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Everything posted by Thiagoma

  1. Hummm you have no "Order" battlelines, only specific factions BL so the army is not legal for matched play i am afraid.
  2. Looks like a solid list! Another artifact choice is Ignax Scales for the Dragonlord. 4++ save is really sweet and is gona help him smash faces. Can also consider sisters of the thorns. Expensive but pretty fun on large models. Loremaster is also a nice pick. If you want more mobility you can replace the Spellweaver with a Archmage om horse. The archmage on dragon can also be a nice beatstick and with the extra spell to buff that Phoenix even more! So not only a great list but one that is pretty flexible!
  3. Lets go for few hard facts in here: GW have yet to discard modern plastics. There are a ton of Modern Elf plastics. Very very few are out of scale. A really small number are resin. New/updated armies have adopted old models into their lines. See Gloomspite, Slaneesh, DoK and so on. Current Elf line, except for Wanderers, have no "AoS name" and is still beeing sold on older boxes Now the few Scraps of lore we got for Aelves so far: - The Twins, Malerion and Morathi are trying to rescue Elvenkind - The Twins were more sucessfull on their second Attempt. - The second creation is "angelical" - The current Elf line exists in the lore :Phoenix Temple (Phoenicium), Swifthawks headquarters is in Hyish, the Eldritch Council is helping Idoneth to fix their soul issue. - There are stronger and weaker souls among the rescued ones. Morathi DECIDED to create her Twisted ones (Khirenai/Melusai) in her form because she felt lonely and deformed and wanted her people to reflect it. She also decided to use the weak ones for males. The Witch Elves are elven girls that existed in the realms already. Now for some speculation: Lets say that the new Elvenkind matches the community Wildest dreams: Hyish Elves are Angels with light lasers attached to theyr heads riding light dragons who also have laser beens on their head and their mega prism loooking allies who, take a guess, also shoot infinite lasers. What is stopping the current elf line from joining then? -They are Elves - Even with scrapped units such as the Spire of down ones, a couple new kits would make for a HUUUUUGE elven line of models. -They live in their Gods Realm (among other realms) -They represent ancient Elvens traditions that the Twins would apreciate (Since the Twins were pretty much the greastest representatives of Elvenkind by the end of times) - No Lore reason to push the current Elves away from their Gods. - Aesthetic: Melusais are significant different elves but they "fit" into older models. So we know GW can pull those moves out. Other than that, the current lines have a distinct and traditional elven look no piece look out of place. My Conclusion: Older Aelves are not repacked yet because the Uglu/Hyish elves still do not exist, so GW didnt repack the models just to repack again once their names/rules are created (former High Elves have no Battleline for example. A unit would have to receive these stats or it would have to be one of the new models, so people would have to buy the new lines). Also people would buy then for beeing pretty cool , see Daughters of Khaine new models. As a consequence, elves (except for Wanderers) will have to wait for those factions to be released to see a repacking/regrouping Same go for rules. Elven factions have no traits/tomes/artifacts. What GW can do is to "separate" groups of elves on a unified BT until those lines do not come out. The lines without current Battletomes are still very popular, the best example is the Dispossessed community. Those guys arent going anywhere. You can say the same for Wanderers, and on a smaller degree High/Dark elves, but you have to take in consideration the breakdown of those armies. Heck even GW artists and employees have elven armies. Phoenix Temple and Eldritch Council ones already showed up on interviews and such as pet projects. There is little to no indication that the current line is going away. Same goes to other traditional armies.
  4. That would be great, is a really cool model! Its mask reminds me the one on the Leviadon drums, along with the theme i really belived it to be a "idoneth prototype". Really looking foward for modern elven sculpts with such dinamic poses!
  5. Here are my Phoenix guys And here is a terrible bad picture of the whole painted crew so far!
  6. Considering Ghur, it is a good looking sized Eagle 😂 Nice model!
  7. They always made me wonder about it. Mistweaver could have been added to Idoneth. The theme and the mask would fit, but GW didnt add then and for some reason i dont think they will be added to any faction and it is a shame. Time will tell, but would be really cool if they could be used as at very least "count as" for some army.
  8. Considering Swordmasters may be removed from the range since the plastic ones are in Spire of Dawn sprues and the current line is really old, i would love a new version with the current quality of the Idoneth namartis. Big ass Swords with Dinamic poses would look sweet!
  9. People have a fetish to want things they dont play to be squated for the good of the game. "I dont care for this line, so i hope it get squatted!" Very few elves are not plastics or out of scale. In resin just a very few heroes and i would say out of scale the Lion Rangers units and Glade Guard. No reason to have it scraped instead of absorved into new lines. Same go to Wanderers and Dispossessed, their lines are nearly complete (both lack a Behemoth) and are mostly new plastics. Free Peoples can have stuff ADDED into it to make a more diverse variety of diferent lands and unity types. Sculpting new models of classic units would be great, konda like the new Squigs. But it is very poor taste to diminish the wishes of other players to have their armies playable and supported because you think they "do not fit the Aos aesthetics" , whatever that is. I dont like the look of ironjaws, think they are completly generic and boring, but i will be happy for new releases for the players that enjoy the faction!
  10. At 49 min mark he talks about the focus on giving battletomes for every single faction and new ones.
  11. I wouldnt call it lazy. The new models are gorgeous! Maybe mortal cults are gona spread in the mortal realms once the story moves forward from malign portents and so on? Maybe they will come around when the Elves enter the fray? Keep an open mind people 😎 And that comming from a guy whos army has no Battletome yet!
  12. Now you mentioned i remeber i have another extra Khinerai head i could use! The spear arm is trouble tho. This was the best i could do. Maybe with the helmet off it looks less clustered. May also switch the tip for a high elf one.
  13. Not saying the whole line will be renoved, just the models i quoted because they are no longer sold by GW. Same happened to the skaven half os Spireof Dawn.
  14. Annnd this is my Nomad Princess. To be completly honest, the most troublesome and me list favorite, but i spent so much time and glued so many pieces that it come to the moment that i said: well that it, this is how this will be: At first i wasnt sure about what head to use. A friend suggested the Wild Rider leader one and at first i didnt like so much, but his argument was solid "Well she is the melee one right? Make her more manly". The helmet grew on me, then came the other issues. Original plan was to use a Glade Guard bow on the left arm abd glue the shield behind her. Wouldnt fit. So i removed the bow and glied the shield on it. Looked cool but made the quiver from the cape look kinda stupid without a bow, so i glued one on the back. Now the HUGE issue was the spear arm. I couldnt find one at all. Then i remendered the eel Akhelians had girls. Aaaand it didnt fit, at least one a dinamic pose. The cape was too tick. Back to the board... I endend up using the Akhelian Girl army (look a bit off without a Sleeve but i think i can make it work), and glued a Sylvaneth blade to it. There was no way to put the bird on all that mess, the models was already too clustered, so i went for one on the ground. Since the model itself was too short, i went with some terrain to make it taller and i plan to make some water on the floor. (people wont notice the mess if the base kicks ass).🤣 Still unsure about the blade tho. I may replace it with a skycutter spear. And here is the 3 ladies togheter:
  15. Humm got none of those. Used the spare one on another conversion. It is been specially hard to place a female left arm for the spear.
  16. Well if you are informed and is ok with it, sure! Go ahead! I think it will be a great looking army on the table with all those eagles! If you are going to mix free peoples, might wanna consider their griffon for even moar bird power! Stick an elf on top of it and get a great looking beatstick!
  17. Hello there! My opinion on SwiftHawk models by now is: if you have then and wanna make an army, go for it but dont invest cash into the faction. The reason i say that is because if Spire of Dawn models follow the Skaven way, most will be gone by the time a battletome happens (high warden, seaguard, reavers and possibly Swordmasters) since they are no longer sold by GW. That said, the models are cool and the army will look great. The battalion is indeed controversial and technically invalid in matched play, but if your local comminity is chill it wont be an issue. Overall i am not gona lie, getting wins with it will be an uphill battle, since Swifthawks lack punch, rend and mortal wounds. If i may suggest, why not go with Order alligeance? Reavers are Order Battleline, and so are Highborn Spearmen ( can use the seaguard to represent it). It will allow you to field Aelves things on the list to counter its weakness, such as a Punchy Dragonlord and resilent guys like the Phoenix Temple units. If you insist on Swifthawks, i would advice on an Archmage on horse so it have speed to keep up with the rest of your army.
  18. What arm did you use? (the spear one) It is the one thing i am struggling with!
  19. I dont have many models on Wanderers (Glade Guard, Sisters of the Thorn and Watch). Glade guard models are a bit meh. They are "neckless" and made me craft some necks to fit the heads. They also feel a tab shorter than other models. It seen that Eternal Guard/Wildwood Rangers are a bit better tho. Both Sisters of Thorn and Watch are very good kits and so are Wild Riders. For now i have been make this conversions because i had a huge hobby burnout and this have been a blast to craft. Soon will finish the Nomad Princess (remaking some stuff that i didnt really like)
  20. Amazing! Thanks for sharing your project with us!
  21. Thank you! Here goes the 2nd of 3, my Waywatcher! Glade Guard body and cape, Tiara from Sister of The Thorn, Head from Khinerai, Bow from Sisters of the Watch. Still a bit of a problem with the Tiara and bow hand (no green stuff in my country), but overall happy with the results!
  22. The "Chaos?" one look like a figure that would be on a warmachine/ship. Maybe something piratish from malerion army?
  23. My SpellWeaver conversion. Planing on having her skin greenish to make her look like a Nymph/Faerie. Gave myself a small challenge of making female versions of the Wanderers Heroes without buying any new miniatures. Intend to also make a Waywatcher and a Nomad Princess!
  24. Never considered White Lions. Maybe should give then a try. Dont really love reavers, but i love Dragon Blades. Hope they get upgraded when the BT arrive, they are my favorite models.
  25. Dont forget to fill the Survey on warhammer comunity website and mention our pointed ears!
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