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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. If the studio staff are there, we may see some nuggets of information but I’m not expecting anything as it’s only a few weeks until Adepticon. Would not be surprised to see some leaks before then as Horus Heresy seems to be doing the rounds at moment. Not at all. I think GW/WW are just being careful about having too many events ahead in case they have to cancel things due to covid. Whilst UK is broadly back to “normal” I would not be surprised to see things change later this year (hopefully not but it could). They are just not cramming too many events in. Plus they may be waiting for more 3rd edition books to come out. As for first thoughts on the new books… I have no idea but I can remember a few months ago with what people were saying about Stormcast/Orruks/Nurgle and there seems to be a lot of variety in those books looking at what people are using. I think they will be okay but I’m curious to see how they have been updated!
  2. Just to add to that, I imagine it’s a pain with the formatting for most devices as GW want their books to look cool with all the art and background. I quite like what they are doing with the app and books as you get the best of both, but I’m no longer in the mindset of collecting all the books.
  3. I always see 3D printing like Homebrew. It’s a hobby in itself and if you are willing to put the time and investment into it, you can end up with some great results. It’s not going to end Games Workshop but some people will enjoy making 3D models. (If I had a 3D printer, I would just be making lots of Epic and Warmaster miniatures, so probably best I don’t have one!) I think GW are stuck either way as there’s a lot of people wanting mono pose because they want a lot of those models vs people who want the options. I think the the lead time between designing and manufacturing to actual release, the rules and players tastes have changed. However, in this case I imaging the positive to GW of customers having to buy extra sets hasn’t been missed! Just a nudge but that’s not something we do is it! 😉 Anyway, Age of Sigmar forum for talking about Age of Sigmar things….. 😉
  4. Looks like it’s my local stores birthday tomorrow and their Facebook page says the anniversary models are £21 each
  5. I think the stock is limited as they will be sent a certain amount but hopefully that covers what they think the demand will be. I suspect they may stop you having more than one but I don’t think there is a hard rule about it. Will be down to each store. I’m not sure of the price but I’d say £20 (but could be £25).
  6. Just to steer things back on course a little bit from speculation and wishlisting (plus anybody joining and reading this topic might need to know what’s happening or some of you may need a refresher)… At the end of January, Games Workshop surprised a lot of people by announcing a roadmap of the next six Battletomes for Age of Sigmar for the first half of this year. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/01/31/age-of-sigmar-roadmap-chart-out-the-next-four-battletomes-or-is-it-six/ Doing a quick Google about the dates, this means we can expect the following: Deepkin and Fyreslayers to be released no later than 20th March (so preorder 12tg March at latest). Nighthaunts and Daughters to be released no later than 20th June (so preorder 11th June at latest). Undisclosed Order and Chaos books to be released no later than 23rd September (so preorder 10th September at latest). You need a pinch of salt here though as dates can slip for a variety of reasons and I’m assuming the roadmap is based around books being in peoples hands as released and not just available for preorder. Obviously we will know more in a few weeks for Deepkin and Fyreslayers about these dates. It’s also worth bearing in mind we have Adepticon in a few weeks and I believe there is another preview (25th/26th March) so we will hopefully see more around the undisclosed books by then. From a new model point of view, I don’t think we will see anything else that hasn’t already been shown (hero’s for Deepkin/Fyreslayers/Daughters buy new hero and unit for Nighthaunts). So if you want to start one of those armies, best start getting some kits now before the price rises (although the increase isn’t a lot on most kits and more on books and dice). I’m thinking about Nighthaunts but quietly hoping this new Chaos book is something brand new (Im hoping Chaos Dwarfs!), so may wait a few weeks.
  7. Personally I would be looking at DOK as they are one of the next army books this year, so I would have a army to use when it drops.
  8. I think it’s some locations in UK now but I’m in Birmingham today and I’ve not found a copy (and no mortal realms that isn’t just paint!). I might subscribe to this but I like getting it in a shop personally (and less chance the dog will chew it when it’s delivered!)
  9. It’s still good value at its full price. Doesn’t help there’s a Forbidden Planet near where I work so I may pop in there to see if they have any Mortal Realms if I can’t get a copy of Stormbringer!
  10. It’s a way of getting people to pick up the magazine and try it out. If you look at what’s available, it’s a good deal and nice way to build up a couple of forces. I’m going to give it a whirl as I want a painting project but not too sure what I want to do at the moment (lack of evil dwarfs or anything about new Heresy so not really got anything I want to do now). Seems like a nice way to get a few models to paint up
  11. As I don’t have Dominion I’m happy to get this 🤣 Im just looking at it as a nice way to collect an army whilst I wait for rumours about Chaos Dwarfs in AOS.
  12. I think it’s out today in certain parts of the UK. I’ve got to go to my office for work tomorrow and I’m hoping to pick up a copy. I’ll do a mini review/overview of I do
  13. Just to add some context for anybody living outside the UK. Our energy prices are about to jump up 54% and I imagine this as well as other things going on, have contributed to GW wanting to raise prices. I’ll be honest, I don’t like prices going up but I try to look at it like this : The amount of time I get to spend on things I enjoy is very different now to before I was married or a father. I don’t need to have all the latest models or collect an army in one go. I want to enjoy painting rather than rushing out to get the latest unit so I can have a all conquering army. So I’m not happy but I’m not going to denounce GW and burn all my stuff. I’ll just buy differently and enjoy my hobby.
  14. All done now! Doing a very stressful project last year at work at me slightly distracted! 😭 Sorry
  15. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we have The Old World rumours and discussion in the topic about The Old World? From and AOS rumour point of view, yes it’s barren but the LVO is next week and as mentioned in this topic, it looks like there is some sort of preview from GW.
  16. My thoughts on this super click baity topic! Now to be clear as I suspect some people think this - I have nothing to do with GW and all for criticism when valid. 1. Prices increasing with each new release. Whilst I’m not a fan of price increases, this is just one of those things as cost of things go up. I can remember when petrol was less than a pound and I could also get a pint of beer for less than £2. I’m not quite sure what you are getting at here unless it’s you would like things to be cheaper? I would too as it means more models!2. Rules bloated. It sometimes takes more than 4 ooks / releases to have all of the rules together. I don’t think this is the case with AOS. There is a element of this but this is something GW have done for years. People want new rules to explore elements of their army or a new way of playing. Im not a fan of multiple books to play a game.3. Power level increasing with new releases, leaving older armies behind. I think this is just the nature of the beast. I’ve been playing GW games for nearly 30 years and it’s always been like this. It’s better than it used to but they could do better.4. GW basically neglecting certain factions, wich just don't get anything new and up to date. I think this is just they only have so much resource to do stuff. This is one of the reasons in my opinion why we have Warcry and Underworlds, so they can explore these ideas and ranges. From a pure AOS point of view, I suspect there is a limit to what they can support and why some stuff gets neglected/forgotten about. 5. Models being locked behind paywalls, or big box sets, for a long period of time. Guessing this is about the limited sets like the recent one with Fyreslayers and Deepkin? I have no issue with this as if I was into those factions and wanted the new model I would get it or I would just wait. Depends on the set.6. FAQ debacle. Not sure what you mean about this unless it’s not getting the updates straight away? GW should be better with the timings of things. Also whilst I don’t agree with some of the updates in the Christmas one, I accept I do not know the release schedule or where they want to take the game. I’m just pleased it’s in a great format and it will help evolve the game (at a reasonable pace as well!).7. Massive FOMO Its not really a GW issue. Just magpie gamers wanting all the new stuff! 🤣😁 I think GW are doing a good job but they can do better. I think the with dripping of AOS releases and news isn’t great and is one area they should improve on (but I know some is outside of their control like shipping). I like the state of the game but I also know it will change when the next few books drop and whatever updates we get. I think some people get fixated upon how they think the game should play, that they want change but also fear it. This is a hobby we do for fun and it should be fun, not a chore! For example the question about FOMO - is this really an issue or something you don’t like? Is it’s GWs fault for trying to sell to people like this because there is a market for it? I’m not a fan of it but it’s not on my list of things I hate or is evil!
  17. I agree that saying that a product is poor and describing about that is fine and not a personal attack. Using phrases like “bin” and “sin” isn’t fine and is a personal attack. Yup. Always keep an eye on the jobs page. They are currently recruiting for a AOS games designer which suggests expansion or replacement.
  18. 🤔 Really!?! Have I said nobody is allowed to have a opinion on a book? No I have asked you all to be mindful about throwing round words like bin and sin. You can post on this forum and say you don’t like something (but please keep it constructive) but being part of TGA (and I would like to think outside in the real world) means you try to be polite. One of the reasons GW stopped saying who wrote books was because of things like this. If you think being polite and trying to be a decent person is forced happiness, this may not be the forum for you. As somebody who has just finished a year of multi critical projects that have had all sorts of outside influences (you budget has just been halved or we want it next week due to a promise to the board), I suspect it’s not just a case of writing better rules.
  19. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just to make it very clear - no more bin and sin references to people working on the books. It’s not nice and I’m pretty sure if I started calling people the “bin guy” about work they do, you would get annoyed.
  20. Lol! I do agree with that. I just feel the 40K schedule is more resilient as this is where GW make a lot of their money from. I think AOS is more flexible and I’m just not expecting any totally new armies. I hope I’m wrong as I want Chaos Dwarfs!
  21. I strongly suspect this is the direct they will end up it. It feels this is what they will do with 40K and I wouldn’t be surprised if that gets ported to AOS. I think that would solve a lot of the concerns/issues some people have.
  22. I hope I’m wrong but I’m still expecting lots of disruption in the UK due to the various real world stuff going on. I’m fully expecting anything they have planned for AOS to be moved around and would really not be surprised if it’s more focused on a book and a model type of release.
  23. That sounds feasible although I’m not sure about the new faction. Personally I suspect the release schedule is in tatters for AOS due to various things and they are currently working out how to get stuff to shops. This is why I personally doubt a new faction this year. I hope I’m proven wrong but that’s just how I can see things playing out.
  24. Over time. The meta is constantly changing due to new things coming out but also people work out how to play against lists like this. I’ve been playing GW games for a long time and this is a common thing that pops up. But things move on. I can remember when Flesh Eaters were all that and now they aren’t considered to be anywhere near top tier. I think with the cost of the army, it’s not going to be super common and shouldn’t be very popular. You are most likely to see armies with a few dragons rather than all dragons. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see the US player sell this army now he’s won an event with it and start playing with something else. These sorts of armies rule the scene for a few months and then something happens and they aren’t as good.
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