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Everything posted by amysrevenge

  1. Hey, quickie without a lot of context. Two archregents. Dark Wizardry and Dermal robe (each +1 cast/etc.). Better to give both to the same guy for +2 and +0, or to share them and have +1 and +1? Leaning toward +2 and +0, just to make sure that the +A spell goes off (and any endless I put in)..
  2. 10 Maniaks can hit deceptively hard for a "Rend -" unit. Especially with a couple allied Waaagh!s if you got 'em.
  3. Well, Greenskins are fungus based in 40k and 40k-affiliated games. There's never been anything (that I can recall) that stuck that to any flavour of Fantasy at any point. Other than out of the mouths of 40k players dipping their toes in fantasy games.
  4. Does weird things with charging, combat phase and battleshock phase.
  5. I think "daft" is a stretch. There isn't a magic lore line where a blob of 60 moonclan grots having 1 banner is great, 3 banners is acceptable, but 4 banners is daft. That said, I'm glad there is a printed maximum. Put everyone on similar starting conditions where possible.
  6. Haha. You can make "benefit" so broad it's awesome. My allied unit is in melee combat. My wizard casts a spell from my spell lore that does D3 MW to the unit they are fighting against. Hooray, my ally benefits from that! Oh wait, they can't benefit, boo, no MWs. I use my allegiance ability free movement to shuffle one of my units onto an objective. I get some objective points and win the battle! Hooray, my allied units benefit from winning the match! Oh wait, they can't. Boo I guess I lose.
  7. Well, I won the local league with my Bonesplitters. Got some lucky matchups in the season-ending 1 day tournament, avoided the witch aelves and the eel deepkin, made things happen. You can go a long way with Morboys and an allied Wyvern Warboss. The more games I've used it, the more I like Kunnin Beast Spirits.
  8. So what you're all saying is, just like in The Empire from the World That Was, there's no such thing as Skaven. Comforting to hear that.
  9. I don't believe so. They very loudly said the first part "every GA is getting a BT this year" without (as far as I know) the "post BoK" qualifier.
  10. I've come up with almost the same list for my start with the new Tome - I only have 1 archregent, but I added more ghouls to make up the difference (and a slight variation on Endless Spells). Can't wait to try it out.
  11. Just start at Ep1. Either they are in or they are out from the first 10 minutes hahaha.
  12. I've got my stuff built for a different era. Two ZD and only 1 TG. But I'll learn to deal haha.
  13. This issue led to a policy change at my local store back in the day. 8th Edition Ogre Kingdom book. We had a couple months notice. Local store's pre-order policy was to pay when you pick up, not at time of order. Hype train was in full effect, and they had a huge quantity of pre-orders. Then the hype train ran it's course, people started looking ahead to the next thing still weeks out from release, and when it finally came to release day so many Ogre pre-orders went unclaimed that the store changed to a pay-ahead pre-order policy.
  14. I'm the same - it's a pleasant respite after a few in quick succession (personally I've been hit by Beasts and then Gitz and the FEC all in a row and even with the small breathers in there that was fast enough).
  15. I'm still confident with my prediction from the other thread, but the closer it gets the less confident I am haha. (Full reveal of Warcry, possibly with sets to play with similar to Shadespire 2 years ago, new tease for Forbidden Power, BT reveals for Sylvaneth and KO)
  16. If we were to compare deliberate "forced" diversity and lazy "default" homogeneity, it is the latter rather than the former that takes me out of the fantasy more. And the farther into the 21st century we get, the more that "default" homogeneity starts to look "forced".
  17. Not to get bogged down in semantics (he said, as he bogged down with semantics), if you changed your post from "always" to "often", it becomes objectively true.
  18. Oh man, even though we know it isn't so, I wish the Celestant-Prime was Settra so hard.
  19. Nah it's half of the cover of the new Idoneth book
  20. Gargant for me mostly shines in a group with players who don't get to play a lot. His value goes down vs. experienced players. Against unexperienced players, they either think "the internet says this thing is terrible so I can just ignore it" and you can use it to good effect, or they think "this thing is probably super good" and overcommit resources to counter it.
  21. Unrelated to anything, is there a way to mute posts in the rumour thread with keywords of the sort "no longer available in the GW online store"? Hahahahahaha
  22. I used some protective foam-wrapped needlenose pliers to squeeze the head together, and it worked out OK.
  23. "instead" is the key. If it was to be all the time with 10+ models, it wouldn't say "instead", the full stop would be after "rolls". Since it has the "instead", it still only works on the charge.
  24. I think this isn't quite right, because of the following in the FAQ (https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Core-Rules-and-Bases-Sizes-EN.pdf): Q: If several abilities are triggered at the same time (at the start of a hero phase, for example), how do you determine the order in which they are used? A: If several abilities can be used at the same time, the player whose turn is taking place uses their abilities first, one after the other, in any order they desire; then the player whose turn is not taking place uses their abilities, one after another, in any order they desire. The same principle applies to any other things – such as command traits or artefacts of power – that can be used simultaneously. Bolding mine. I think it's pretty clear that even things that happen at the same time actually still happen one after another. And if you have a choice of several abilities that *could* happen at the same time, you don't have to declare all of them before attempting any of them - you can do one, then decide whether or not to do the next.
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