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Everything posted by Malakithe

  1. Man everyone is going nuts over the balance stuff that just released for 40k. Be grateful AoS isnt so swingy...or maybe thats what AoS needs 🤔
  2. I can see that but some context would have been nice. Here is a faction with a mushroom, cave, squig, and troll theme but out of no where they toss in mongolian wolf riders who dont fit anywhere in the faction theme.
  3. The wolf riders are cool and all but I dont get them. They dont fit the theme at all. Wonder what that thought process was like
  4. Ive been juggling back and forth between Knights vs Varanguard
  5. This will be a massive hit or miss. Amazon has a history of crazy big creative freedom far off from the source material aside from just the name. Some shows are great while most have die hard fans fuming. For me as long as they dont use any already established material and try to carbon copy it ill be happy. The 40k universe is so vast that Amazon can just make up whatever it wants for a good story...just as long as they stay away from anything already established including every named character in the setting then it should be fine.
  6. Crazy thought before I leave work...how many Warriors could I fit into a 2k list....
  7. Hmm bold move going Mark of Tzeentch...curious how that turns out
  8. I wonder if there is a hidden strategy at work here...its like the NFL draft where the biggest losers get the best picks. In this case the factions with the lowest win % get more buffs lol
  9. This is what we think we know...they could easily tease something at the end or pop in extra stuff. Mostly thou im just being a Doom and Gloomspite Troggoth
  10. Im going to laugh when the BoC thing is only some underworlds stuff
  11. I meant them being on par dmg wise with Knights but thats good to know too
  12. Im casting my vote for no real AoS stuff and only useless underworld things
  13. Yeah you use him for parts for cool kitbashing
  14. Is kinda sad how they are doing Chaos overall in AoS. 40k is doing much better with possible soup options.
  15. Yeah I actually just read the FAQ lol I read it and was like 'fuuuuuuu' Okay then...now the next question is: whats the point of adding a LoC to StD? 400pts is a lot for a single model that cant do much
  16. Its funny to talk about consolidating warscroll when GW did the exact opposite for Vulkites and split them into separate units based on weapons. That right there is a good reason to add more units to a roster. All that did was superficially inflate their roster but in other cases they actually collapse most weapon options into one profile.
  17. Oh im going heavy into StD now. I wont be painting them up in god-specific colors though so I can change the Marks. But bringing a big bird might be nice. I wouldnt necessarily need to have Tzeentch Marks all over the place and just use it for a MW machine gun or something. Related question: Do coalition wizards get access to the spells of their allies or are they just using what they have on their own warscroll? Could a LoC cast the StD Sigil endless spell? I have no idea how the coalition stuff works.
  18. As a former IJ and Fyreslayers player I absolutely believe that small limited factions need more units. Those small are so one dimensional there is no room for creativity list to list. The only difference is someone might take one less of this unit or add one more of that unit. You talk about different roles but that is not possible. Look at OBR. You talk about evolving the warscrolls for different roles but a catapult is a catapult. Thats not changing. Spearmen are spearmen...dudes on horses will always be calvary. Theres no changing/evolving that. What OBR needs is more infantry diversity just like IJ and Fyreslayers need other stuff. And yes some units dont see play and thats on GW for making the statlines bad or points bad or slotting too many units into the same role to compete with eachother i.e Stormcast. So in closing...GW, add more stuff to my first 2 AoS factions! lol
  19. Bah I forgot about that no battleline part. A LoC can be allied into StD? Didnt think they fit but I usually dont look at allies rules
  20. With the new StD book coming what could be the best coalition units to bring in? I for one, as a Total War player, like the idea of going heavy Tzeentch Warriors to replace the very meh Acolytes and Tzaangors.
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