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Everything posted by PlasticCraic

  1. That's an unfair generalisation. I was more than happy with both the Bonesplitterz and Beastclaw releases, and bought into both armies. I'd love to see the Destruction as a GA get a reboot like Death has.
  2. Agree with every word in this post, well said! With the production capacity, they literally can't make the stuff fast enough right now - we all want the new models but if that's not going to happen in the foreseeable, let's see the books instead.
  3. That's sad to hear, can I ask whether it is personal or gaming reasons? Not trying to pry into your personal life at all btw...If it’s non-gaming related that’s the end of, no need to go into detail! I'm thinking it's more likely personal, because you don't seem to be completely "down" on where competitive AOS in general (and Ironjawz in particular) is at right now? I’m just interested to know if it's for gaming reasons (as a community leader and one of the top Destruction players I’m always interested to hear your thoughts on the state of the game and of our factions), and also for my own selfish reasons (I love reading and listening to your batreps and advice, so I will always want more not less!)
  4. 100% scratch buildable! My mate has basically glued the catapult thing that nobody uses from the Arachnarok kit onto the correct-sized oval bases. Hey presto, Spider Lobbas! Very easy to make. I'd thought about maybe making "Git Lobbas", with Greenskin "volunteers" as the ammunition...emphasizing that Greenskinz are to Ironjawz, what Grots are to Greenskinz.
  5. Are there any cards from the Skeletons box that people are finding useful?
  6. Totally works! Who could argue against that? Spotted the same one and loved it! Also another cheeky one is the Daemonic Weapon upgrade from the core set (I think that's the name). It's a powerful Damage 3 weapon, but it makes you take a wound...which Inspires our guys!
  7. Brightshield has an upgrade that puts her and all friendly models adjacent to her on guard. How does this work? Is it like a pulse, putting them on guard, then if the friendly units step away from her they keep their on guard status (losing it if they charge away, as normal)? Or is it always active like an aura, but only while they are adjacent to her (so if they step away, they lose it)? And does Brightshield have permanent on guard status as long as she is upgraded, or does it just activate like a normal activation and she can lose it again like normal?
  8. Hey Chris, could I ask please for more specifics on how you used your Spear Chukkas? I've been running 3 so far, and the most wounds I've ever done in a turn is 3 in total (that was when all 3 shot at a Slaughterpriest in cover). I could definitely be doing something wrong, so I'd love to know how you used them, and where specifically you had success? Probably the biggest thing they've done for me is manipulate how my opponent deploys - they do sometimes assume that the Chukkas will delete characters, and deploy accordingly. But in game they've done very little damage so far (5 games played under GH17).
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