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Everything posted by Walrustaco

  1. I'd certainly love some standing ogor plastics with different leg poses than (A) or (B), left foot forward or right foot forward. Wider stances on something with the gutplates, head and arms still totally interchangeable like all the other stuff. I'd love a crazy customisable maneaters kit that would be worth every penny for the sheer variety and quantity of bits. Ah geez. I need that now. Dangit
  2. I'm sure a lot of people would rather they get a battletome sooner rather than one with models later. (ME I would like that for me) FEC has like 13/14 units if you count the riderless beasts and the new guy. It's okay for some factions to be on the smaller side. Most of the models are plastic and new and look great. Skaven are sort of the opposite. Combined , they're a massive faction, only a lot of their models are outdated looking. A lot are also new and incredible though. I think these 2 factions should be delighted to be getting these releases. New characters, new times. New spells or terrain! One of these days that will be me who is delighted
  3. Those Gutbusters rumours really motivated me to work on and expand my Ogor army. Now that it turns out it was not true, strangely, I haven't lost any of that motivation. It made me realise what really was the army for me. The thought that someday we might get a lovingly written (or just plain written) battletome will keep me going. In conclusion: gw give fatties
  4. Don't care for the first 3 but beige is a nice neutral colour. Also this is the rumour thread not the beige thread
  5. Gutbusters have: 9 different units. 11 if you count firebelly and maneaters. Ironjawz had 8 units. 9 including the shadespire warband. Beastclaw had 10. 6 of those are variations of the same kit. In conclusion: gw give fatties
  6. Hi, dunno if I'm allowed to post this sort of thing, but I'm selling my dispossessed army to fund other stuff, at least until dorfs get a little more loving. Would be nice if I could sell them to some of you guys who I know love the army a whole bunch.
  7. Anybody got any thought as to what these "few new models" could be for Gutbusters? My thoughts thus far are - plastic heroes (personally I would find this a nice luxury and also of course exciting to have any new ogor models but I love the finecast heroes we have now enough to not mind if this one doesn't happen) - since firebellies are supposedly being rolled back in, then perhaps some kind of ogor infantry that incorporate this suneater theme. - dunno if @Ndabreaker ruled out Endless Spells, but if they're included, then some kind of The Maw endless spell seems guaranteed. The kind of thing you maybe place under enemies and it moves them aside. - I can't think what kind of other ogor troops we could get. We have standard fatties, choppy fatties, shooty fatties. Uh I dunno... magic fatties? like evocators but masticators instead? (Cause they like to eat and chew) Lemme know what you think
  8. T̶̨̗͈͙̬̼͑̔̎͊͑̍̄̈́̕ḩ̶͇̜̳͙̘̰͆̈́̿͐̑̓͝ë̷̬͍͓́̎̄́̊̎̑̕ ̶̯̍̈̈̓̅̎̄͝Ṛ̴̡͚̞͇͓͇̤̭͒̚ũ̶̙͙̟͙̲̗͚͚͇̏̏͌̌͠ͅm̶̖̦̪̹͎͕͚̼̗͎͊́̌̕̚͝ǒ̷̱̳̤u̸̖̟̘̔̓̏̂͆̈́͂͘͜͝ŗ̶̨͇͍̬͈͓̿̑̉̄̓ ̸͉̱͙̟͈̮͔͍̏̈́̌̊̄̔͛́̃ͅͅT̵̝̾̇̍̀͑̓h̶̲͖̪͉̬̥̪͔͋̂̃́r̷͉̦͛̿̾̕ę̴̧͓̤̱͎̩̻̙̈́́̃á̷̡̛͍̻̭͓͙̖̹̓͒͊͑d̷̠̻̃͗
  9. Battleline would have to be non skaven unfortunately. Maybe you could convert some blightkings to be all verminy
  10. (つ•̀ᴥ•́)つ*:・゚✧,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Here, thought you could use some of these.
  11. Maybe we could get Gotrek as a special character? With the dispossessed and fyreslayer keywords
  12. When they make Endless Spells for Ogors, one of them should be an ogor on a moped, who arrives from the table edge with the massive takeaway that the lads ordered from the turn before. Not sure what it would do. Maybe heal them or inspire them somehow. Maybe they'd have to roll dice at the end of the combat phase to see if they get the sh*ts from the chicken madras.
  13. Thoughts on this list?: These are the models I own. That's all of them. Although 10 of those Irondrakes aren't yet built. Could be Ironbreakers.
  14. You know when I think about discussing Troggoth lists I don't think "let me put ONE HUNDRED tiny goblins in my list" Let's get serious with the Troggoth lists here guys
  15. Agreed, but I don't want them to be ugly. Wouldn't be fair. I mean look at the new model. Look at his jawline.
  16. Is this gonna be like when thousand sons got new models as corpses on space wolves models before getting actual ones lmao
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