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Disciples of Tzeentch with MC1Gamer

Thomas Lyons


I had the opportunity to go on MC1Gamer's channel this evening and do an overview discussion of the new Disciples of Tzeentch book.  You can check it out here: 

If you aren't a subscriber of his, I'd encourage you to subscribe to his channel.  For those of you who watch Warhammer Weekly, we'll be having a special guest on Wednesday: Rob of Warhammer TV!  We'll be talking about the Warhammer community on the show.  You can see it live at 5pm EST on Weds or I'll be posting it here after we record it.  Happy Gaming!

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Hey I watched the video a few times and was wondering if y'all have came up with some lists? I'm buying stuff right now but don't know what way is best to focus on the tzaangor side of the daemon side

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