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Everything posted by Greyshadow

  1. Hehe - yes, it’s a challenge. My goal is to get at least 40 minutes of painting done per week. Last week I got 50 minutes in, it took me nearly two years to get the monsters for Silver Tower done. I have just spent nearly a month base coating five Freeguild Archers! Focusing on Skirmish has made my slow rate much easier to bare.
  2. At the end of The End Times: Nagash most of Khemri turned their back on Settra and joined Nagash. These forces could indeed have survived the destruction of the world-that-was through Nagash. I feel that if the Tomb Kings did indeed make a return they would be thralls to Nagash and indeed a Death faction.
  3. Not exactly Warcry news but Warscroll builder has just been updated to include the new Skirmish points. Huge thanks and great job @scrollbuilderdude
  4. I guess the game always has and always will be in a state of being unfinished. In the dark days before Age of Sigmar but after The End Times I was ready to dig in and keep playing an unsupported 8th Edition. It didn't take too long before this dynamic, evolving game with exciting new stuff drew me in. Is the game too much of a mess though? Yes, I think it is a little but GW are on to it with their lastest releases and the tidying up of the web store. Be interesting to see where we are in 12 months.
  5. The collegiate arcane faction has been folded back into the Free Peoples faction on the web store. Does this mean in future I will be able to take Collegiate Arcane in my Freeguild army without needing to use my allies allowance?
  6. @scrollbuilderdude seems to be busy at the moment. Maybe on a well deserved holiday? Hopefully, he will be back soon and have some time to fix those few problems. Edit: Those points are correct as others have mentioned, I am hoping the Skirmish points system gets updated when Scrollbuilder gets a chance.
  7. Interesting we have pages of discussion assuming the original poster is telling the truth. I do agree that it all sound plausible. We all know their were lots of problems with the early Fyreslayers. Wouldn't anyone who had access to the release schedule be subject to a non-disclosure agreement? This kind of leak could be damaging to GW, is the poster either unprofessional or are they disgruntled? Do they think releasing this information would encourage people to get behind Deepkin and Fyreslayers? Also, if they were just not as financially successful as expected was this due to tooling costs? Supply issues? Design time? Did some models sell like hot cakes but others chew large warehousing costs? Assuming the GW list of best sellers is accurate, the Deepkin heroes were top sellers. How far below expectations? My personal opinion is the the Indoneth Deepkin are just astonishingly brilliant. I wish I had time to collect and play them. Wish there were rules for some for Silver Tower so I could paint a hero to play with too.
  8. Here were my goals for 2018: 1) Complete my chosen hero for Silver Tower, the Lord Castellant. Done! 2) Paint: 3 Flamers, an Exhalted Flammer, 3 Screamers and a Herald of Tzeentch - Almost Done! (Working on the Herald at the moment) 3) Complete all of the heroes from the base set: Mistweaver Saih, Fyreslayer Doomseeker, Knight Questor, Excelsior Warpries and Gryph-hound, Tenebrael Shard and the Darkoath Chieftan 4) Finish my Watchtower terrain piece for Age of Sigmar 5) Rebase and reorganise my Empire army into a Mixed Order army. 6) Rebase and reorganise my Ogre Kingdoms army into a Gutbusters army Stretch goals: 7) Paint my Nobleman’s house (Chapel) terrain piece So, I might have been a bit ambitious! I did paint some extra stuff though, a Chaos Lord for my future Tzeentch army, two Chaos Warriors, an Azyrite Ruins set and this guy, a Freeguild General: For 2019? 1) Herald of Tzeentch for Silver Tower 2) 3 Freeguild Archers for Skirmish 3) Archeological dig site terrain set, including some tents, crates and some treasure chests to use as objectives 4) Freeguild war camp terrain set, including command tents, camp fire, pickets That should be quite achievable for me, we will see how we go!
  9. @Novakai, I like your theory! Grot sky pirates would be sensational that's for sure.
  10. I didn't see the Gitmob models go Last Chance to Buy. If I was a Gitmob collector, I guess I would have bought what I wanted buy by now as experience has taught me this was a possibility. Still, why have a Last Chance to Buy if you don't use it?
  11. Oh my, they knocked this one out of the park. Simply amazing. On another note, the 'Eavy Metal team have eclipsed themselves with the painting - they must have enchanted brushes - nothing short of spectacular. @Greasygeek, my first thought is Slaanesh Grey with Druchii Violet recess shades to give a similar colour. edit: @Dirtnapsis on to it, try Warpfiend Grey.
  12. A big Skirmish relaunch would have been cool but I have to say I am not disappointed we are just getting new rules. I really like how Skirmish is a rules lite, fun narrative-like expansion rather than a full blown game. I have been using it as an escalation game that allows play as we journey to full armies. Looks like I can stick to the plan and keep painting what I'm doing too!
  13. @SuperHappyTime, I agree, missing product is never acceptable. There may (or may not) be a legal requirement, depending on local laws but there is a requirement to keep you customers happy so they stay repeat customers. GW understands we are details people. They will know that many won't be happy even if the (legally dubious) small print does say 'contents may vary'. As is a lot of Age of Sigmar terrain, this kit is made from a contracted supplier too. The responsiveness and accuracy of this manufacturer may not be as good because of the shipping distances and that the employees aren't GW staff. On a more positive note: I bought the set yesterday from my local GW store where I am a regular. I told the salesman, who I know quite well, about the problem with this kit and asked him if we could open it and check it. I told him I already had the Azyrite Ruins and I would prefer to get the sprue shown from the box if this was possible. He did say that he had heard something about this issue. We opened it together and he agreed it wasn't right. He immediately opened a Blasted Hallowheart box from the shelf and fixed the problem. I am not sure if it was intentional but I did end up getting to keep one of the incorrect sprues too. I thanked him but he told me not to and said if ever something is not right like this we will fix it. I walked away feeling deeply impressed by the outstanding customer service of this fantastic store. P.S. The correct sprue does indeed fit into the box quite well.
  14. That's our very own @bottle. I would not be surprised if Bottle was involved. I'm sure Bottle can't wait for January either!
  15. @Ghark you have just made my day! Age of Sigmar Skirmish in January!!! /dance
  16. Those miniatures from Pax look ace. I think I’d paint the Darkoath with a grubby paint scheme. Think that would look ace too.
  17. I am happy to pay more for GW stuff because the quality and customer service is so good. Consumer law in Australia would indeed require that they accept returns with a full refund. Have they not done this? It is unfortunate but probably reasonable on their part if they don't offer the missing sprue as long as they accept a full refund if requested. If they haven't corrected the website immediately then that is appalling. An apology via Warhammer Community would certainly be appropriate.
  18. Thanks for the heads up @carnith and fair comment @firebat, I may go and buy some more Chaos Warriors as I wouldn't mind bulking out my existing models with another 10 to match the first lot. Still, if the updated models are half as good as the Varanguard maybe I should wait.
  19. @bsharitt, good buy. My group is about half way through Silver Tower and absolutely loving it. Such a great game. Miniatures are just superb too.
  20. Nice, I am working on a ruined Lantic city at the moment. These could be good!
  21. Was hoping we would see the two story Azyrite Ruins in the Christmas bundle. I wonder when they are on their way...
  22. Wow, notice the guy on the top right disc, he has the puffy sleeves AND the big Knight Questor lion pauldrons. Now that is how I'd love to see Freeguild in Age of Sigmar. Fits the new aesthetic and would allow existing Freeguild veterans (like me) to use their older models if they wish. As soon as it clicked that the Stormcast are the Romans I have loved them. I understand why some here are keen for the attention to go to the other races as they are very well supported range wise. Also, the theatre of them is highlighted much more against a back drop of the more mortal races. A big Stormcast vs Moonclan battle, yes please
  23. No idea but I'm a bit more positive. @scrollbuilderdude has been working hard to keep his brilliant app up to date. I am sure the store birthday Guardian rules will be added soon.
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