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Everything posted by boombyeyeah

  1. ist 150p for sloppity bilepiper and 140p sor scrivener, 120p battalion costs. ooffff
  2. Wow, i am very happy how the piper turned out. +1 Attacks Song: Best for Pusgoyle Blightlords 6s ~ 1MW: well like Blades of Putrification ofc ( but good luck casting that against all those highlvl mages...), thats cool for every unit unit! Plague Drones might be best target for this, since they can get 1+/+2 attacks elsewhere. Anti Pile-in: This might be the strongest of all the songs, I have a first turn Plague Drone Charge in mind that just binds as many units for as long as they can. And just scatch on those 3'' on all but one weak unit.
  3. A battalion ability like "one last gift" (general command trait from munificent wanderers, 6 to hit against Plaguebearers cause mortal wound) would be cool. Most melee units nowadays kill Plaguebearers pretty fast, let them take a least some casualties.
  4. A big change in the game mechanics is something i dont expect, not even in a new edition. Biggest problem i see are the general damage numbers. Most units kill other units in one go #activationwars. Units do more and more damage with every new release but the saves are not getting better. Units either are rockhard with rerollable 2+/3+ saves or their saves dont matter at because of all those strong rend attacks. With such numbers shooting will always be super strong. I remember a game with my 1drop shootcast against ogors, every unit he catched to kill he did like 3 times more damage than needed. If he had some tools to increase his defense he would be way better off but gw will likely give those guys another 3 dmg attack than some ability to raise shields or go on dodge mode.
  5. i think you are mistaken here, 60pts is the superbattallion, the one you talk of is 130pts? also keep in mind, that you lose shock and awe, -1 to hit on the turn you shock in.
  6. Raptors are Justicar too. Hurricanes with +1 to hit could be become quite the thing with this new battalion
  7. There are Judicators, Castigators and Gryph hounds in the picture. I hope for some warscroll changes!
  8. Hi, since setting up a unit is not a move "Setting up a reserve unit is not considered a move for the unit, but it may restrict a unit's ability to move in the same turn.." Do deepstriked or teleported units control objectives when they are set up within 3''of an objective? rules text "The Better Part of Valour": ...Instead, a player controls an objective if a friendly Battleline unit finishes a move within 3'' of the objective, unless that move was a retreat move.
  9. After reading most answers, this seems about balancing hordes. Simply introduce weaponranges of 0,5 inches for horde units.
  10. Quick Question: when we deploy the whole batallion as a onedrop in the sky, every other unit that is not in the battalion has to start on the ground? Or does the whole battalion count as one unit in regards of scions of the storm?
  11. I am wishing for streamlined rules and quicker play in general. First step would be removing of abilities that allow things to be done in different phases than they were designed for(sry English not at my best right here). For example all this moving/shooting/fighting in hero phase. This would also make balancing much easier.
  12. Pusgoyle Blightlords scale well with extra attacks, a glottkin and a great unclean one and you triple damage of their stingers and tocsin. Unfortunately Commandpoints are quite scarce with Nurgle.
  13. https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/aos-warscroll-skyborneslayers-en.pdf
  14. i used some blue tac to expand the stand
  15. Yes, you can also include units like Chaos Warriors with Mark of Nurgle
  16. After a short break from AoS I am back in the game since a month. I was exited to try our new Hosts of Chaos. My first game was with the blessed sons, blight cyst and 25 Blightkings VS iron Jaws, I lost but it was a close game, the host ability was a nice bonus but nothing more. My next try with a deamon army and Munificent Wanderers Host vs a big Nighthaunt army was way better. The dmg reflection is a cool effective mechanic, staying 12 inch wholly within your general is sometimes difficult but worth it. Minus 1 Rend for all demons is actually a fantastic bonus that gives Nurgle the resilience it needed. This is my current list. The plan is to either save up summoning points for Drones or to summon 5 Plaguebearers each round somewhere 12 inch to your general as some nasty roadspikes. Allegiance: Nurgle- Host of Chaos: Munificent WanderersMortal Realm: GhurGreat Unclean One (340)- Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm- Lore of Virulence: Glorious AfflictionsHorticulous Slimux (220)Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120)- Lore of Virulence: Favoured PoxesFecula Flyblown (180) Bladesofputrefaction30 x Plaguebearers (320)10 x Plaguebearers (120)10 x Plaguebearers (120)6 x Plague Drones (400)2 x The Wurmspat (0)Tallyband of Nurgle (160)Total: 1980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Wounds: 124
  17. I would go for Astral Templars or none at all, Anvils ability is no good on a single Ballista, and 10 Evocators have enough power without it.
  18. Hi, Just write an email at games workshop, they will send you a pdf. I did this already twotimes
  19. Just check the FAQ Q: Does the Celestant-Prime’s Retribution from On High Ability add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of Ghal Maraz for each turn that the Celestant-Prime remains in reserve? A: Yes.
  20. Would you like a charge after teleport but at 9 inch more than the current rule? @XReN I like your ideas, especially Hunters that can react somehow in the enemies turn would be cool, same would be nice for palladors too
  21. Since its way too hot to work, here is my wishlist for changes in the next Stormcast Battletome, i will try to talk about changing units to fit more in lorewise than just talk about points adjustments. Liberators: The most common SC unit, the old Posterboy, if taken at all we see them in small groups of 5 waiting on an objektive to die. More lorelike would be large shieldwalls in which enemies shatter wave after wave. To make them more attractive in large groups, my suggestions: Sigmarite Shieldwall:"Almost nothing can break through of overlapping sigmarite shields": If this unit contains 10+ models, you can reroll saverolls of 1, or all saverolls if it is equipped with shields. Fighting as one:" countless trainingsessions in the Gladitorium allow these warriors to switch between inpenetrable shieldwall and righteous assault in an instant": If this units contains: 10+ models, add one to the range of its melee weapons. This would allow them to fight in two ranks. To compensate these buffs, i would delete "Lay low the Tyrants". We should use our elite units to kill other elites anyway. Judicators: They are more or less fine, but i would change the role of special weapons, the Xbow should be a monster hunter weapon and the cluster bomb like skyboltbow be more effektive against hordes. Thunderbolt Xbow: always hits Monsters for d3 MWs. Skybolt Bow: does 2 woundrolls against units with 5+ models, 3 against 10+, 4 against 15, 5 against 20, 6 woundrolls against units with 25+ modells. Prosecutors: Perfect candidates lorewise for a "fight first" mechanic, maybe give the Prime an extra attack with the greatweapon back. Paladins: Well, i think most will agree that they still cannot compete with evocators, i would like to see some armor buff to represent their heavy bulky armor, and/or some special overcharge ability (what are those sigmaresk-jetpacks on their backs for?). And Bravery 8! Dracothian Guard: maybe increase wounds per model to 6 as they look more bulky than gryphchargers, and i would change tempestors distruptive fire to "the targeted unit fights at the end of the following combat phase". This is some tool against all those "fight first" armies. Celestant Prime: He needs Protection against Mortal Wound, i plegde for a 5+ extra save! Gryph Hounds: Increase the ranges of Warning Cry and Loyal Compagnions, reduce units size to 3 models, reduce points. Castigators: Make d3 woundrolls on 6s work against every enemy. Vanguard-Hunters: They could use there large coats for cover against shooting attacks. Vanguard Palladors: The fastest known animal deserves a +1 Charge. So some bigger, some smaller changes to make unused units more interessting. What do you think of this?
  22. I think I will go for concussors or full vanguard, palladors for 180 seems like a good deal.
  23. I don't think we get much point increases as GW is on the power creep train right now, when you compare the new battletomes to stormcast, Sequitors, Evocators and Ballistae seem fine where there are pointwise
  24. I don't have a solution for this, but summoning is balanced for 2000+ games I think. At those low points games the summoned units are just too strong
  25. I tried Judicators with crossbows and prime with shockboltbow they were surprisingly good. If you don't go with aether wings, I would prefer them over hurricanes
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