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Everything posted by Mayple

  1. @michu Oh! That's reassuring. My wallet is in danger from any kind of Ogor, Soulblight, or Aelf release. If they'd end up doing all of them... oh boy.
  2. If what they said about one faction being released for each grand alliance is true, then my predictions are: Order: Seraphon Destruction: Ogors (Gutbusters/Beastclaw raiders, or something along those lines) Chaos: Slaves to Darkness + Everchosen Death: Soulblight I wish there are aelves, free people, and dispossessed released for order as well, but with the information we have, I'll settle for these.
  3. Is that 2-3 activations per behemoth/unit, or just the hero(es)?
  4. Why would I take the cutta!? I would just lose 1 inch on the range, and loose out on that sweet knightly lancer look!
  5. Now that's some Daemon Prince material right there
  6. I can attest to that. I've worked around the problem in a way by having all my books on the app, but it can still get troublesome if we have to look up a very specific section of wording, and it could be located in either the general's handbook, or the core book, or even the malign portents book. Army books themselves are fine to have, by all means, but three books on the side makes it a real hassle to sort things out quickly
  7. @RexHavoc Alright! That makes sense I'm with you on that train of thought. More centralised content (I don't know what else to call it) is definitely better in the long run, since it gets really confusing to have a whole bunch of different expansion-esque rules from different sources. It's not as bad as DnD used to be, but that would be the worst-case result.
  8. Just to clarify: You don't want them to give you a reason to buy their books? Or that you don't want to buy more than one book for your narrative needs?
  9. That's what I'm thinking as well. Makes sense to separate them if it gives them more freedom to adjust. Especially in context that a lot of people might have been asking for more regular rule/point adjustments in the survey not too long ago.
  10. Wait, I just realised this means I can actually finish my skaven horde. I was hyped mostly because it seemed like a really nice quality thing, but the prospect of -finishing- 80 grey-ish sad models!? Oh boy!
  11. I'm so onboard with this I love that it seems to be a sort of basecoat paint that does a fair bit of the shading/highlighting for us, without looking silly in the process. Not only does that save time, but as you say, helps to identify areas to highlight, and makes it a much easier job of painting at a greater quality. Now I'm sure someone could (and maybe will, eventually) make the point that easier = not as much skill involved, but.. uh, results matter more than the work involved, as far as I'm concerned, so eh! Very excited about contrast
  12. Actually.. Yeah, he did he promptly bribed it, after doing some good old intimidation smack-talk. End times, good times. That wasn't the Verminking, mind you, but the encounter would very much play out the same way, regardless.
  13. Oh! I would love that. They're really difficult to push into lists as it stand, and usually when they are you'll have to build the list around them to make it worth it. Absolutely amazing models though.
  14. I mean.. Where's the "none of the above" option? - Skaven needs their Warplightning Vortex spell adjusted. People are abusing it, and you'll see a significant drop in winrate if it happens to be nerfed into oblivion. Hard to argue that the rest of the army is "broken", but I'm open to input. - LoN has the Grimghast Reapers going for them. Hardly breaking anything beyond that. - I'll stay out of fec for now, since I haven't got much experience with it. I understand that Gristlegore is the issue? Could someone in the know elaborate on that for me? Run me through the wombo-combo etc. - DoK, sure. Their winrate kind of speaks for itself, but we also know that a lot of top-tier players are piloting that army more than the others, so the competitive statistic is a bit skewed. In addition, High-damage output glass cannon armies tend to win a lot more than they often should, because people playing against them often neglect their deployment/movement phase in a way that they get punished beyond the point of no return. Regardless. Needs point adjustments, for sure. Hardly broken beyond that. - Deepkin? What? Why? Get that drowned horse out of here! - We need a Phoenix Temple vote. Have you seen their winrate!? Broken!
  15. @angrycontra Just to add an important addition that would affect your whole "block them with stuff" point above: - Hermdar Hearthguard wants to deepstrike onto, or as near as possible to, a center objective and stay there for the whole game. They can tank out most heavy-hitters in the game, and can one-shot most horde units if those horde units charge in or get charged in any kind of reasonably effective widespread engagement. So blocking their movement is not a solution, nor is slowing their approach with expendable units, since only the most tarpitty of tarpid units can hope to survive the first engagement. If the Hearthguard has double-pile in, and were on the offensive, they'll get a free 3" movement from their second pile-in after having wiped a unit, which is 1" less than their normal movement So don't get blindsided by their poor movement values. That's really not how they'll get ya, and they won't alpha strike either, as they're much better off getting half-way there, run their support stuff into range and just camping it out. They're probably not impossible to deal with, mind you, but they're not a problem solvable with chaff-delays or movement blocking. It'll take them one, or two if you really put in the work, rounds to get to that center objective, and there's not much you can do to stop that. The wildcard factor will be how we handle dealing with the rest of the map while the fyreslayers tough it up in the middle
  16. @Kirjava13 How dare you win any games!? You should get tabled instead, like any self-respecting skaven player. While I do agree that WLV is.. let's say problematic, that did sound more like him (kettle) calling the pot black. Congrats on your one-punch win Don't feel guilty for bringing stuff. Do what you feel like doing. You play Skaven, you've earned the right.
  17. If he does that, that's all the more reason to bring more bodies and some gutter runners the gutter runners alone would ruin his day if he rushed forward.
  18. You know I'm a strong advocate for gutter runners.. ..But have you considered adding some gutter runners (minimum unit)? Three screaming bells scream (geddit?) overkill next to a Warpseer. Trading one of them out for either 20 more clanrats for your third battleline (or another 20-rat minimum unit) + gutter runners, or a clawlord + gutter runners will both give you some tactical flexibility in how you want to approach the battle, and forces your opponent to leave part of his forces in the backfield to prevent cheeky steals, which in turn opens up more opportunity for you to shift around with the gnawholes There's also the added benefit that you would no longer be 20 points above the maximum. edit: as an alternative if you plan to go heavy spellcasting or something, and don't really care for gutter runners; 2x Warlock Bombadiers (they're still 100? I'm fuzzy on their points) gives you some cheap, scary punch you'll happily sacrifice if need be.
  19. To be fair, the skaven are a bit "lolwut, look at those stupid man-things trying to worship us." and send them to be slaughtered (or slaughter them themselves, I don't recall exactly :D)
  20. There we go. That was the thing that would see them dominate everything if it wasn't FAQ'd Then we are in agreement.
  21. Unless a drastic faq happens, I'm expecting Fyreslayers to start topping events once players catch on to their stacking potential. The wildcard factor on that point is that I have no idea of how many competitive Fyreslayer players there are, and I don't expect to see people switching to them before they start axing through the opposition, which could be a slow journey if not piloted properly. So maybe they'll go under the radar for a while. Who knows? Crazy times
  22. The unit is always in range of itself (and is a unit that is affected by abilities it itself brings out, if it qualifies for those) - unless specifically stated otherwise. i.e: it would not trigger if the wording was: "For friendly units other than this unit.." and such, but the majority of abilities do trigger on the unit itself as well Edit: And yes. the Captured Soul energy ability occurs in both your own, and your opponent's, battleshock phase, as it specifies "The battleshock phase", which is every time that phase occurs.
  23. I love it I'm sure it'll have it's own internal limitations, but more freedom to customise is always something I'll be hyped about.
  24. Happy to help! Note that the tankiest possible approach you could go would be a "core" of 30 hearthguard berserkers, supported why whatever else you feel like. Those fellows won't be dying anytime soon with the proper support, and will serve as your undeniably uncontested infantry superiority unit. Figured it's good to point out, since if you're not keen on the idea of that, then you might want to look at other armies instead. A small horde of naked angry elite dwarves tend to be the approach with the good old Fyreslayers as long as you're going for defensive over offensive Best of luck!
  25. They have a dedicated shooting unit. Can't comment much about how good they are, but they're there. Other than that you can squeeze in two cannons and a gunmaster (in the form of a dwarf, of course) from Ironweld Arsenal as allies if you're dying to get some long range pew pew You'll need to go heavy on the unit numbers to get that though. Edit: Not that you really need to shoot much. You'll mulch whatever front line engagement you run into, and enemy shooting won't really do much to you, no matter how heavy it is (unless it's skaven warplightning cannons targetting your leaders specifically)
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