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Everything posted by Malakithe

  1. IJ are definitely not broken and the brooch is 100% mandatory in all list building from this point on for IJ at least. Way too many CA to use and not enough cp generating
  2. Sure until the holder gets sniped turn 1 lol
  3. Cp is going to be a real problem I think with all these new abilities
  4. You better hope your tourney is before july cuz there isnt a snow balls chance in the warp the Fungoid is staying at 90. 110 is probably what he will be if not 120pts based on all the caster increases im seeing
  5. To be fair the poor gargants are almost never included no matter what
  6. Maaaan ill be pooping shrooms if they go down to 140. Poor Brutes though...and for sure theres no way the Fungoid doesnt go up. If some squig related stuff drops and troggs drop a bit ill be happy
  7. I think skaven got hit with heavy points hammer from what i hear but who knows
  8. The new GG price is the same as the old Grim price so easy to slot them in for me. And slightly cheaper Morghast is welcome too. Super increased magic though is bad...at least they didnt touch my fav unit, the VLoZD
  9. Yeah they really broke the entire Death faction with grims. Made everything else obsolete. My hope is that points drop to GG combined with the minimum unit size of 10 will make them usable again
  10. Goodbye Grims, hello GG. I hope morghast come down in points too. Those poor guys need help
  11. Heres hoping for some squig and trogg points drops
  12. Ooh man depending on by how much, flooding the board with more armored green could be just what the weirdnob ordered...
  13. Lol GW did exactly what was expected. And it was completely wrong. Increasing Grims points wont fix anything for Nighthaunt or LoN
  14. Wont be used for matched play by anyone probably due to the crazy limitations
  15. Command Point value far exceeds any kind of mercenaries. Im sure someone can come up with a list that doesnt use any cp buuuuut yeah...
  16. I hope not cuz that will be terrible for LoN as a whole since all the LoN options are subpar in comparison to their NH equivalents. Really hoping for points reductions for LoN stuff
  17. Yeah they might be too crazy if they were really spammable
  18. As a Squig and Trogg fan im hoping for good points reductions for them. Im getting tired of seeing all these 100+ boring grots lists
  19. So the only list that did well was the very boring spam basic bodies? That doesnt bode well for the faction as a whole...I can see why GG is under performing
  20. Isnt LoG part of LoN so wouldnt they get the same allegiance? Each Legion gets the base LoN stuff plus sub traits...unless they are doing something different for LoG
  21. Kinda strange to have to ally in Vamps in a LoN list but no change there I guess. I dont see why Necros wouldnt be able to take spells from the Deathmage lore. Unless it says wizards can only use the new lore which would be extremely limiting and make no sense
  22. Why not? Deathmages can choose from their own lore due to being a Deathmage. Unless it straight up says something like 'wizards can only chose from'
  23. If LoG is treated like a full LoN addon faction then it would have full access to the rest of the LoN stuff. Lady O will be a Deathlord and thus have access to all spell lores. The Legion will have its own traits and items as well I would think. Grave sites, LoN allegiance plus sub Legion traits. Im curious what this means for the other Legions. Will they have full access to all Nighthaunt units as well? Battleline will probably be unchanged with the possibility of 'battleline if' situations
  24. Not likely. If its LoN allegiance then you wont have access to Nighthaunt allegiance stuff
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