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Everything posted by Praecautus

  1. So playing around with a mortal list of blades plus Khorne slaves. Think ii quite like this although I won’t be winning any drop wars. Ithink goretide and need to sort battalions Bloodsecrator - general, banner of wrath Lord on krakadrak - thronebreakers Daemon prince of khorne Priest - sacrifice Skarr Blood stoker Reavers 10 Flesh hounds 5 blood warriors 10 chaos knights 5 chaos knights 5 chais warriors 10 wrath mongers 5 magores fiends and Riptooth Skull alter Hex skulls 1980 if I added it up right I may do some juggling about to fit in a monster (slaughterbrute?) there is flex in the battle line and magores to free the points to do so and or change a leader to a second priest with curse or even a warshrine instead and drop the main priest I can certainly build a few battalions with it and then modify over next few games. But appreciate the hive mind thoughts
  2. I think my choice of general for a mortal list is coming down to either Khorgus khul for his 8 inch pile in and axe and rr1s. Plus side those abilities are all nice and will give the opponent an issue with monster placement of going for him. But only 3 swings of the axe isn’t great but I think my preferred is Bloodsecrator w wrath banner and a bodyguard of chaos warriors w sword and shield. Really tanky blob that will be hard to smash through to with those warriors who can LOS or absorb MW while the banner pulses MW every combat round. Then maybe some knights w krakadrak lord to cause trouble. couple w prince, blood stoker and a priest and maybe Skarr and some wrathmongers for the mw, pile in on death and Skarr deepstrike ability. I am not sure basic mlok does enough, although charge reroll in this list is good. Juggerlord suffers from the trigger nerf to his damage
  3. I very much like Magores fiends. A small unit of blood warriors is a great throw away unit stop a charge or horde and deal some MW in return. Riptooth is excellent as one of the best, maybe even the best, sacrifice targets in the book. You can 2 or 3 blood tithe from him, which is really useful at any stage of the game. Especially turn 1 if you can’t get into combat. I think the increased number of drops in armies will help justify them. I used them a lot in AoS 2 and think they will stay in AoS 3 in a mortal list
  4. So just a thing to note for the jugger lord. His ability of 3 damage is triggered by a wound roll of 6, gore-cleaver affect of doubling damage is also triggered by a wound roll of 6. So according to the rules you must pick which one will be in effect but not both ie damage 3 or double damage. I think you would do that for each wound roll as opposed to al, but regardless say goodbye to every wound of 6 being 6 damage at rend 2. He’s more swingy now as he normally does d3 damage. So if you pick the gorecleaver effect he is doing 2,4 or 6 damage depending. Then add hew the foe if you are goretide FYI the rend will still be there anyway
  5. Artefacts are but the lose of command abilities is hard. A manticore lord armed with Lance and sword could be genera and given hew the foe ability in goretide plus gorecleaver in the Lance. On charges he was deadly doing 7 damage at rend 2or 3 on each hit of 6. That was a common manticore general build and filled a huge hole in a mortal army. you can still give them artefacts and there are some interesting combos still. But some of the best have gone. And the remaining eligible models don’t match up as well
  6. I am utterly out of ideas right now. So much has to change to my mortals list. I don’t want to go blood thirster spam
  7. Coalition unit can not be your general either 😒
  8. Khorne bloodbound have a hole in terms of a decent beatstick general in the 200-300 point range. Most of our mortal leaders and quite slow, squishy etc so this gaps tends to be filled by slaves to darkness leaders who used to synergise really well with artefacts and command abilities that made up for the lack of command ability. The current faq prevents slaves being the genera now so they lose a lot of their usefulness now. Our remaining mortal generals are juggernaut lord, mighty lord and khorgus. They are not bad but none ever really hit the heights of a Khorne prince, manticore lord or krakadrak lord.
  9. Yep. No idea who to put as my general now. Juggerlord perhaps or back to one man and his dog.
  10. I want to finish the elven and Rohan armies from war of the ring Paint the Idoneth direchasm warband single piece of terrain for a gaming club I am in
  11. It was your posts on this topic from much earlier in this thread which put me onto the manticore lord. He’s been a blast to play in AoS 2 and I hope he still can in AoS 3.
  12. I like Skarr a lot. His ability to res is really helpful and actually puts some pressure on your opponent to decide to attack him or, move a unit off an objective or not. I have had games where people deliberately refused to attack him due to the res ability and went for the wrathmongers instead, who could hit after death due to skarrs ability. In other games he has ressed in the opponents backfield allowing me to summon a unit of fleshhounds or worse. The new unit coherency rules make his special attack awesome as he will have more targets. Also the model is ace! I can confirm manticore lord with sword and Lance is a deadly glass cannon with the right build. Or was in AoS 2. I am not sure if the synergies work now ie new the foe and gorecleaver in the Lance for 7 damage on a charge at rend 2. He dies to a stiff breeze though and has no ability to support our troops.
  13. For bloodwarriors that’s how I play them as a sort of landmine unit pumping out the MW on a save and then get a tithe for them. However taking them in units of 10 minimum is a big investment of points now for a throwaway unit. Priests are a lot more expensive and can do fewer prayers plus the invocations can be dispelled now. Having to select which effects go off after a trigger removes a number of our tricks. I spent weeks painting a lovely unit of 15 Khorne chaos warriors and now they have to be 10,20 or 30. That sticks in my craw a bit. Either 5 don’t get used or I have to buy a box for 5 more. The chaos kitty has moved onto my radar also, but I am holding off buying one for now until the faq comes along. I guess I am really just trying to come to terms that the army I crafted over 5 years is going to change. And unlike chaos I fear change 😀 I fully appreciate there are armies in an even worse state - beasts of chaos looking at you. There are solutions and I will no doubt build a new list. But without the faq to know what is really intended it is hard to muster much enthusiasm.
  14. Hmm Gotrek could be something a bit different. I suspect more eels are needed. I am finding it interesting there has been a lot of Idoneth artwork associated with AoS 3 so far, maybe a hint? I hope
  15. In the past few weeks one of my local clubs has managed to open on a weekly basis. While I have not played any warhammer, many of the members have been. Meanwhile I have had the fun of introducing fellow nerds to the world of designer board games. Had some excellent evenings of dice rolling, moving minis and looking up rules 😀 it’s been good to not have to lose to my son again
  16. Hello wet-elf fans! I am hoping AoS 3 may not be the whirlpool of doom I fear it could be and looking to spruce up my armies. I have a roughly 2k Idoneth force that was built for fun/fluff reasons I am looking for some inspiration on how to get it AoS 3 ready. Happy to buy models if needed Akhelian king Tidecaster aspect of the sea/storm (not fully built) soul render spulscryer 2x10. Thralls 1x10 reavers 6 eels 2 allopex elathains soul raid so I have a crab! I have some potential allies 5 khinerai w deepstrike Random stormcast Is the option still buy more eels? Or is there something more fun? I very much like building synergies with units and firing out fun combos or tricks
  17. I really am trying not be negative. But I play Khorne mortals and think I’ll be in for some significant rebuilding. Not being able to add more than +/- 1 or not having havinggn more than 1 effect on a 6 will require quite some thinking. Blood warriors going to units of 10 min is quite painful. Priests got hit with the nerf stick so I need to look at aternative solutions. The situation with mixing in slaves is awkward due to points and no battleline. Gorepilgrims has gone. The list goes on... I honestly don’t know if I have the energy to rebuild the army I have played almost every week since AoS 1 launched until lockdown happened. I want to make it work so maybe waiting a few weeks for the faqs and then planning a list may be best, what ever I come up with now is likely to not be legal.
  18. Idoneth warband built, some tricky building bits on them but yet again lovely models. Can’t wait to put some paint on them.
  19. While I wait for my Idoneth warband to arrive, I decided In a moment of slightly beer driven madness that War of the Ring needed to be painted. It’s 205 minis covering 8 armies, nazgul, minions and fellowship from LOTR. This is a long haul project to say the least and I’ll intersperse it with other things eg some Idoneth. Anyway, enough chat here are the dwarves post base coats
  20. Khargas ravagers done. Now to pick my next project
  21. Good progress everyone, keep it up. I was away last week but last night I got a start made on the final model from Khargas ravagers. The sorc lord will be Tzeentch, which for reasons, I like to do as emerald green as opposed to blue. The robes are the same as my other slave warriors which have marks of the other gods, so ties them together.
  22. Ok the Slaanesh warrior is done bar painting the rim. and a family shot so far
  23. This month I will finish the slaves to darkness direchasm band. One per god. I need finish this warrior as Slaanesh and then the sorceror as tzeentch. I am unsure what I will work on after that - maybe an Idoneth eidolon which has been in bits for 2 years.
  24. Nurgle warrior. Kinda fun to do. Have way through the warband
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