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Thomas Lyons

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Everything posted by Thomas Lyons

  1. Don't get your hopes up. It is just this model, complete with jellyfish coming out of his hand:
  2. I had the opportunity to go on MC1Gamer's channel this evening and do an overview discussion of the new Disciples of Tzeentch book. You can check it out here: If you aren't a subscriber of his, I'd encourage you to subscribe to his channel. For those of you who watch Warhammer Weekly, we'll be having a special guest on Wednesday: Rob of Warhammer TV! We'll be talking about the Warhammer community on the show. You can see it live at 5pm EST on Weds or I'll be posting it here after we record it. Happy Gaming!
  3. Agreed, although it seems that scuttlings should be part of spiderfang proper.
  4. Definitely keep me informed on other Nashville events as it isn't a far drive for a one day event :-)
  5. David, I would totally be interested in driving down for this if I wasn't playing in Holy Wars that same weekend :-(
  6. They said there are "force 9 magical vortexes"; I took their presence as an industry joke, as another miniature company/terrain company is Gale (another storm word) Force 9. I figured they were just being silly.
  7. Your points suggestions are problematic. 98% of the unit point values are in multiple of 20.
  8. Following on this thought, maybe the disparate Rumor Mill images (dwarves and now possibly Devoted of Sigmar) are more connected than we thought? Just like the combined Tzeentch book soon to be coming, could we be looking at a Battletome: Free Cities? This would give us an expansion of maybe Free Peoples mixed with Devoted, Phoenix Temple, and Ironweld Arsenal (which some people have suggested may be the actual name for the Steamhead Duardin referenced in the fist book, just as Fyreslayers were the actual name of Red Slayers). This would make sense of the pieces that we have thus far and flesh out three subfactions that each need just a little bit of help. They don't share any common keywords, but that could be remedied though either the addition of a new keyword (Free Cities), or they stay as something independent given that their cities are largely independent. Just something to think about...
  9. No worries. I'll just convert the wingless Morghast into a Ushabti ;-)
  10. I love the Abyssal Terror conversion. I'm definitely going to have to steal this!
  11. This week, we are joined by Doom and Darkness and we are talking all things Ironjawz. We are taking a deep dive into the most brutal of the green tide. So come join us for another week of News, Rumors and all things Warhammering.
  12. Dwarves must be axe-y? Is this true in AOS? If only we had a prior AOS specific release to compare to... Oh wait, we do. Sorry man, Duardin in AOS are quite fond of war-picks, which are essentially pointy metal sticks with hooks on them. And that is basically what this leak is. Is it different? Yes, but because this is likely our Steamhead release, not more Fyreslayers. They parallel similar weapons types across these ranges to help create the racial connection but they are different because of a different subfaction. We're dealing with a new Duardin release folks.
  13. For those that missed it, here was last week's year-end mega episode where we hosted a roundtable discussion of the most recent FAQ released. So come join us for a panel discussion of the Age of Sigmar FAQ that Games Workshop dropped before the holiday break. We talk through the changes and figure out what is good and bad - and what is still leaving us with questions.
  14. I connected those dots on Warhammer Weekly 3 weeks ago. Yes. This is happening ;-)
  15. But would it? Really? It would unlock 1-3 additional battleline total. That really isn't a lot.
  16. Agreed. It needs to be as simple as possible. To clarify the concept, what I was thinking was something like this: On Spireguard: Battleline if general is a Swifthawk Agent Hero. On Ard' Boyz: Battleline if general is a Ironjawz Hero. On Putrid Blightkings: Battleline if general is a Mortal Nurgle Hero. The idea here is that certain troops are more likely to follow certain leaders into battle, hence some units which are rarer in most forces become battleline under certain generals. You could still maintain faction specific Allegiance abilities and magical items to still incentivize being mono-faction. Again, we wouldn't be moving the value of mono-faction too dramatically but it would create some flexibility for force building. This is all with the assumption that we will be getting faction allegiance abilities for many (if not most of the factions) so that mono-faction continues to be incentivized accordingly.
  17. I would suggest a minor tweak to how conditional battleline units function. Currently, there are many units that say, "Battleline if army has XXX allegiance." I would suggest changing these abilities to "Battleline if army has a XXX hero as its general." This would keep these conditional battleline benefits limited (must serve under particular generals) but it allows for forces to bring in secondary subfactions to supplement their force while encouraging utilizing generals with limited application command abilities. This creates a dynamic composition element where players gain certain benefits for having particular generals while also not allowing other conditional battleline units to be available.
  18. I'm honored to have been nominated in two categories for the Warhammer Youtubers 2016 Awards and I need your vote! I've been nominated in the Best Painted and the Best Conversion categories and would love your support. My Glottkin was nominated for Best Painted. Similarly, my Chaos Warshrine of Nurgle was likewise nominated. You can see the other nominees here. I'd certainly welcome any support by voting in the survey here!
  19. Join us for another week of news, rumors and all things warhammering! This week we are joined by Dan Heelan of HeelanHammer and we are doing our 2016 year in review. We are looking at the highs and lows and discussing what we hope to see for 2017!
  20. The apparent edge of the beak soul portal be seen on the top of the disk-riding tzaangor. The cloak is probably a later release we haven't seen yet.
  21. They've already been willing to move units out of armies and into entirely different armies (High elf Sisters of Avelorn went to Wood Elf Wanderers with the update). This move broke all the synergies that they previously had in the compendium release. Moving a unit from Order to Chaos isn't much different ultimately.
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