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Everything posted by Carnelian

  1. Looking at how cool the sisters range is, I can't wait for a Devoted of Sigmar release
  2. I love Age of Sigmar too! And just to add, the necroquake helped empower the dormant Ossiarch Bonedads
  3. Sorry I gotta object. Geedubs had both teased the new Death faction through marketing (the Bone Tithe trailers) and lore (Necroquake and Malign Portents. In fact I would say they wre probably the AoS faction that received the heaviest ever amount of pre-release fanfare.
  4. Enlightened are definitely competitive. Skyfires and Tzaangors have fallen behind the top curve but are still good for most games. If you're desperate to be top level competitive, there are rumours of a new Tzeentch book early next year so prob best to hold off. But if you're happy being mid tier (I. E. going win 2- lose 3 at events or 3-2 if you're lucky) then get painting all that Tzaangor trim! 😅
  5. 1) practice 2) use a cheat sheet like aos reminders.com 3) practice At a tournament you owe it to your opponent to be able to complete your games on time, so if you're going to take a list like changehost you need to practice the hell out of it so you can make your decisions quickly and give your opponents fu games
  6. But but but... that's not a Varanspire terrain kit! It's an azyrite ruined chapel. Sad, got super pumped for a mo
  7. I don't remember seeing a Varanspire terrain kit before?
  8. Hey Chris if I wanted to take a merc slot, do I just send you the payment? Is there some way to reach out to the people already in that team first and check we're on the same wavelength?
  9. Isn't it Gordrakk who is planning to batter down the gates of Azyr?
  10. Doesn't that rely upon rolling the exact number of inches you want to move them on 3d6?
  11. This sounds neat but is it hard to do in practice? Surely they aren't charging large enough to block charges as your opponent can simply run around them?
  12. Wow I must say I wasn't expecting that. The chaos lord mount looks epic. Love it! It's going to be v hard not to throw these in with my existing chaos factions and warcry. Good job gw. I my only problem now is choosing what to pick up next out of Bonedaddies, stds and zone mortalis necromunda
  13. I just came back from an 80 man tournament called Bloodshed and although I won 2 of my 5 games I enjoyed every single one. There was a fantastic variety of armies doing well and competing. Walking around the tournament felt like exploring the Mortal Realms themselves! So yes I think AoS is in a great spot right now
  14. Don't kill the pink horrors and that list isn't summoning much Just kill the caster heroes
  15. Is there anyway I can take a brayshaman in a Tzeentch army and give him the Tzeentch keyword?
  16. There was a player at LGT who had a big jar full of horrors. Didn't see him take a swig though
  17. Thanks. Didn't expect such a quick reply! I'm guessing by the sound of it that I need to have loads of big units of ungor/bestigors etc to take advantage of their board control. That sounds like a lot of hobby work! 😅 Might just throw some of the cool models into my collection and it not focus on tournament lists
  18. Hi everyone. I'm brand new to BoC and don't have the tome yet. I have I've just spent a while building and painting a Tzeentch army with lots of Tzaangors, Skyfires, Tzaangor Shaman and an allied Beastman Shaman and a Wildfire Taurus. It occurs to me that I already have over 1k for a BoC army, so I thought I'd pop my head in over here and ask the following: What does BoC allegiance offer me as an alternative to destiny dice and the Tzeentch lore? Not sure that the Brayherd ability to come in off board edges is all that strong if I can destiny dice a first turn charge with Tzaangor and / the discs move so fast anyway. I hear BoC summoning is strong but having perused the 1d4 chan tactica, I'm not sure how I generate more than one plus D3 points each turn? Are the Ghorgon and Cygor models any good in game and can they combo with Brayherd abilities? The models are beautiful but the Cygor looks a bit pants with one attack hitting on 4s. Is there a way to buff it or get multiple attacks? What nasty tournament tricks does the army currently have? I don't see it doing well at big tournaments but that might just be cos it's not being played.
  19. Misread that as Start Collecting: Varanguard and got super excited
  20. I dunno. That looks like nipples and a beard to me. My money is on this being another Spire Tyrant
  21. That would be awesome and also makes sense but my memory is telling me that for some reason gw don't really release new content at Christmas?
  22. I was looking through their warscrolls this very morning and was surprised at how much utility they have. Some the warcry warscrolls are really useful! First turn charge with a swarm of the untamed beasts yes plz. That would cost a command point for the Goretide to do the same with bloodreavers. Lots of cheap units of the Cypher Lords there to defbuff. Solid. Horde unit of the Splintered Gang regenerating a few wounds a turn and doing mortals on 6s. Useful. None of them are exceptionally strong but they've got decent warscrolls and they look amazing.
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