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Everything posted by Feii

  1. I dont think it is Ushoran and agree with the scale argument. MAybe it is a throne on some kind of crazy monster though? We don;t know.
  2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/15/the-rumour-engine-15th-june-2021/ his right hand left hand with the sword probably an FeC guy sitting on a throne
  3. What is the nature of SCE deepstrike I cannot find rules about it. I guess it is not a normal move?
  4. this tones down the thunderstrike deployment a lot. Like on average you get 3.5 inches from a D6 so DS 2 inches closer isn't worht it
  5. anybody is able to explain for my smoothbrain how much harder it will be to charge something? If the enemy redeploy while I am within 9 and ready to charge can I redeploy afterwards? Will the match turn into Tom and Jerry skit?
  6. Sisters are a horde army though. With a new prices because it is a new range... Sucks but it is what it is. It is shame that Morven isn't priced correctly and paragon suits are at 80 but without the adequate stats and also are capped at 3.... Really would like to bring 10 of them in 5 MSU squads that would be 800 points just there + Morven would mean more than a half of your army for sub 200 bucks. But GW is making weird choices. I understand you want to sell just the box and that's it but I don't like how boxed contents dictates you can take only X of them and 2X or 3X isn't even allowed....
  7. He is Slaanesh themselves jsut not giving F about Glutos and Sigvald anymore after the twins were born.
  8. According to leaks the krule boyz HQ with the stabgrot is 140. In a horde army so points are going up all accross the board. Not sure which other non Warlord HQ would you like to play other than the imperatant guy. Imperatant most likely wont take up a drop space with the new core battalion rules and he gives you 1 CP every turn. I think being able to have a free CP on your opponent's turn even if you used all your CPs on your turn is super strong.
  9. Guess who is The Hedonites of Slaanesh in the picture
  10. The dude that needs to charge and is cheaper by 150 points would make a great pair with kragnos put 2 of these on one side of your army and kragnos on the other and you have many distraction carnifexes and absolute beasts!
  11. you can see my most "confused: reacted post in the rumour thread where I said Blood knights aren;t good but IF the article is true it makes them S tier.
  12. I think they are posting more rules like they used to. For indomitus we had leaks or nothing lol. At least here we can see some full warscrolls each day and important rules. +2 articles in per day.
  13. Kinda weird given that Morathi has been updated that with a rule/CA that double shoots the snakes (in a different phase lol) dont expect to see a rule like you have mentioned. Maybe we will grt better terrain rules?
  14. It feels like AoS needs something inbetween rend and MW if they are gonna keep power creeping armies. Kinda weird that 20 swamp gobbos could chew with some buffs through like 40% of Kragnos HP with MWs.....
  15. Shame. I think the 40k meele rule is superior and makes meele really viable (one of the things). After the coherency rule changes and new 1 inch lance range on the blood knights there is no reason to play more than 5 of them which is shame. (You are actively shooting yourself into your own undead foot). IF you stick to the AoS rule set then your warscroll team needs to be on point and give weapons proper range in meele. Furthermore the current AoS rule if you are on 25mm base and 40mm base the smaller 25mm base basically is doubling your damage.
  17. Can Gardus steelsoul get their rules? Oh well I guess I am playing him as the prime guy.
  18. reminds me of the 40k writing. At least the ending of this book. Basically nothing that would matter happened or changed until the morathi trial.
  19. I would bet the big thing is gonna be Tirion vs their "father". Anything that would give Slaanesh a new and functional battletome is welcome imo.
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