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Everything posted by WarbossKurgan

  1. Xorg the Spiker clicked and hissed to himself as he scuttled through the Dankwood. The poison-bottles in the basket lashed to his back clinked together as his swaying gait moved them around. His bare feet pattered over the gloomy forest floor, between gnarled tree roots and clusters of fungus. Thin beams of pallid moonlight managed to break through the tangled bowers overhead and illuminated the winding pathways. Shrouds of thick cobwebs hung from the branches and nameless things squirmed and writhed in the shadows. It felt like home! He had heard rumours of a growing lurklair in the midst of this dark corner of the forest, and that a Fungoid Cave Shaman was gathering a warband. A gathering of Gloomspite Gitz meant one thing to him: customers! - 🍄 - Some close-in shots of details. I struggled with the glass bottles as I looked at a lot of very, very good still-life paintings that included wine bottles during my art degree. So my expectation of what a glass bottle should look like is probably unrealistic at 28mm scale! I tried something different with his skin this time: Elysian Green basecoat, lightly dry-brushed with Pallid Wych Flesh, then washed with Athonian Camoshade. So quick and easy: It ends up looking exactly the same as the Gitz I painted with a lot more steps!
  2. Deep in the Dankwood, hidden amongst tangled briars and mushroom groves, is the shantytown lurklair of the Mushloonz. A higgledy-piggledy mess of tumbled-down structures made from looted materials, local stone and gnarled timbers from the trees of the Harrowmark forests. It would be barely distinguishable from the worst areas of the forest itself, apart from the massive number of grots and troggs wandering around it. Like most Moonclan leaders, Bolet Ghosteater has a Gobbapalooza rambling around his lurklair causing mischief. A gathering of so-called wise-grots, petty shamans and gabbling loonpriests, a coven of grots who offer no end of cunning tactical tricks. The Gobbapalooza takes it upon themselves to counsel their boss whether he wants their advice or not. - 🍄 - Oggle The Boggleye stares deep into the souls of all those around him, chanting hypnotic mantras and revolving his pupils in an unlikely and hypnotic fashion. Xorg The Spiker scuttles about with a basket of clinking poison-bottles lashed to his back. Badtryp The Shroomancer experiences such vivid fungus-brew hallucinations that his magics spill out to animate the fungi around him and bring his visions to life. Gnark The Scaremonger capers and hoots from behind his terrifying Glareface Frazzlegit mask, carried aloft on most of a Squig skeleton by his slave Snark. Wychwud the Brewgit shuffles around with weird fungus potions bubbling in his loonshine still, selling his product to eager customers. - 🍄 - This is such a great kit! It goes together really really well. I built all of them in less than an hour and I wasn't rushing. I'm hoping to start painting at least one of them this week.
  3. January's didn't mention Gloomspite Gitz. This is how WD will be now I think. New content, not just repeated stuff from the Warhammer Community blog.
  4. The Mushloonz in the Harrowmark Far from any village in an unusually damp and dark corner of the Harrowmark, is the Dankwood. Home to the Mushloonz and a dozen other Gloomspite tribes it is overrun by mushrooms, troggoths, giant spiders and grots. The area is riddled with labyrinthine networks of caves and maze-like winding paths through the trees with impenetrable walls of tangled branches and thorny brambles. Cobwebs and clumps of mushrooms are commonplace and daylight rarely penetrates the forest canopy. - 🍄 - I have finished the six grots Viktor gave me, and the extra (converted) Shaman and Squig from my bits box. Noggit (a Madcap Shaman) and Maw (a big Cave Squig). Stog (Shoota Grot Boss), Snok and Ruk Skur, Dort (Gonger) and Zeg. The Mushloonz search the woods of the Harrowmark for interesting fungus. The warband so far: This is something I made waaay back, for Warhammer 8th edition, as a marker to show that a Mysterious Wood counted as a "Fungus Forest". I'm really happy to be using it again as an objective marker for Age of Sigmar Skirmish games!
  5. After Bolet Ghosteater parted ways with the Rotmoons he continued his search for potent mushrooms in the gloomy forests of the Harrowmark. On his travels through the dark and tangled woods he started to encounter more and more Moonclan Grots with similar goals. Most of them came along with him as he seemed to know what he was doing. Before he knew it he had a warband of his own. They started calling themselves the Mushloonz and he just went along with it. - 🍄 - The Bad Moon spoke to me! Inevitably.... This is the start of my small (maybe!) Moonclan warband. I got the Warhammer Underworlds: Nighvault Moonclan warband when they first came out and I have been painting them very slowly between other projects since then. The Gloomspite Gitz announcements spurred me on to get them finished! Bolet Ghosteater was already painted during Malign Portents but I have repainted his base-edge and his skin to match Zarbag's Gitz. Zarbag the Shaman Drizgit the armoured Squig Herder, Bonekrakka (the one with the bone between its teeth) and Gobbaluk, Cave Squigs. Prog Da Netter and Snirk Sourtongue the Fanatic Shootas Stikkit (arrow through hood), RedKap (mushroom hat) and Dibbz (shooting “blind”) - 🍄 - Viktor has very kindly given me 6 Moonclan Shootas (from the "Battle for Skull Pass" Warhammer Fantasy 7th edition starter box set). Update: I have already assembled (with a few small additions of stalagmites and mushrooms on their bases), undercoated black and zenithal-sprayed them grey. I hope to start painting them very soon! I found this git in my bits box, with no face. So I added a 40k Grot face and sculpted his hood around it.
  6. I think the key take-away for me is that an Eavy Metal paint job seen from more than 12" away looks indistinguishable from a "really high end" tabletop standard. The extra effort and skill it takes to produce the models for ultra close-up photography is ... wasted (? that seems too strong a term for it: not needed?) ... when you see them on a tabletop battlefield in real life. 🤪 That makes me feel a lot better about my own work at least!
  7. My guess would be Chaos Titans for Adeptus Titanicus
  8. Comment deleted because apparently I can't read... or see. ?
  9. These unsolved Rumour Engine pictures all look like they could be Moonclan to me.... 2018-04-03 2018-04-24 2018-05-01 2018-05-08 2018-05-22 2018-08-14 2018-08-21 2018-10-16 https://warbosskurgan.blogspot.com/p/rumour-engines.html
  10. I can't see it as a fail if we hyped ourselves - it's not their fault! ?
  11. Thanks! I was going for "painterly" I will keep updating this thread but the warband has been pushed down the painting queue a little bit by other projects. I'll get back to it as soon as I can
  12. Yep! I've updated my page to include it: https://warbosskurgan.blogspot.com/p/rumour-engines.html
  13. When we have seen a model I will add the reveal image
  14. I have spent far to long doing this! ? I have collected all the Rumour Engine images and any confirmed reveals together on one page on my blog. I will do my best to keep it updated and new images are published and when new releases tick them off the unsolved list. http://warbosskurgan.blogspot.com/p/rumour-engines.html
  15. The Badfangs - Bonesplitterz of Aqshy. The Badfangs are Bonesplitterz orruks from the dry and windswept Uzmorgarg plains in the wilds of Aqshy. ⬹⦽⤔ Wurrgog Prophet Hogrog Ug Weirdklaw Loaded up with the most potent and powerful of the magic bones his tribe has found, Hogrog has set out into the Realms, leading the Badfangs to hunt down the wild magic of Endless Spells. He has been empowered by the revelation that they are made of the essence of Gorkamorka, and their power can be captured and harvested, just like the power contained within other monsters' bones and teeth. Wardokk Krogdak Krogdak is Hogrog's acolyte, attendant and advisor. He is as mad as an angry Maw-Krusha and leads one of Hogrog's Morboyz mobs. Krogdak is adept at the grimdokk dance, and able to reattach severed limbs and knit flesh-wounds back together. He has patched-up more mangled Orruks than he can count (which sounds a lot less impressive than it actually is). ⬹⦽⤔ I plan on a Skirmish warband of a Wurrgog Prophet, 2 Wardokks, 3 Savage Orruks with Chompa and Shield, 10 Savage Orruk Morboys with Chompa and Toof Shiv, 3 Savage Orruk Arrerboys with Stinga Bows and Chompa, and 2 Savage Orruks with a Big Stabber. I may add a few Forest Goblins I have in my bitz boxes, just for a bit of variety.
  16. Another updated "unsolved" summary, as I missed out the candle. I thought it was in the Nighthaunt releases but I can't find one that actually matches it. Lots are close but none are "right".
  17. Yeah. I thought about including it but, while we haven't seen the actual model carrying it, there is no doubt that a GSC release is on the way and this will be part of it. Same but different
  18. I <<think>> these are all the current unsolved Rumour Engine images. let me know if I have missed one!
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