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Everything posted by Dez

  1. Do you think they are brave enough to make Duardin a crossover release? Let's break the Squat Clock!
  2. Anyone else notice that a Tzeentch book is going to 'change' everything? Eh? Eh?
  3. Happy to pay for models and shipping if anyone is feeling kind enough to pick these up for a poor Yank stranded across the pond!
  4. It's great having your own space! I was lucky to be able to design my own office in my basement (completely redone). I work from home, so it was important to me to try and separate my work, hobby and music spaces. As well as have room for my library of Nerdom
  5. Whaaat? Sorry to go off topic here a bit, but doesn't the host have (or make) a utility that could do something? Is it appending/changing urls's? I'd think they could do something easily.
  6. Same boat! I've been playing my Skaven more and more, and my personal life has been eventful. I am also playing a bit of ESO, I need to take a bit of a hobby break...even though I probably still build or paint an hour a day. keep the thread going! It's inspirational, and I'm sure plenty of lurkers read it.
  7. I wonder what the price point would be. I've probably got the Skaven set 6 times over...300 Clan Rats alone still to paint...but at the right price... There are going to be more Skaven Players!
  8. man if GW had only released that rumored merpeople army...
  9. It does look Admech (I was being hopeful before). I've built a ton of it
  10. I don't think it's too difficult to merge at all, in fact probably the easiest! "Pardon me boys, is that the Squattanooga Choo Choo?" In other news, here are some more Forge World Blood Bowl minis, a Goblin and a Halfling https://www.warhammer-community.com/2016/11/28/new-blood-bowl-models-from-forge-world/ Is it the paint job? The sculpt? Combination of the two?
  11. Ok everyone, put on your tinfoil hats! Straight quote from the Warhammer Community Site: The Emperor...off the cuff wording, or....SQUATS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Either way, I'm going to be down at my LGS wearing my most dapper suit throwing around money like a dandy.
  12. It's kinda simple: a piece of cork, textured paint and Agrellan Earth
  13. I bet the new LoC is with the AoS release...
  14. My brother in law had shingles and said the same, yikes!
  15. I thought it was odd, but there we are. A crossover kit! I'm also a Thousand Sons fan, so kinda loving this
  16. Tzaangor crossover kit....Steamhead Duardin and Squat Crossover kit...this makes sense. You make a crossover kit or two, and then one begins to think like Chaos Daemons: "I've already got the Tzaangor kit, I could easily use it in 40K/AoS. Then I just expand a few more dedicated kits to 40K/AoS and I have an army in each system" I like this.
  17. Excuse me sir, could I borrow a cup of like?
  18. Oh boy. GW are finding ways to make me spend money.
  19. Magnus will have his revenge against those traitorous Wolves! (PreHeresy Thousand Sons fan).
  20. That Battle Plan sounds like a lot of fun, I'll have to try it! I've been sorely tempted by FEC since their debut, I'd love to hear your thoughts on them (in an appropriate topic of course).
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