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Everything posted by Greasygeek

  1. So yeah.. ehm Stormvaults is out and ehm.. its not quite what was hoped for. #onceagainthehypetrainscrashes
  2. Well it’s always a matter of opinion but ehm WHAT?! How can you not like the model? I think its one of the coolest models in the range.
  3. Eh.. what is new about this? Looks unchanged from the tome? Or am I missin something here?
  4. Im really hoping for some more boardtiles set in the mortal realms. Would honestly buy one of each realm if they existed.
  5. Yeah that horsy is a big meanie, really jaloux that my nighthaunt endless spells sucks so bad when the models look so nice.
  6. Was hoping to see a bit more models but I like the news what so ever. - Updated battletomes for the 1st ed. Is a great news(though we kinda suspected it due to the FEC tome). - warscry: hopefully this is the Skirmish game that we have wished for. It at least explains why the Skirmish 2.0 didn’t adress half of the stuff that was lacking from the first skirmish. If this release is to be similar(ish) to kill team, then I guess we might see a lot of scenery and board tiles too. Really hoping so. - Love that Soulwars isn’t done yet. To cool a storyline to end it already. I also believe that this is the reason Slaanesh remains locked up. The great pink escape is one major plotline meant for its own and not to steal Nagash’s 15minuttes of fame. - Stormvaults.. so eh.. don’t know what this is but I think Gw has used up all of their ‘Storm’ words for SCE and Also the words: ‘Blood’ and ‘skull’ when it comes to khorne stuff😉 BLOODreavers BLOODletters, BLOODwarriors, BLOODcrushers, BLOODsecreator, BLOODthirster etc.. - All in all it looks like 2019 is the year that actually allows for some elbowspace as I was hoping for, yet still we will see lots of new stuff, but the badics remain the same. Looking forward to that.
  7. Thanks mate, much appreciated. One last question. How difficult is the deepkins to control compared to other armies if you a bit new to the game. Examples: kharadron: having lots of weapon options in each unit and sky port stuff too. tzeentch: lots of spells and summoning points to keep control of. khorne/stormcast: move forward slash/shoot opponents. not trying to step on anyones toes here, this just my humble opinion based on experience learning teenagers to play.
  8. Hi all This young fellow(age 14) I know is about to start a 1000pt deepkin army. Usually I would be his go to guy to help build a list that looks cool and plays pretty smooth. A list that can win games despite not being tournement worthy. But thing is, I have never faced the Deepkins on the battlefield so I know nothing about them except for some vague rumours. So what should he build and why? Please you experienced fishhandlers, lend me your assistance. Info we play in a community where matched play and narratives go hand in hand. We go competitive too but the rule of cool seem to prevail for the most of times, which of course IMO also puts tournements out of the question.
  9. You know what? To my that doesn’t sound to bad if 2019 isn’t yet another year that turns everything upside down. Having only a few tomes and maybe some endless spells gives some time for those of us who get to play 10-20 games a year tops to actually settle on the game for while. Not too bad I should think. If we do need a little spice, we can always pick up Firestorm or Malign Portents or some of the other yet to be tried add ons.
  10. Thats very fair Ben, however all I hear is a guy who is afraid to express his feelings towards the colour Beige! So whats it gonna be o mighty one. Are you on team beige or not🙂
  11. So ehm if NDA is silenced for bringing rumours to the rumour thread I guess subjects are pretty open now... So whats it gonna be Pats or Rams? Ever think Trump will get his wall? Btw. Whos your favourite Jersey Shore character? Never liked the color beige how do you guys feel about it?
  12. Very nice, especially considering that you are new to painting. For the next steps maybe think about adding a bit more levels of highlights and shadows to really put more depth into the model. Also nice to see a faction comment not related to listbuilding.
  13. What if they decided to mash FEC and Deadwalkers together. Both of them would make theamatic sense for a team up and the bloody ragged designs pretty similar as well. It would really ‘flesh out’(pun intended) tye FEC faction and might even bring a bunch of new zombie kits.. After all I guess that if you are a ghoul, deadwalkers might work as the first line of defensive picnic baskets.🍽
  14. Well thats kinda a two edged sword I guess. On one hand it sounds cool to keep WD as a sort of a living rulebook and way to get fast expansions, but on the other hand, I am bound to miss some important stuff unless you subscribe. Also, bringining more books to games is usually equal to longer more tedious games. Hope Im wrong here, though.
  15. Being kinda new to WD here. But how official is those extra rules articles for AOS? If I recall old WD stuff was usually optional.
  16. Hi all need a fast reply please. so Im facing off against 4000pt of fyreslayers. For the first time I will ally with a pestilens buddy of mine so we bring 2000 pt maggotkin and 2000pt clan Pestilens. Question is. If we take a maggotkin army (key: Nurgle) are we allowed to bring battalions from clan pestilens since we all have nurgle alligiance abillity?
  17. Wonder if that Dankhold throggoth has the monster keyword. Would love to add it as one of the monsters armies might face when fighting in Ghur.
  18. Hi maybe im just new to Nighthaunts or maybe it’s because I suck at mathhammer but I really find it hard to understand how Hexwraith can cost 160pt. 320pts for a unit of 10 seems extreme compared to the units other factions can get for those points (like 10 blightkings or Sequetors). As a matter of a facts I do not see why one shouldn’t bring 6 spirit hosts instead? Leaving 80 points for other stuff. So fans of Hexwraiths what is the fuzz about? Sure they are fast but do they deliver? Is it just to bring the deathstrider battalion? If so, is it really worth it?
  19. Anyone of you fine painters out there who might guess what colours GW used to get that troggoth boss purple?
  20. Haha recently I finished my Badmoon gorkamorka crew. Got so caught up in the badmoon awesomeness that I had to put credence one when they first thrusted through the battlefield.
  21. Yeah I also think the skirmish focus is just to push SC boxes and breath a bit of life into it again by adding s few battleplans. But I really hope to be wrong as I see lots of unused potential for skirmish. Whether you wanna run a pitched battle narrative game or campaign.
  22. What do you mean? That warbands can’t exceed 50? After checking up on the SC boxes only 3 of those can use all of its models in skirmish and only two of those three, can field a legal starting warband ( 25 renown, min. 3 models). So I guess some interesting rulechanges will happen. Looking forward to this.
  23. I find it kinda interesting that they push the start collect boxes for skirmish simce most of these contain way above the 25 renown and some have even heroes that alone costs 22 renown making it impossible to field them in a starting warband. So it indicates that whatever ruleupgrades skirmish might see wil include focus on either starting campaigns higher than 25 or playing matched games.
  24. I wonder if new skirmish rules will include summoning/bringing back slain models so that all death wont suck totally as is now. Skirmish got a lot of potential but it needs a serious revamp if it is hopped to be anything more than a AOS appetizer.
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