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Everything posted by Turragor

  1. Lovely, clean, smooth. And a good palette. I love it! The SC scheme is my favourite.
  2. Aww thanks - wait and see what I have planned for the bases!
  3. Green can be clean! New motto for Nurgle maybe
  4. I like clean! Even for Nurgle. Agrax bathing was always one of the things that put me off Nurgle, and I finally found my own take on that to start with this new excellent release. OP's Nurgle is my kind of Nurgle!
  5. That is just sand painted brown and drybrushed a light bone.
  6. I only chose this for my sc warbands bases because the colours match but now I think of it, spring and summer just don't fit shadespire imo! No wonder winter and autumn are popular.
  7. Guess, if true, it's interesting (maybe odd) to see 4 elfesque releases in 2 months. Like that makes sense when it's daemons and mortal companions (AoS) and daemons and chaos space marines (40k) as they share the daemon models. It almost makes you want to think both are coming with some shared 'allied' gribblies that aelves and their 40k equivalent might share... but - and I am very shaky with 40k knowledge at the moment - the models for Drukhari and harlequins are pretty much complete (so it's rules) right?
  8. Like many I'm sure, I have a main army that was my 'first' army project. I add to it when new things come out or the mood takes me. Mine is stormcast and it's a pretty large force now. It means I'm relaxed about what I paint mostly - I've never got a deadline for a new army (just a deadline for units I might want to try out with SC perhaps). This all means I usually have a new army per year. I've yet to find my 'second' army. I got beastclaw raiders last year - as those who checked the posts above out would know - and I think they are awesome models but they aren't in a great place play wise right now so my motivation to paint them is recreation only. They'll come back around but for now I'm setting them as project nr 3. Basically, this new nurgle stuff has me excited and they are my army nr 2 for 2018! Interestingly I've never liked the green and rot and dark (15 layers of agrax) paint approach. I like GWs bright green - especially the new GUO scheme - but again, green doesn't feel right. So I'm going for Candy Nurgle, Rainbow Nurgle, predominantly PINK Nurgle. They're made of off chocolate, candy past its sell by date, died high fructose corn syrup boils and jelly and icing that you really shouldn't eat as its months old. They're here to rot your teeth in the name of nurgle! That theme will be explored more as I go and start doing some converting. For now here's my rough colour test model: ... and I'm 90% happy with the choices but may tweak a few things. I'm thinking maybe baby blue innards instead of green... like I say, I think Green can be for the bounteous other nurgle armies out there! We'll see how it goes... and what I can afford (I'll be doing a big hobby sale/clear out of stuff I got but will likely never build or paint).
  9. He might be an advanced model for the ruination chamber (there are a few chambers in the sce tomes still 'shut'). I like his tache and his measuring compass. He's a studious stormcast... with two hammers. Which is a bit of a break from the war-y guys.
  10. Thank you! I'll be doing all undead with glowing eyes now (when the time comes to do a death army). Love your models. Snow is a great contrast to normal khorne colours!
  11. These are the mortal realms, nothing is certain:
  12. Ty! One of those stamp things. I got it from kickstarter. A real small one (2x2 inches ish) to sample. It's served me well. Basius they were called don't think there are any current kickstarters but you can order them somewhere else - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/984996675/basius-4-community I'ma get more next time from different terrain types. They're pretty neat.
  13. Making my own butcher with cauldron from spare parts and some amateur sculpting! The final vision is along the lines of: Right now he looks like: And I added some fur to his "seat":
  14. I think (just my opinion) that death must always be pure imitation. There is no real creation or new from death (as opposed to Chaos which can't stop creating) just reanimation, rot and resurrection. Or maybe - life creates, chaos mutates, death keeps life going for longer than it should and it's twisted. That was always my take on undeath in most fantasy settings. Ofc I hope AoS riffs on this with something cool. I think it'd be extra smart if GW also kept all existing death players happy too!
  15. I think there's a divide in expectations (perhaps) between those who want the some flavour of the old world back (often, but not always, those waiting on old faction updates) in some recognisable shape or homage, and then those embracing the new, be that in the new, original factions or starting from scratch with AoS. Possibly - I mean I can't at all divine what everyone thinks or feels. It would though explain some of the sensitivity around deathcast as an update to death. I mean death players have been crying out for attention for ages and signs point to it being their time and still there's rumbles of 'you better not do X' or 'I hope it's Tomb Kings'.
  16. This doesn't make sense. Imitation of one of the origin themes (only) of the most successful and lasting tabletop game story of the last 30 years should put AoS on good footing. Ofc it won't end up like 40k. I mean it's a theme as old as the first narrative tragedies.
  17. I posted this elsewhere as I thought the same thing kind of:
  18. These are two very nice schemes! Love the khorne weapons and osl with the eyes, and their skin tone. Stormcast are excellent looking with just silver, gold, white and leather. +1 for autumn leaves club. Best club to be in!
  19. Now the question is, is he stuck to that absurdly large base temporarily for painting or is it where the main model sits?
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