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Everything posted by themortalgod

  1. Yeah but worth considering that the pendulum can reach places melee cannot. (Say if you need to get at a hag behind a ton of witches) Also, pendulums seem to scare opponents a lot. Just having one in a list can completely change how the opponent deploys/moves.
  2. Ha, interesting, I didn't even consider that it was optional hahaha. I do agree lots of CP is critical. (also a big knock against the Pretenders host) So it more comes down to more CP vs more mobility. I will have to test both. I think I still lead towards the mobility though as more speed offers more opportunities to win tactically whereas more CP is just more bulldozing power which may turn out to be more powerful but it is less fun. I think the Fane is a nice bonus but not game-changing. It is obviously a "must take" because it is a free bonus but it also isn't going to be game changing either. I think anyone who hates it's only grounds is they wanted more power out of a free terrain piece. Re-rolls in our army is super powerful though and that wound is so easy to heal back and free DP is never a bad thing. All that said, I HATE the big daemon head. I wish it was just the Slaanesh symbol.
  3. Exactly, my plan being Thermal Rider on one and Ignax on the other.
  4. I've been theorizing a similar build while running a second Keeker in my Godseeker list with Ignax Scales and the Slothfull spell to be a tank. I really am starting to feel Godseekers is going to be the host of choice even though most of their item options sort of suck. Pretenders will be too easy to just snipe down the super Keeper I think and having a situation where Keepers can't support each other for Invaders feels like too much of a downside. Also getting +3 charge after being summoned for units is just so tasty.
  5. Yup, they are the only unit in the game that can hold an object while being completely invincible. (Though it would be a ****** move to take advantage of it)
  6. I don't feel they are quite as bad as many players would lead to believe. They certainly aren't top tier or even mid tier so you won't be seeing them in many competitive environments but in terms of power level I wouldn't put them below Ironjawz, BCR, or Overlords. They have some mega downsides in the form of lack of true allegiance abilities, battalions, spells, items, etc but they still enjoy some really solid units which can help keep them in the game. Chariots are still fantastic. Don't expect them to ram through enemy armies on their own but my experience with chariots, even in 2.0 has been fantastic. Being able to bring back a chariot per unit per turn makes them such potent tarpits. TK on Exalted Chariot (aka Settra) is in some ways better than ever now that he can have items and command abilities. Ethereal Amulet on him is particularly fantastic. Ushabti are very competitive for their pts cost. They hit hard and against the right units are super resilient. Standard Skeletons are still fantastic for the pts. Unfortunately, though, most of the cool modern units are really lackluster. Sphynx as way overcosted, as are Tomb Guard. Necro Knights are ok but nothing special at their current pts cost. Stalkers are pretty bad. I have also had some success with a Tomb Queen list that buys a bunch of extra CP and a ton of archers to make for a ridiculously dangerous shooting phase. One of TK's biggest strengths though is that they are so uncommon. Most opponents go into the game with little or no sense of target priority or how to play against the army. This helps mitigate the weaknesses of the force.
  7. Yeah, my main feeling is that you only really want the footslogger ones in a Tzaangor coven where the speed means nothing since you need to stay close to the Tzaangor on foot unit anyway.
  8. So I've been thinking about Tzaangor Enlighted on foot ever since the BoC Battletome came out. Before putting them on foot was never even considered an option because you were paying the same points for an objectively inferior unit but now that they have different pts costs the conversation becomes much more interesting. As it stands you are paying a 40% pts hike to hop on a disc with TE (Tzaangor Enlightened). Is it worth the extra pts in all situations? For comparison purposes, I am going to compare a 9 man unit of TE on foot (300pts) to a 6 man unit of TE on disc (280pts) They are almost the same cost which makes the comparison reasonably close and is a realistic comparison to a decision you may make during the army building. For the sake of damage comparison, I am presuming they are all able to attack a target with a 5+ save and no additional defenses. In addition, I am only accounting for the base profile, no guided by the past. TE on Foot: 27 wounds ( +12.5%) 15.8 damage (-7.6%) 6" move (-62%) TE on Disc 24 wounds 17.1 damage 16" move On the surface, in a nutshell, with Tzaangor on foot you get a tougher unit that does slightly less damage but is a lot slower for slightly more pts. Based on this alone it suggests that in most cases TE on Disc are usually the better option. But this isn't the whole story. Both have a few other pros that are less mathematical that are also worth considering. TE on Foot Larger unit footprint. This is both a pro and a con. The con is that the unit is more unwieldy, especially due to its slowness but also in terms of being able to ensure every model gets to fight. The 2" reach with their spear helps but doesn't necessarily solve the problem. The benefit, however, is that a larger unit is able to enjoy larger coverage for their 'Babbling Stream of Secrets" ability which, in some situations can actually have a pretty big impact. Tougher relative to their cost means that they can make better use of Guided by the Past. TE want to take hits before they hit back. An uninjured unit of TE on disc may do more damage comparatively but in many situations, that unit will also lose effectiveness faster when they wait for opponents to attack before they do. Better at holding objectives. Once on an objective TE on foot are better at holding that objective because their model count is higher and they are harder to kill. In contrast, they are worse at reaching the objective due to their slowness. TE on Disc The vast increase in speed allows them to always be where they need to be. The addition of the daemon keyword. Which is also a pro and a con. The pro is that they can make use of Daemon specific buffs or benefits. The most common being Fold Reality which most of the time will completely offset their lower wounds count but sometimes can be catastrophic. The downside, however, is that some armies, such as SCE gain additional benefit when fighting daemons. Often doubling MW output from certain abilities. This is actually a massive consideration as SCE is the most common army in most metas. It is also worth noting that gaining the daemon keyword has more benefit in a Disciple of Tzeentch army than in a Beasts of Chaos army. Based on the above the decision becomes much more 'muddled' and situational. We are starting to see it become less about which is objectively better and more about which is situationally better. This question compounds further once we introduce warscroll battalions Skyshoal Coven The point is pretty moot here as the coven requires that you choose to ride discs but it is worth noting that if you ever intend to try that battalion out, don't put your TE on foot. Tzaangor Coven In contrast, however, in a Tzaangor Coven, TE on foot become more desirable than their mounted counterparts in most situations for two reasons. The first reason being that since the battalion's main benefit depends on the TE being close to the standard Tzaangor unit to gain benefit you likely will rarely find yourself taking advantage of the TE on Disc speed since you have to go slow enough so the other boys can keep up. Thus you are paying for a huge increase in speed you won't be using. But also because the buff to vicious beaks that the Battalion provides increases in value with more beak attacks which you gain when having a larger number of TE on foot for the same pts cost. Phantasmagoria of Fate Very little benefit either way here but it is worth noting that the increased speed means that the TE on Disc are more likely to be deeper into enemy territory and possibly in a better position to unbind spells. Conclusion As a whole, TE on Foot and TE on Disc a reasonably competitive depending on the situation. The choice isn't nearly as clear-cut as before. However, it is worth considering that you are going to be paying 1/3 more in terms of dollars to actually buy the models as well for a very similar choice so that is often going to be a consideration for many people. I'd love to hear what everyone else feels about this. If any of my math above is wrong, please do tell me, I could have a made a mistake and if there are any factors I have overlooked I would love to here. I am still pretty much on the fence about the two as I feel this analysis doesn't have a clear cut winner. On another side note, though, I wish GW gave the option for Skyfires to be on foot. The mobility certainly makes Skyfires very good but having a unit that is strictly for shooting would add another interesting dynamic.
  9. Step 1: airbursh armour plating. Paint is as if one solid piece of metal so dont worry about a second color for edging. Step 2: cover armour plating with sticky tack step 3: Airbrush skin step 4: remove tack and nuln oil everything. step 5: minor additional details and highlighting as much as you want. step 6: varnish and bases
  10. Not unless they get a big pts reduction in GH2018. They are really inefficient for their cost atm.
  11. Black Knights, Spirit Hosts, Dire Wolves, and/or Skeletons.
  12. I feel like the dilemma is that if you want to run a bunch of summonables then you are just better off running other legions. I agree, though, there is room for terrorgheists to do work in LoB, esp comboed with banner debuffs, overwhelming dread, and gnashing jaws. Personally, I plan to run some summonables in my LoB army though. I feel like Black Knights are sleeper OP for LoB since they can bring the -1 bravery banner aura up the field really fast. Banshees, however, feel too slow too me for LoB, their scream just doesn't have enough range for an army that wants to be fast.
  13. Personally, im surprised they reprinted soulblight in LoN. They way I see it is that soulblight effectively became Legion of Blood.
  14. imo swap out something so you can run some black knights for fast moving additional -1 bravery debuff aura. It also might be worth grabbing the gnashing jaws spell for more bravery debuffing.
  15. One major con: Spirit hosts are hosed by -1 to hit debuffs which are pretty common in the game. -1 to hit for most models will be between 25% and 50% reduction in damage output. For spirit host that number is over 75%.
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