spiders left on the table before I could summon haha.
  16. Just checking tactics as I can't see anything saying you can't, if you wanted to could you summon a Herald of Slaanesh 12" away from the Hero and then summon a different unit 12" away from the newly summoned hero? Could be cheeky late game objective grabbing if you can get 24" across the board.
  17. They just look un-natural on the mounts. Don't get me wrong I love the spartan heads and their armour, but they just look completely out of place on Seekers.
  18. In other news it's Facehammer this weekend and my army in 11 Days has almost been completed just 2 and a 1/2 Varaguard left to paint up. I'm actually ahead of schedule so much I spent last night building a summoning pool of 20 Daemonettes and 10 Seekers. Might add another 20 Daemonettes tonight too. Just means I have Tues/Weds night and Thurs day time to paint up another 50 models.....
  19. Yeah wouldn't surprise me if in the new book it gets changed to any. At the moment though it stacks though as it's each unit they're in range of. It's just a pity the Hellstrider models look awful
  20. If anyone has a spare ticket going one of my club mates is looking.
  21. A quick note, I don't suppose anyone has made Slaanesh Warscroll cards at all have they?
  22. Honestly just aiming for 5 fun games. Last year I took a triple chicken Tzeentch list as a laugh and ended up finishing 13th which I wasn't expecting at all. This year I just want to push loads of chariots and Archaon around the table while having a few drinks. I'm sure they'll be some funny stories to tell (hopefully a full unit lawnmowered by the Exalted chariot). Think instead of the sword of judgement I might just take the -3 rend artefact for the keeper. Will be alot easier to use rather than hoping my Exalted chariot hits a monster or hero.
  23. Off to Facehammer end of the month and I'm taking a stupid list of Slaanesh. I've tried taking Slaanesh the last two Facehammers and ended up bailing after trying to build the Exalted chariots. Now I've got the two Exalted ones done, I've just got four more Seeker chariots left to build. Got a big box of Daemonettes and Seekers to summon too so could be fun.
  24. Nope unfortunately not. Think they're going to be like Poxwalkers from 40K, only available in the starter set I've managed to get 60 so far, think I'm buying another Soul Wars and going halves with a mate to bring me up to 80 Chainrasps.
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