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Everything posted by Dez

  1. Thank you all! I've done a bunch more work, and need to get some pics taken.
  2. Kill-blasters! (Thunderers) 25A8BB87-3B1B-4A3E-8B5A-D985E880CC79_1_201_a.heic
  3. Wubwubwubwubwubwubwuwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwub Kill-kopters! 44FD7A77-0694-4453-9B01-5E48A42477DB_1_201_a.heic4B650F34-62C0-43B4-8CE2-611DD7772435_1_201_a.heic
  4. Next up, Skullchewer the Navigator 939EA353-22A6-4E91-A902-4B8941C610BC_1_201_a.heic 5F69B461-500B-4917-9820-E6519974668B_1_201_a.heic 939EA353-22A6-4E91-A902-4B8941C610BC_1_201_a.heic
  5. The first project I've worked on (still thinking of a name) and WIP, a Grundstok Gunhauler 7CF79E1D-A415-4636-82DC-1599B1FC7C92_1_201_a.heic300D7509-E6B7-4629-90AC-BB05C5DB8E9F_1_201_a.heic
  6. I've had this idea in my head for a long time, and I need to get it out. I'm now building and painting in my Path to Glory campaign, and later hoping to bring this to Tournaments and GTs.
  7. Hey all! I'm trying to build towards a tournament list, and wondered how you might tweak this one. Basically everything is loaded into the boats, which then use the Fly High ability before the game starts to pop out and blast whatever they are aimed at off the board. Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords- Sky Port: Barak Nar- Mortal Realm: Chamon- Grand Strategy: Predator's Domain- Triumphs: IndomitableLeadersAetheric Navigator (95)**Aether-Khemist (90)**Arkanaut Admiral (125)**- General- Command Trait: Champion of Progress- Artefact: Aethercharged RuneBattleline10 x Arkanaut Company (100)**10 x Grundstok Thunderers (270)**- 1x Aetheric Fumigators- 1x Decksweepers- 1x Aethercannons- 1x Grundstok Mortars- Reinforced x 110 x Grundstok Thunderers (270)**- 1x Aetheric Fumigators- 1x Decksweepers- 1x Aethercannons- 1x Grundstok Mortars- Reinforced x 1Units3 x Endrinriggers (120)**- 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns- 1x Skyhooks- 1x Drill Launcher1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (155)**- Main Gun: Drill CannonBehemothsArkanaut Frigate (250)- Main Gun: Heavy Sky CannonArkanaut Ironclad (490)*- Main Gun: Great Sky Cannon- Great Endrinworks: Ebullient Buoyancy AidCore Battalions*Alpha-Beast Pack**Battle RegimentTotal: 1965 / 2000Reinforced Units: 2 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 114Drops: 3
  8. Dez

    Warclans breakdown

    Ah and easy thing to mishear, thanks!
  9. I transcribed everything as best as I could from the GMG review. It took forever Warclans Armies of the WAAAGH! Ironjawz Allegiance Abilities If your army is Ironjawz you can give them the Ironsunz, Choppaz or Bloodtoofs All IJ get this keyword Eager for a fight+1 to charge for IJ units Mad as Hell, in any phase if any W or MW are put on an IJ unit from over 9” away the IJ unit gets a d6 move *interesting in that you can move in any direction Smashin’ and Bashin’: In the combat phase after a friendly IJ unit has fought, if attacks resulted in an enemy unit being destroyed pick 1 friendly IJ unit that has not fought in that combat phase that is within 3” of an enemy to fight. They cannot fight later in that combat phase. Command Ability Mighty Destroyers: Pick a friendly IJ unit wholly within 12” of a hero or wholly within 18” of your general. They get a normal move if more than 12" from an enemy, must charge if within 12” of an enemy, fight if within 3” of an enemy. You cannot pick the same unit more than once per hero phase. Ironjawz WAAAGH: You can use this command ability once per battle. You can use this ability in your combat phase, if you have an IJ army and your general is a Megaboss and on the battlefield. Roll a die and add the number of units within 18” of the general. If you get up to an 11, ad +1 to the attack characteristics of melee weapons used by friendly IJ units wholly within 18” of the general. If you roll 12 or more, add +2 to melee attack characteristics of friendly IJ units. Ironjawz Command Traits Ironclad Comand Traits (Megaboss Only) Hulking Muscle Bound Brute: After this General has made a charge move, you can pick one enemy unit within 1” of the general and roll a die. On a 2+ do d3 MW Live to Fight: Reroll wounds for the general and mount in the same turn they made a charge Brutish Cunning: Once per battle round, this general can use the Mighty Destroyers ability without using a CP. Ironclad: +1 to save rolls Bestial Charisma: Once per battle round this general can use Inspiring Presence without using a CP Mighty WAAAGH: When this general uses the IJ WAAAGH ability, count the number of eligible units within 24” instead of 18” Champions of the Weird (Weirdnob Shaman Only) Dead Cunning: At the start of the first battle round get d3 additional cp Master of the Weird: +1 to casting, unbinding and dispelling for the general Bursting with Power: This general knows 1 extra spell from Lore of the Weird. In addition +1 spell in the hero phase Ironjawz Artifacts of Power Da Boss’s Hoard (Megaboss only) Armour of Gork: If an unmodified save roll for an attack that targets the bearer is a 6, the attacking unit suffers a MW after all attacks have been resolved Destroyer: Pick one of the bearers melee weapons. Once per battle at the beginning of the combat phase add +3 damage to the weapon Daubings of Mork: Roll a die each time a W or MW targets the bearer. On a 6 that W or MW is negated Da Golden Toof: Do not take BS tests for IJ units while they are wholly within 12” of the bearer Metalrippa’s Claw: Pick one of the bearers Melee Weapons, apply -3 to the rend before any other modifiers are applied The Boss Skewer: Add +1 to Bravery of friendly IJ units while they are wholly within 18” of the bearer. Subtract -1 from enemy units within 12”. Weird Trinkets (Weirdnob Shaman Only) Great Green Visions: At the start of the hero phase on a 4+ receive a CP Amber Hoard: Add 1 to the attacks characteristic of the bearer and add +1 to save rolls that target the bearer Shamanic Skullcape: +1 to casting rolls, if an enemy is killed by attacks by the bearer you can pick one spell known by the slain wizard and the bearer knows it the rest of the battle Ironjawz Mount Traits Big ‘Un: +1 W Fast ‘Un: +2 move Mean ‘Un: +1 damage Mighty Fists and Tail Heavy ‘Un: +1 to Destructive Bulk rolls Loud ‘Un: Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, this beast can let out a mighty roar. If it does so, -1 to hit rolls of enemy models within 3” Weird ‘Un: Each time this unit is targeted by a spell or endless spell, ignore the effects on a 4+ Warchanter Warbeats Get Em Beat: At the start of your charge phase, 1 model that knows this Warbeat can use it. On a 4+ pick a friendly IJ unit wholly within 12” of the Warchanter. That unit can pick a unit within 18” instead of 12” and roll 3d6 to charge Fixin Beat: In your hero phase, 1 model that knows this Warbeat can use it. Pick a friendly model within 12” on a 4+ it heals d3 wounds Killa Beat: At the start of the Combat Phase, 1 model that knows this Warbeat can use it. Pick 1 enemy unit within 12” of the Warchanter on a 4+ add +1 to hit by melee weapons that target that unit in this phase. Ironjawz Spell Lores: The Lore of the Weird Brain Bursta: CV5 Pick an enemy unit within 16” and visible. Roll 2d6 if the roll is greater than their bravery they take d6 MW if not d3 MW Mighty Eadbutt: CV5 Pick an enemy Hero unit within 16” and visible. The hero suffers d3 MW, if a Wizard d6 MW Da Blazin’ Eyes: CV6 Pick a point on the battlefield within 4d6” of the caster and visible to them. Draw a 1mm line between that point and the casters base. Roll a dice for each enemy model passed through on a 4+ take a MW. Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork: CV7 Pick a friendly IJ unit wholly within 24” and visible, and more than 3” from an enemy. Remove them from the battlefield and set them up anywhere 9” away from an enemy. This unit cannot move in the movement phase. Bash’m Lads: CV8 if cast add +1 to W rolls made by friendly IJ units wholly within 16” of the caster. Wrath of Gork: CV8 Pick an enemy unit within 16” of the caster and visible. Roll 2d6 for each friendly IJ model with 2 models within 16” of the caster. On a 2+, inflict a MW on the enemy unit. Ironjawz Clanz Ironsunz Abilities: 1 model that knows this Warbeat can use it.: Subtract 1 from hit rolls made by enemy units that target Ironsunz in the first battle round Command Ability: Alright, Get’m: Can be used at the start of the enemy charge phase. Pick a friendly Ironsunz unit within 12” of an enemy unit, Wholly within 18” of a friendly Ironsunz hero and more than 3” from any enemy models. They can attempt to charge first. Command Trait The Right Fist of Dakkabad: +1CP at the start of the first battle round Artefact of Power Sunblessed Armor: Worsen rend of attacks targeting the bearer by -1 (to the max of -) Bloodtoofs Abilities Hunt and Crush: +1 to run and charge for Bloodtoof units Command Ability Break through the line: Use this ability at the end of your combat phase. Pick a friendly Bloodtoof unit that fought in that combat phase and is wholly within 24” of a friendly Bloodtoof hero. That unit can make a normal move but cannot run or retreat. Command Trait Get to the Realmgate: If there are any Baleful Realmgate terrain features on the Battlefield and the general uses the Ironjawz WAAAGH ability at +2 to the dice roll . Artefact Quickdeath Amulet (MB only): Once per battle, the bearer can cast the Great Big Green Hand of Gork spell. Automatically cast, cannot be unbound. Da Choppas Abilities Vandal Horde: Reroll charges for Choppas within 12” of a terrain feature that is fully or partially in enemy territory. Command Ability Rabble Rouser: you can use this ability when you use a friendly Warchanters Violent Fury. Pick 3 different Choppa Brute units and/or Ardboyz units to be affected instead of 1. Command Trait Checked Out: Add 2 to bravery of friendly Choppas units wholly within 18” of the general. Artefact Megaskull Staff (Weirdnob only): The bearer is treated as having the Megaboss keyword for the Ironjawz WAAAGH abilities. Bonesplitterz Battle Traits: Unstoppable Savagery Tireless Trackers: After both armies are set up, before the first battle round, half your units rounded up can move 5”. If both players can make a move before first round they roll off and the winner determines who moves first. Warpaint: Roll a die each time a W or MW is allocated to a model, on a 6 it’s negated. Monster Hunters: If a friendly Bonesplitterz unit is within 3” of a monster when it’s chosen to fight it before it piles in it can choose one of the following abilities to apply until the end of the phase: Wild Abandon: The unit can move an extra 3” when it piles in Stab! Stab! Stab!: Add +1 to hit for attacks that target that monster Berserk Strength: If the unmodified wound roll is a 6 add 1 MW in addition to normal damage Spirit of the Beast: Do not take BS tests for any Bonesplitterz unit if any wounds inflicted by it that turn slayed a monster. Command Ability: Boneslpitterz WAAAGH: You can use this Command Ability once per battle. At the start of the combat phase if your army is a Bonesplitterz army and your general is on the battlefield. Roll a die and add the number of friendly Bonesplitterz units wholly within 18”. If it’s 11+ add 1 to attacks if it’s 12+ add 2 to attacks. Extra Hits: Several abilities allow Bonesplitterz to score 2 hits instead of 1 on an unmodified roll of a 6. If 2 or more abilities would work for this add 1 extra hit for each ability (in other words, they stack) Command Traits: Heralds of the Great Green God (Wurrgog Prophet or Savage Big Boss only) Killa Instinct: If the unmodified wound roll is a 6, it does a MW in addition to any other damage WAAAGH Monger: CP on a 4+ in Hero Phase Great Hunter: Tireless Trackers move is 8” instead of 5” Power of the Beast: add 2 to their W Voice of the Gods: Add 2 to B of friendly BS units within 18” of the general Monster Killa: Can fight a second time in the Combat phase if within 3” of an enemy monster Shamanistic Quirks (Wizards Only) Dead Cunning’: At the start of the first battle round d3 CP Master of the Weird: +1 to cast, dispel and unbind Fueled by the Spirits: This general knows one extra spell from Lore of the Savage Beasts and can cast 1 extra spell in the hero phase. Artefacts Boss Bones and other Gubbinz (Hero only) Dokk Juice: Once per battle in the hero phase heal d6 wounds Savage Trophy: Add +1 to B of friendly Bonesplitterz units wholly within 18” of the general Lucky Bones: Once per phase reroll one 1 Hit or Wound roll by the bearer or 1 Save that targets the bearer Glowing Tattoos: Warpaint is a 4+ instead of 6 Greatdrake Toof: Pick one of the bearers melee weapons, if the unmodified W roll is a 6 double the damage Weepwood Big Shiv: Pick one of the bearers melee weapons, add 1 to its attack characteristic. Reservoirs of Waaagh energy (Wizards Only) Big Wurrgog Mask: In your hero phase, select one enemy unit within 12” of the bearer that is visible to them and roll up to 3 dice. Each roll of a 2+ inflicts d3 MW each roll of 1 inflicts d3 W on the bearer. Mork’s Bony Bitz: +1 to Cast, if there are 2 or more enemy Monsters within 24” add +2 to casting. Mystic Waaagh Paint: At the start of your hero phase, roll on the Lore of the Savage Beasts table. The bearer can attempt to cast that spell in addition to any other spells it can normally cast. If the bearer already knows this spell they can attempt to cast it one extra time. Lore of the Savage Beast Squiggly Curse: CV6 Pick one enemy hero within 3” that hero suffer d3 MW. If that hero is slain add +1 Casting for the rest of the battle and if the casting roll was a double the hero takes d6 instead of d3. Breath of Gorkamorka: CV6 Pick a friendly BS unit wholly within 24” and visible. Double that units M characteristic. In addition that unit can Fly until your next hero phase. If the casting roll was a double, TRIPLE it’s M characteristic instead. Brutal Beast Spirits: CV6 Pick a friendly Bonesplitterz wholly within 24” and is visible. Add 1 to Charge and Run rolls and 1 to Hit rolls for that unit. If the casting roll was a double, pick 2 units instead of 1. Bone Krusha: CV6 pick 1 enemy unit within 24 and visible. If within 6”, d6 MW, 6”-12” d3 MW, 12” or more 1 MW. Running Beast Spirits: CV6 Pick a friendly BS unit wholly within 24” and visible. Until your next hero phase add 1 to save units made by that unit. Gorkamorka’s Warcry: CV7 pick 1 enemy unit within 18” and visible. Unit takes d3 MW and that unit fights at the end of the combat phase. Bonegrinz: Abilities Bring it On!: Any enemy units within 12” of friendly Bonegrinz units at the start of the charge phase must attempt to charge and must make a charge if possible. Enemies within 3” of a Bonegrinz unit cannot retreat. Command Ability Feel the Spirit: You can use this ability at the start of the combat phase. Pick a friendly Bonegrinz unit within 18” of a Bonegrinz Savage Big Boss. Until the end of that phase unmodified hit rolls of 6 inflict 2 hits instead of 1. Command Trait: A Right Monster: -1 B of enemy units within 12” of the general Artefact (Savage Big Bosss) Mawkrusha Beast Totem: One per battle in the shooting phase this unit can shoot as if using the Innards Bursting Bellow of the Mawkrusha Icebonez Abilities Freezing Strikes: If the unmodified wound roll by Icebonez unit is 6 increase rend by 1 Command Ability Freeze and Run: Use this ability at the end of the combat phase. Pick a friendly Icebonez Boarboyz unit within 3” of an enemy hero or enemy unit and within 18” of a friendly Icebonez hero. That Icebonez Boarboyz unit can retreat . In addition, -2 to charge rolls for the enemy units that were within 3” the Icebonez retreated from. Command Trait (Weirdnob Only): Pure-bred Warboar: Add 2 to M and 1 to H and W rolls by this Warboar Artefact Katinakt Pelt: +1 to B of friendly Icebonez units wholly within 18” of the bearer Drakkfoot Abilities Strength of Purpose: Ignore Ethereal and any abilities that ignore wounds have no effect on Drakkfoot attacks. Command Ability Shout Down da Magic (?): You can use this CA after an enemy wizard casts a spell. Pick a unit with 10+ models wholly within 18” of a Drakkfoot Prophet or Wardok. That unit can attempt to unbind that spell adding 1 to unbind if there are 20+ models. Command Trait (Drakkfoot Wizard) Fireballl: Spell instead of a command trait. CV5 pick a visible unit within 18”. If it’s 1 model it takes 1 MW, 2-9 D3 MW and 10+ d6 MW. Artefact Burnin’ Tattoos: Successful Warpaint saves cause a MWon enemy units within 1” Da Big WAAAGH Battle Traits The Big Waaagh: You receive WAAAGH points in the following ways: D6 at the start of your hero phase if your general is still alive and on the Battlefield. If it’s Gordrakk, it’s automatically 6. 2 points per Warchanter each hero phase, 1 per Wardok or Wurrgog Prophet. In the charge phase for each unit that made a successful charge move. 1 point in each Combat Phase for each Orruk hero within 3” of an enemy unit, 1 point for each unit of Orruks with 10 or more models within 3” of an enemy unit. 30 is the cap. The number of Waaagh points you have determines which abilities the army receives an are cumulative: 4 Points- Zog’m: In any phase, any wounds inflicted on friendly Orruk units from over 9” away let them move d6” 6 Points- Zap’m: You can use the WAAAGH magic battle trait (If you have a Big Waagh army with 6 or more points, before casting you can pay d3 points to add 1 to casting or d6 to add 2). This cannot be used more than once by the same wizard in the same phase) 8 Points- Get’m: +1 to charge 12- Laugh at’m: Roll a d6 each time you take a W or MW on a friendly Orruk model. On a 6 it’s negated 16- Smash’m: +1 to hit for Friendly Orruk units with melee units 20- Bash’m: add +1 to W rolls for melee weapons 24- WAAAGH!: General can use Da Big Waaagh ability. Use this command ability at the beginning of the combat phase if you have a Big Waaagh army with at least 24 Points. Add 1 to attack characteristics used by friendly Orruk units until the end of the phase. You cannot use this ability more than once per phase. In any phase which you use this ability, roll a d6. On a 1 lose all Waaagh points, 2-5 halve your Points, on a 6 keep all Points Command Abilities ‘Ere we go, ‘Ere we go. ‘Ere we go: At the beginning of the hero phase choose a friendly Orruk hero. Receive 1 Point for every 10 models within 12’ of that hero or 18” if it is your general or a Warchanter. Can’t use more than once per phase. Command Traits Ironjawz and Bonesplitters use their respective Command Trait charts. Atefacts Ironjawz and Bonesplitters use their respective Artefact charts. Mount Traits Ironjawz and Bonesplitters use their respective Mount Trait charts. Spell lore: Ironjawz and Bonesplitters use their respective Spell charts. Warscroll Battalions Brawl Megaboss Warchanter Weirdnob 3-5 in any combo: Weirdfist, Ironfist, Brutefist, Gorefist, Ardfist, Da Boss Waaagh: Once per battle if your heroes from the battalion are on the battlefield a hero from this battalion can use the Ironfist Waaagh ability. This does not stop the General from using it as well but you cannot use the same command ability in the same combat phase. Ardfist: Warchanter 3-5 units of Ardboyz Drawn to the Waaagh: The Warchanter can use this CA if on the battlefield and a unit from this battalion is destroyed. On a 4+ a unit of 10 Ardboyz is added to the battalion. Setup this unit within 6” of the Battlefield edge and more than 9” from enemy units. Brutefist 3-5 Brute Units Pick 1 Boss Brute to be the Battalion Big Boss, he gets 5 Wounds instead of 3. Greenskin Battering Ram: After making a charge move, pick an enemy unit within 1” of each model and roll a die. On a 4+ it deals a MW Gorefist: 3-5 Goregruntaz Pick 1 Boss Goregrunta to be the Battalion Big Boss, he gets 7 Wounds instead of 5. Da Boss’ Big Idea: Units from this Battalion can make a normal move (cannot run) if they are within 18” of the Big Boss Ironist 3-5 units of Ardboyz, Brutes or Goregruntaz in any combo Pick 1 Boss Brute or Goregrunta Boss to be the Battalion Big Boss, add +2 to their Wounds Up and At’m: Once in each of your hero phases your Big Boss can use Mighty Destroyers as if they were a Megaboss without using a CP. Weirdfist: Weirdnob 3-5 Brute or Ardboy units in any combo Weird Energies: If the Weirdnob Shaman is wholly within 18” of 2 or more units from this battalion and has 10 or more models it can use the Brutal Power ability to cast Green Puke twice in addition to any other spells it can cast Big Rukk Wurrgog Prophet 3-5 Brutal Rukk, Kop Rukk, Kunning Rukk, Snaga Ruck or Teef Rukk Big Rukk Warpaint: Reroll Warpaint saves Brutal Rukk: Savage Big Boss 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Orruk Boarboyz Savage Swiftness: Units from this battalion wholly within 12” of the Big Boss can run and charge Kop Rukk: 2-5 Wardokks 2-5 Savage Orruk Morboys Savage (somfin summon): At the start of your hero phase, you can pick a Wardok fully within 18” of 2 or more units that have 10 or more models. Wardok can cast Fist of gork for free in addition to any other spells they can cast. Kunnin’ Rukk: Savage Big Boss 2-5 Savage Orruks or Savage Orruk Arrow Boys Dead Sneaky: In the hero phase, pick a unit wholly within 12” of the Boss. That unit can move or shoot. Units cannot have more than 20 models. Snaga Ruck: Maniak Weirdnob (???): 2-5 Savage Orruk Boarboy Maniac Units Reroll charge rolls while wholly within 12” of the Weirdnob from this battalion. Teef Rukk: Savage Big Boss 2-5 Big Stabba Units (???): Add 1 to the attacks characterstic of units in this battalion while within 12” of the Savage Big Boss of this battalion Savage Orruks 10-30 120/300 Battleline Maniak Weirdboy 120 Megaboss 150 Warchanter 110 Weirdnob Shaman 110 Savage Big Boss 100 Wardokk 80 Wurrgog Prophet 160 Gordrak 540 Megaboss on Mawkrusha 460 Ironskullz Boyz 80 Ardboyz 90 (Battleline in Ironjawz or Big Waaagh if 10 or more models) Brutes 140 (Battleline in Ironjawz or Big Waaagh) Goregruntaz 160 (Battleline in Ironjawz or Big Waaagh) Savage Big Stabbaz 2 for 100 Savage Boarboy Maniaks 5 for 140 (Bonesplitterz Battleline) Savage Boarboyz 5 for 130 (Bonesplitterz or Big Waaagh Battleline) Savage Orruk Arrowboys 10 for 120 (Bonesplitterz or Big Waaagh Battleline) Savage Orruk Morboys 10 fro 120 (Bonesplitterz Battleline) Ardfist 120 Big Rukk 80 Brawl 140 Brutal Rukk 140 Brutefist 120 Gorefist 130 Ironfist 160 Kop Rukk 140 Kunnin Rukk 140 Snaga Rukk 120 Teef Rukk 140 Weirdfist 140 Big Waaagh can ally Gloomspite Gitz Bonesplitters can ally Ironjawz or Gloomspite Gitz Ironjawz can ally Bonesplitterz or Gloomspite Gitz
  10. I've got my Admiral's Hat back on again, time to do a practical test on all the reading and theorycrafting I've done the past week.
  11. So I've been Mr. Positive this whole time...but I think the new FAQ is telling. Telling me KO are fun to paint and convert off and on, and to think about a new tournament army.
  12. Oops! Luckily I didn't use it much.
  13. If you take Skryre Allegiance, Skryre Battalion and the Gautfyre Skorch it's absolutely amazing. I took 5 Warpfire Throwers and 3 Stormfiends with Warpfire Throwers and it just kills whatever needs to be killed. The Gautfyre Skorch allows you to deploy outside of 3" of any enemy, or WITHIN 3" but each unit takes d6 Mortal Wound. So you will be in range, and have an easy charge afterwards. Don't forget to double your damage when you roll a 6 for Mortal Wounds on the Warpfire Throwers in Skyre Allegiance by using a Warpstone Spark. When my friend wants to play a competetive list, this is the one he is thinking of.
  14. That rule is a holdover from the Verminous Clawpack, oddly enough.
  15. With new points: Skryre Battallion Gautfyre Gaspchoke Archwarlock Verminlord Warpseer Warlock Warlcock Packmaster Stormfiends x6 (Warpfire) Stormfiends (Grinderfists) Acolytes x5 Acolytes x5 Warpgrinder Team Warpfire Team Poison Wind Mortar Definitely going to work on trying Thanquol and Boneripper out too, I've had that latest model since it came out!
  16. I've been playing Clan Skryre a lot in the past year or so...a 24 model list mostly. As you can imagine, this can go badly sometimes in objective based missions. with the new Summoning rules in AoS2 there is a fix for this: Warpseer Verminlord. His command ability allows you to summon 3d6 Giant Rats per Command Point used per his Command Ability. Here are the bodies needed to claim objectives. So now you have Mortal Wounds (Spells, Warpfire Throwers), Mobility (inherent 6" move plus Gautfyre), resiliency (Stormfiends) and board control (Giant Rats).
  17. Ah thank you, I missed it because it wasn't capitalized (proper noun) when I read through. Thanks!
  18. @Mayple The answer to the Mawkrusha vs Onion is intermingling your layers to form a net. Destructive Bulk has you pick a unit to deal Mortal Wounds to, so if you've threaded your units together it won't have a choice but to hit multiple models from different units with it's base but can only allocate Mortal Wounds to one unit, hence you've locked it up. I use this with my Arkanaut Company, so they can in turn shoot things off the board that get caught in my net (I call it a net, but I like Onion too) This is also a great answer to denying your opponent the double turn of getting through your net and hitting the unit you don't want in combat.
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