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Everything posted by sal4m4nd3r

  1. Just posted before seeing yours. Consider blades and fleshy abundance from glott affect FRIENDLY models.. it might be worth just ally in 30 bestigors without the battalion. Also could squeeze in a bray shamen for taurus or beastlord for bestigor RR.
  2. I like the list. I think the Harbinger's command ability is not as important in this list and if it werent for the fact that the witherstave is so good, I would suggest dropping him perhaps. Its strange to think that 10% of your army is tied up in abilities. Also consider Gift of contagion for festus. I know plague squall is actually kind of amazing and never taken because blades and favored poxes always get precedence.. but paired with blight cyst and curse of the leper... its REALLY good. Been REALLY looking at Bestigors as an option lately. The Pestilent Throng (which I might consider taking to tell people I have a pestilent THONG) is laughably over costed. 200 points for just the ability to dish out a single mortal wound to units within proximity when an entire UNIT dies. BUT both blades of putrefaction and fleshy abundance state FRIENDLY units not NURGLE units. So thats awesome. Swinging against bigger units (10+) they are 3/3/-1/1 with BASE two attacks. A bonus attack if they charge. UNFORTUNATLEY Glott's command doesnt work on them unless you spend the 200 points for the battalion, and build an army around it. Having them as allies might be worth it. Compared to 40 plague monks, 30 besitgor has 2 better save, better bravery, same number of attacks (although monks can benefit from G3's command), BASE rend instead of only on 6s. And they can run and charge, without the need for a tree. Monks get a nice inherient RR to hits...although hitting on 4s with a RR is only 8% better then 3+ to hit. Im considering dropping my standard brick of 40 marauders for 30 bestigor. Atleast trying it out. In my usual impulse driven life, I bought 30 PESTIGOR models as they are amazing sculpts. I'm certainly paying for it (wallet) because they are $40 per 5. In fact Im so impulsive I sold my 40 plague monks I had built and sprayed DG green! But this allows me to focus my harbinger on my blightkings instead of babysitting marauders.
  3. What were the original ones? I thought Wanderers got thier FIRST age of sigmar allegiance ability in 2018!
  4. WHOA! ok wow that sucks! Looks like i stepped into a pile here.. so let me explain. I am very new to Wanderers. Brand new in fact. A devoted Nurgle player since GHB2016. But, no army speaks to me more then a bunch of tree hugging forest elves, as both an arborist by profession, and someone fascinated by all things elvish. So on a whim, I bought 60 glade guard for less then $1 a piece and going to work my way up. Loved the forest dragon, and was planning a conversion using Alarielles beetle. I assume "wood elves" are being phased out. Had no idea you couldn't ally with wood elves though. I LOVE building my army aesthetic around one centerpiece model. Looks like I will look elsewhere. So with 60 glade guard in the mail, Im looking for a few suggestions as to where to go from here. I love the warscroll of the sisters of the watch, I LOVE the wildwood rangers models (in fact used them to create a wood elf blood bowl team). How popular is the waystone pathfinders warscroll battalion? It seems pretty great, if not a bit dated (relying on the nomad prince to survive to function a la 'kunnin rukk' (which GW seems to have moved away from). But it's nice it would give me a reliable roadmap for purchases and projects. How likely are wanderers to get a battletome. Looking through GHB 2018 it seems about HALF of the armies that got abilities last year recieved a battletome since. So having a base rule set it seems GW might re-release the wanderers line! Its almost as if the GHB ruleset serves as sort of a beta ruleset to test run. I love the unique mechanics and playstyle of the wanderers and hope the receive some attention. Thanks for any help in advance.
  5. I have an ongoing friendly argument with a close friend of mine about whether GW is Evil (hyperbole) because they are doing this.. or his side of the debate that they are just incompetent and dont see how this is breaking the game.
  6. How would a Forrest dragons breathe ability interact with a gristlegore terrogheist? Would the TG still strike last?
  7. All the ones listed are very expensive. Why not just cut a piece of galvanized metal?
  8. So I was considering changing my list for an upcoming blizzard of tournaments I’m going to be attending....until I realized my list has 77 models and is exactly 7 drops. LOL After knowing this, I cannot go back or fear retribution from our plague father. Praise be to his putridness.
  9. True! They could still be used a standard chaos lord on demonic mount which has a sick command ability when used together with a pack of knights. Isnt the khorne version the lord on juggernaught? Edit: just looked it up. Haha doesn’t have the demon keyword. That sucks. Edit2: wait wtf..why don’t he Skullcrusher have demon keyword? They are rising demons just like the pusgoyle blightlords..
  10. Working on a harbinger decay conversion, using a pusgoyle blightlord and varanguard steed. Trying to recreate the original model as much as possible. Already made a sign post for him. Got a sheathed sword but In the mail to go in between his back and the shield..which even looks almost identical to he original models shield 😁
  11. You have no option to build your own battalion. Not sure this exists anywhere in age of sigmar. If you choose to build thricefold, 60 plaguebearers is a start. blightkings and gutrot are a good option. There really isnt any mystery haha. Sounds like you have it figured out. This book is simple and easy to see which options are good and which are clearly bad.
  12. Nurgle player here popping in to say WOW.. Slaanesh is fun and scary to play against! I play a VERY tanky list. 25-30 blightkings, 40 marauders, multiple "save after saves" and lots of healing. I use the Glottkin in EVERY game I play. I make those 40 marauders have 80 wounds. I played a slaanesh army and he had 51 depravity points by turn 2!! Because he basically got 1 depravity point PER marauder, and everytime he touched the blightkings..it was insane. I will be keeping an eye out for this next time I play Slaanesh. From my perspective.. the ability to make my unit sin particular strike last is not that potent. My build in particular is fine with double turns and ASL abilities because I'm so ok with taking damage. Double turns for me are actually sub optimal because it reduces the potency of my healing abilities. My biggest weakness against your guys' army is the speed. I cant hang. I have one unit that outflanks (gutrot spume and 5-10 blightkings) and other then that its 4-6" movement. So getting trapped in my own deployment zone while you rack up VP is a big problem for me. Just thought I'd offer some perspective from an opponents point of view. Although because the plague fathers power is waning at the moment, you're not likely to face a Nurgle army.. and if you do its 80% chance its 3x GUO.
  13. Absolutley we are not getting anything re-written. But sending these ideas in NOW would be better then later. They wrote books and playtest WAYYYY before any rumors start coming out to the public.
  14. How about the joke of the opponent being able to shut down any contagion point generation via the Gnarlnaws by simply taking the "risk" of a single mortal wound 50% of the time. You're aright about these 1 contagion point here and there abilities. If I was able to summon multiple units of drones a game using them.. then yes I would consider it. But at this point the Witherstave is the ONLY thing that is keeping nurgle treading water with these new armies and is absolutely mandatory. The Tallyband (which used to be the SIGNATURE nurgle demon battalion) is a husk of its former self. 220 points is laughable. It should be closer 120 points. Gnarlmaws should deal d3 mortal wounds on a 4+. Or reduce attacks/save/hit rolls.. as if those tentacles are holding nearby enemies, or spraying acid on them. Even a random debuff similar to Gift of contagion would be fun. Perhaps they could return slain models to nearby plaguebearer units like gravesites. Or even "muster" like the varghulfs. (1-5 get plagebois, 6 get a drone). If enemy units nearby it should reduce the contagion by 1... not shut it down. Sure you roll a 1 or 2 and you get nothing.. but iy should WEAKEN the ability not disable it. So many creative mechanics. They were scared of making summoning WAY to strong in this book and played it safe... as this was the first "free summoning" book in second edition.
  15. I agree with you, but at this point Nnurgle summoning is a joke. What do you guys summon? 10 plaguebearers a game? MAYBE 3 drones? Ive never been able to drop 3 drones on the table. Its always 10 plaguebois, maybe a second tree. Ive never been able to SNIFF summoning a GUO. But in contrast, my slaanesh opponent last game had enough depravity to summon a KOS, and was only 9 away from summoning another KOS
  16. Harbinger's command ability wouldnt work on them because they need to be NURGLE and MORTAL. the MORTAL keyword is basically the keyword for human. Blightkings can heal them, the wheel will affect them because those abilties only require the NURGLE keyword. Blades and Putrefaction and fleshy abundance only require a friendly unit.. so even allies and units on another army in a team setting would work to.
  17. With the exception of blightkings the entire book is 10%-30% overcosted. What I would LIKE to see: glotkin down to 340 (equal to GUO) horticulous down to 180 lord of afflictions down to 180 all maggoth lords down to 200. Plaguebearers down to 100/10. Pusgoyles down to 180/2 Beasts and nurglings down to 80 All battalions down 20. menagerie down 100 to 140 tallyband down 60 to 160
  18. I consider my self a very good player. It will definitely take some time to get a list together that’s competitive..but it will happen. For he scuttleboss to be good, it requires both being the general (losing +2 bravery bubble of 24” from a-rok) and an Artefact. I’m not willing to give up an Artefact especially when I mainly picked the skitterswarm battalion for the extra Artefact. Maybe Injust need to try it, but pumping that into a 6 wound character makes him a HUGE target.
  19. Can someone provide critique of this list. ? I really like the idea of running 50 spiders and some big gribblies. Don’t have a game under my belt yet. Still building and painting the army but this is what I’m aiming for... Allegiance: Gloomspite GitzLeadersWebspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (300)- General- Artefact: Totem of the Spider God - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Scuttling TerrorsWebspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (300)- Artefact: Gryph-feather charm- Lore of the Spiderfangs: Sneaky DistractionBattleline10 x Spider Riders (200)10 x Spider Riders (200)10 x Spider Riders (200)10 x Spider Riders (200)10 x Spider Riders (200)BehemothsArachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (250)BattalionsSpider Rider Skittermob (120)Endless SpellsScuttletide (30)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 142
  20. I mean even 3 months after the battletome was released..legions of Nagash came out and made magic not worth investing in. Combined with the new 30” dispelling range.. I take blades every game. I cast it almost every turn. If it goes off then I’m more likely to pop Glottkin command ability. If not..I roll with it. But I refuse to develop a game plan that revolves around it. Thats also why I go into my games lately with 2 bonus cp (1900 point list). I can adjust on the fly. If you are going first, just put your caster 5.5” from your back board edge (on missions where there is a 24” space between territory) for atleast one turn of no unbinds.
  21. Yes. But much like or plague father, power waxes and wanes. It’s all just part of the unstoppable and inevitable cycle of decay and regrowth. On a serious note, my list building these days relies on flexibility, adaptability, not relying on spells, tanking damage. Gameplay I focus on objectives, rather then getting dragged into a fight that isn’t in my favor.
  22. So If I have 10 spider riders, you can take one of each, correct? Or do you have to choose one or the other, until you buy 20.
  23. Yes it does. The only things that dont affect mounts are command traits, unless specifically stated! Blades of putrefaction will also proc off the horses attacks! @TheVenerableBede
  24. With just one +1 to hit, you are looking at doing 29-34 damage to a unit with 4+ saves. This pushes up into the 40s with one more +1 to hit bump.
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