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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. First thing rule. First time I used a Morkanaut, blown off the table. First time I rolled a spell with a lvl 4 Spellsinger in 6th ed, double 1s then double 1s. Granted,.. first time I used my old Shokk Attack Gun in 4th ed 40k it ate a unit of 5 Wraithguard and a farseer. first times are always flubs in some manner. law of the dice.
  2. I haven't lost any armies to being squatted. My wood elves still exist as Cities of Sigmar and Sylvaneth. My Beasts of Chaos and Slaanesh are also fine. In fact surprisingly BoC have a lot of units that I would have fully expected to be removed (so much finecast). However I haven't played campaign armies or supplement armies that didn't even have models at the time to support them (a la storm of chaos,.. custom built daemon chariots for example). My Wardancers can work as Wildwood Rangers, my Warhawks as Gyrocopters, Great Eagle lords as Gyrobombers, Dragons as Black Dragons my old 1994 era Treemen got converted up with old mages and some woods to be a Hurricanum. Any hero fits as a unit champion and now that champions can do command abilities makes them more unique. Plus MSU, more reasons to put them in. BSBs can be unit standard bearers. I can even find a use for my 1987 Elven Attack Chariot in games. It really doesn't matter to a good opponent if you are clear. My Glade Guard are now Sisters of the Watch (found some extra flaming bows, GS the others, even 3D print flaming bows). Even with Sigvald and Be'Lakor if you build up the model to be appropriate sized as a diorama on a proper base you can overcome scale creep. I would say other than Chaos Dwarfs (rumoured to be returning) and Squats (just play guard with them and win coolest army) there is very little in the majority of games played you cannot make work. Some tournaments may have issues but really,.. you're competing in the WAAC arena so do whatever, be fully aware of what a tournament means. People could do with looking more on problem solving instead of "GW screwed me". Perspective also helps. When i got back into this game in 2003 people kinda balked at me using models from the late 1980s. maybe what 16 years apart? Even if that,.. some Space Ork Warbosses were on sale through the 1990s, so less than 10 years of scale change. Thinking back to Glade Guard those are 18 year old models now that have seen a LOT of play in 18 years. Some of the issues with being squatted could just be the next generation being on the crux of "aging out" of the era 20 years before. Storm of Chaos was nearly a full two decades ago. Also I saw a guy using old 1990s Lothern Seaguard as LRL Spearmen,.. so who cares...
  3. The Sisters of the Watch are good but got hit hard twice (needlessly perhaps). Going up?!?!?! in price was a shocker (did you ever see them in tournaments) and nerfing their stand and shoot to be -1 to hit was the second. I would say they easily could have gone down in points and you still wouldn't see them being top tier. I sure love them and will take a couple units of 10. As you say, I guess one thing to consider is they are good vs monsters (chip through with MWs) and infantry (enough shots the bravery with the odd debuff could be quite drastic. There is a spell in the Sylvaneth Lore (re: Warsinger)that is rr 1s for to hit and wound. It could help them. WhenW Rs do indeed punch through the -2 and 2 dmg is good. Frankly I still think 10 WRs with the second rank being perpendicular to the front rank (being sideways) is still good. Perhaps +1 to hit from All Out Attack (since the NP and Hurricanum can be elsewhere) on them mitigates the dice spiking of wounding on 4s. Yesterday I watched 5 rip apart one of the DoK medusa infantry girls. Are Sylvaneth Coalistion for CoS? Is that the 3rd ed change? if so then sounds like a change. However if they are still just 1/4 can be Sylvaneth the requirement for the EndSp is just being a Sylvaneth Wizard. Cinderfall Gaming did a bat rep. here that was a surprising list but fun to watch. Plus it isn't a stupid length like 3 hours so on 1.75 speed makes it easier to watch.
  4. I felt this too. I didn't think it was as hard a nerf a people made it out to. Fixed that for you.
  5. I'm always surprised people dismiss them. -2 Rend and 2 DMG is really good particularly in a meta where paying for -1 rend in a warscroll is a drag cause people can stack on +1 so easily. When i used them they did great things taking down monsters in the past. My opponent used to joke I should just paint and use 30.
  6. My brain is fuzzy (just got off a heatwave weekend hotter than the Nevada desert her and we have no AC in the city) but... when playing the BoC battalion in the previous HoS I used Ungor raiders with their 6" pregame move and deployed the Keeper back so he couldn't hop over into him. Isn't there a scout command in the rules allowing a unit to do this? Some of us left FB can you post a few photos here or link in something else?
  7. I would say that and Tendrils and the Herdstone. Pump it up because -1 in a meta where things will have +1 you are paying for something that won't have an effect. Sadly,.. that dude is a guy who went 5-0 with Sylvaneth with their current trash book at a UK masters. soo,.. i'm all for calling people hobos since that's funny but no clue why he wrote the article,,. oh wait it's cause the only person in a masters to win probably laughed at GW so they did indeed find a random hobo as you said 😉 I've heard Gors being called better these days. Colonel Cabbage was talking about Gors vs Bestigors and he made good points. 75 points, rr charges, 4+ in combat. And they die just like Bestigors. His point was Bestigors (in 10 anyway) do less than you expect so the points difference is really noticeable. I mean, just to consider. I'm all for looking at things.
  8. What are people thinking as a mixed bag (so not strictly Warherd or DrOgures) for a Great Fray? I guess I saw Gavespawn from the red king. are there book command traits and items people are going for instead?
  9. How were the Ghorgons? Oof,.. harsh. Always. I want my cows back too. moooo.
  10. Hmm k i'm not aware of what playtesters get/dont' get. Having seen Reese blow up arguing on camera, made me unsure but feel GW gets slowly better at engagement as we progress. Thanks for the clarification on the thread. I guess we are all waiting to exhale on this one 😉 I forgot you need a wizard per endless spell... But I do quite like the Warsong Revenant so maybe he can cast Spiteswarm Hive A lot of utility in that warscroll. The 3" reach was nice to discover. What is the Warsong bomb going off? I saw it quoted, is basically Throne, Spellportal then his native spell? I have to read Spellportals it sounds like it has good use.
  11. Yeah but the Branchwraith didn't go up much,.. And you can hide her well enough. And even getting one unit of Dryads that acts as a solid bump or road block could count her points equal. I suspect her summoning ability is on par with the Dryads. I just don't think she's bad. I think she's good since Dryads got better. Maybe time will prove me wrong. all good
  12. I'm hoping there will be a FAQ "fix" which GW has actually done before (6th ed, end of 8th ed). But getting a faction would be very nice. Especially if they did it less ham-fisted than this past approach. The guy who ran the 16 cockatrice army posted the list in AoS 3 points. Also nice to hear you still value Raiders with the points bump. I love gorebulls but they are indeed just okay. Being a HoS player also that thread is misery expounded when the book was released. people came out of the woodwork to just complain. The book sadly was pointed for allowing Wrath of Everchosen, etc. Not strictly internally as the playtesters at the time knew chaos was "soup" of the like. People claiming the book was supposed to be "AoS 3 pointed" appear to not understand how time works. "oh this came out 6months before AoS 3 and was likely supposed to be a whole year before AoS 3,.. that means it must have been meant for after AoS 3" ...
  13. The Branchwraith summonig Dryads in (if you are getting a reliable cast) is more useful now. I would say her stock improved. I do however agree with Spite Revs being a big loser. No matter how hard people tried to make them work at book release we eventually saw 15 and a Battalion as their use,.. which is gone. I think any of the Hunters got better. Bows shoot throw Wildwoods, will see smaller units, will see more heroes on monsters or monsters in general. Seeing more small units made Swords viable now and operate well enough on their own, and Scythes remain great and a good choice for a reinforcement. I agree with Trevs. They remain a great utility choice and improved as they don't compete against Spite Revs any longer. I do also quite like Dryads which is nice when one has 70 painted... Regarding Drycha I followed Simon Hall's gameplay the past weekend in CoS using Drycha. (top Aussie player and often on the Honest Wargamer) He apparently got called out by playtesters as cheating for casting flaming on Drycha making me think uniques cannot gain access to the spell. TBH that's probably a better way of phrasing it. Lacking rend is perhaps the biggest issue ignoring the other reasons they lose out. "oh you just made all your (buffed) saves and I have no armour,. fun times." Oof,.. but,.. overtime expect Kurnothi to replace them. Buy Ungors while they are cheap to convert yours over when Kurnothi drops ":P You can still play CoS. I think it's very good and why has no one mentioned soulsnare shackles yet? I painted mine up two days ago after reading the rules (granted I've been playing CoS instead of Sylvaneth previously).
  14. Dryads got a bit of a boost with 10 vs 10, and reach. Getting 21 attacks is pretty nice vs fewer. Granted Tree Revenants hit nicely and I think they have good combat and in an MSU setting their stock should go up. Pop around and disrupt plus battalion changes made Spite Revs not as appealing. I guess I still like Dryads a fair bit (especially 20) but I see Tree Revs still valid. However... summoning in Dryads into LC got better. Just hoping for those casting buffs somehow for reliability.
  15. Ah,.. yeah I downloaded them and thought they were the same and the confusion came from people saying it went away... thanks kindly.!!!
  16. Okay. Yeah I wouldn't complain before trying out games. I saw Orruks got hit. I like dryads still and going down in price, taking 20 seems like it's worth trying. I suspect there might be other things to come? Or just battleplans? Endless Spells changed enough that we may still be 16 days away, or fewer. I think it is in relative to her Broken Realms cost which is 740.
  17. They could go back and fix those warscrolls for us,.. but GW is a moving forward company, not a looking back these days. All character/hero monsters got better. Access and whatnot has opened up so he hasn't gotten worse. If he is not a wizard he can cast one spell from the Lore of Leaves. Doesn't make him a wizard unless there is a BRB item that does it.
  18. There is a lot of back and forth on this and it is confusing me. I read it as things didn't change regarding modifiers and rerolls but I'm seeing a lot of "AoS 3 did away with it"...
  19. My buddy just got the new VC (Soulblight?) and he's taking stuff he thinks is cool and fun. I'm planning on taking Warherd,.. time to green stuff a Gandalf hat Oh, they've been leaked? I cannot imagine differences are an issue. This seems less sweeping than 40k got. Actually seeing stuff go down means they made an attempt to address balance and not "everything goes up 5/10/20 points"
  20. Gyros value goes up as smaller units as they add more utility to the movement game, they have a high mobility and a decent base size regarding movement blocking. Your comment about WRs is nonsensical. Unit strength is an archetype from a game that died six years ago. If I deploy 5 models they still have the same number of attacks in this edition and last edition.
  21. TBH i want to see Ungors as 20-40 so 20 min would allow them to still get up to 40. And I dislike the idea of 10 Ungors even if they are screening. Only because I want to see Gors as 2W as 10-20. Obviously I want Bestigors to be 2W also and oh lordy this one hurt the most,.. remembering Bullgors were 4W.... sigh. 40 1W Ungors and 20 2W gors gives units their purpose more to me. Especially as they are not improving Gors as an offensive unit.
  22. I was thinking about picking up a Runelord. I gave both my last two dwarf heroes to my nephew who is playing D&D with his dad. He lost one and so,. yeah.. Wish I had anything still to use as a RuneLord. I feel having a priest on hand to dispel will be handy.
  23. This is depressingly true. In the stories BoC have been the fodder that dies in droves and doesn't really matter since they are just there to be narrative. In terms of lore matching game play GW has made sure the army matched this for the 18 years I've played them.
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