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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. I hope it is just a big swarm of 6 ghouls and a courtier.
  2. That's a big waste of a command point. You only need the Azyros within 10" of your target so in most situations a run is enough to get him there.
  3. You would still be too far away to actually hit anything because you have to be >9" from an enemy when you finish a teleport and moving 6" would place you >3" away and not within range to actually attack anything.
  4. Ah good point, I forgot about the rotation
  5. There is a full spoiler available if you know where to look for it... They have a lot of great Surge cards, and it seems like they can easily score stuff like Cover Ground, Longstrider, and Keep Them Guessing. They seem to play very similar to Spiteclaw's Swarm (5 dudes, very fast & fragile) but they trade the ability to respawn dudes for access to some magic and ranged attacks.
  6. Im assuming this is okay to post since it's available on the web
  7. Saves happen before damage is allocated, and the Warding Lantern effect of rolling a 7+ happens immediately when you make the save roll.
  8. Fun fact: You can use Prayer of Grimnir's Fury on Gotrek to allow him to fight in the hero phase
  9. Are you talking about this one? It doesn't quite match the stormcast grip/handle style
  10. Having artefacts in your army is part of your allegiance bonuses. There are no artefacts that are not tied to an allegiance, so it can be said that if you don't have an allegiance you can't select any artefacts. Realm Artefacts can be chosen instead of your normal artefacts, so if you can't take artefacts then you also can't take the realm artefacts. Allies cannot benefit from allegiance and artefacts are part of your allegiance, therefore allies can never take artefacts.
  11. Allies can't benefit from allegiance abilities. Artefacts are allegiance abilities. Allies cannot be given artefacts.
  12. Why are you only looking at round 1 shooting? Why are you teleporting out of range of your full rerolls? Why are you assuming the only way to get into shooting range is to teleport? It's very easy to get an EOTG within 25" of a target (you don't even need LOS) and fish for the D6 mortal wounds by keeping a Slann nearby - you can reliably get either one of the two best results of 6-9 or 14-17 when you roll 4 and pick 3. If you need more reliability then bring/summon a Starseer for Curse of Fates. If Skaven are outshooting you then you are definitely doing something wrong because WLC are a joke and it's easier for Seraphon to kill Jezzails than the other way around. My experience has been wildly different from yours, so my only assumption is that you are not playing the list to its full potential. It sounds like you are trying to play far too aggressively, throwing away units for minimal damage, ignoring key mechanics like vassal casting, and failing to keep units in your buff ranges. I know Thunderquake is capable of beating all the top tier lists because I do it all the time - it's unfortunate that you can't get it to work that way.
  13. With full rerolls you average much more than 2 saves on a Bastiladon... Why are you ignoring the shooting from Salamanders/Razordons? Why are you ignoring the D6 mortal wounds from EOTG? Why are you ignoring the damage from spells? It really sounds like you are doing something very wrong.
  14. Which army can do all of these things and also want to use command points for IP? There is more to this discussion than just the value of a command points.
  15. The most effective way I have found to play Thunderquake is to treat it as a shooting list with good melee options. You build it something like this: Slann (Double teleport) Astrolith (Defensive artefact, usually Retrices) Starpriest EOTG (Defensive artefact, usually Ignax's Scales) Bastiladon (Laser) Stegadon (Bow) 3x Salamander 3x Razordon Handlers Minimum Battleline (either Skinks or Saurus Knights) Endless Spells (Some combination of Purple Sun, Cogs, Balewind, Pendulum, Geminids) The list is all about utilizing all the tricks that Seraphon has up its sleeve to dismantle your opponents key pieces, while putting disposable screens at your opponents big damage dealers to give you more time to disrupt them. Rerolling all hits, wounds, and saves on your key units makes it very consistent damage output. Having +2 to cast makes your casting very reliable. Being able to teleport wizards into range to cast poweful short range endless spells (with +1 from constellation) is incredible. I love finishing a round with 3 predatory endless spells on the table - I usually prefer going second so I can move the Geminids/Purple Sun and Pendulum again. I rarely summon with this list. I prefer to fish for D6 mortal wounds ability on the engine and casting realm/endless spells with the Slann. It's worth banking some points to summon chameleon skinks in round 2 or 3 then steal objectives on the following turn. I use vassal casting to stay out of unbind range and then use the range bonuses from Astrolith and Balewind to toss spells from a huge distance. Realm spells are usually pretty terrible because they have limited range but when you are casting them from >50" away they become really good! I like running Saurus Knights over Skinks because they never die to battleshock, they have a guaranteed 14" fly move (great for taking objectives), they have a 5+ save instead of a 6+, and their damage output isn't that bad for an 80pt battleline unit. I usually put Salamanders in the battalion because I prefer the increased accuracy on their brutal Rend-2 D6 attacks, but you can also put the Razordons there instead because they benefit more from rerollable wounds and they can easily get to 3+ rerollable save in cover. The Starpriest is great in this list. Sometimes I run two because Starlight is a great spell, and having another wizard for more Endless Spells is great. Stegadon is really important in this list. Not only can it move the Bastiladon an extra D6" every turn but it also allows the Stegadon to move itself after teleporting for an easier charge. Between their shooting, Rend-3 horn attacks, and 3d6 stomps you can win games by teleporting a Stegadon to wipe a battleline unit off an objective and claim it. It's not an easy list to play. It takes a lot of experience and requires complete knowledge of your opponents army. It has above-average shooting, magic, defenses, mobility, and still performs well in melee so when you play it right the incredible flexibility and huge back of tricks makes it one of the strongest lists in the game.
  16. I think part of the problem is that the armies that tend to care most about ignoring battleshock results (Gitz & Skaven) have ways to generate copious amounts of command points and don't generally rely on using command points for offense like other armies normally would, so they end up almost always having extra command points to use for inspiring presence.
  17. Is inspiring presence allowing units to completely ignore battleshock bad for the game? There are loads of cool bravery effects that will never be viable as long as armies can spend 1 command point to completely ignore them, and it seems like a weakness that horde armies should have to deal with rather than just trivially ignore. Some suggestions I have heard for tweaking the ability: Change the battleshock roll to a 1 Only the general can use it Reduce the result of battleshock by 10 Only usable once per game What do you think?
  18. Most people that run Thunderquake do it with 2 Bastiladon - this is the wrong way to approach the list since the Stegadon + Bastiladon combo is vastly superior. Bastiladons are too slow, their shooting is too unreliable, and their melee is too weak to justify spending that many points on a pair of 8 wound monsters. I wouldn't call it "worthless until turn 2", since you can be casting anti-horde spells, breaking artefacts, tossing Purple Sun and Aethervoid Pendulum straight into the heart of the enemy army, and reroll hits on shooting on turn 1. If you are facing an alpha strike list you can easily screen with skinks/knights and counterattack with our insane 12" artillery, you can beat other shooting armies if you use your teleports properly, and if you face an attrition army you can just start spawning Razordons. I think when you build and play it properly Thunderquake is one of the top 5 (maybe even top 3) lists in the game.
  19. The sad truth about Shadowstrike is that it's too easy for opponents to play around once they understand what it does. Thunderquake is a much better competitive list.
  20. Grandstaves are equal or better in every situation except fighting something with a save better than 3+. That assumes that every model in the unit gets to attack, which isn't often the case... Grandstaves also have 2" reach, which ensures that all your models get to attack. Take Grandstaves on every model and don't look back.
  21. You can use them in Matched Play but not in pitched battles. If it's not in GHB2019 it's not legal for pitched battles.
  22. Bring 2 units of aetherwings, stop charges even in a double turn. Plan ahead.
  23. Yes, you are correct. It does not specify a "normal move" or any specific phase, so it works on every kind of move in every phase.
  24. Put your Slann in the corner or somewhere out of sight that he can't see even after he drops in. Alternatively, take the first turn and spread out your army to deny him space to drop in range to shoot. 30" is a long range, but it's possible to deny that space if you deploy properly and use your teleports to spread units and deny space.
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