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  1. So a question about Kruleboyz from (admittedly) a Path to Glory perspective (namely: battleline isn't a concern). What do people think so far is better: two units of 10 gutrippaz or one unit of 20?
  2. Hey everyone, So my club normally plays 1000 points and I'm now at the point where I have to update my armies... what do folks think about this as a squig list for 1000 points? I'm still figuring out battalions and such, but I have enough of anything GSG to make it work a little better 1000PointSquigs.pdf
  3. To answer your questions in order... 1) Yes! If one person is doing champion mode, everyone must. 2) Yes you may - every person's campaign quest is different, so some people can choose "normal" ones and some can choose fated ones. 3) Not sure about ladders, but stairs you can definitely end your movement on. I'm pretty sure you can for ladders as well (at least, that's how we've played it in my group). 4) That is accurate. To figure out who controls an objective, you count the numbers of models within 3" in all directions vertically and horizontally of the objective, so if there's a way to be underneath the objective, you can contest it.
  4. We were doing one from the Tome of Champions (the big, 3 month one), but it plays the same as a normal one. When I got extra glory, I just added in some more heroes, mostly. The Endrinmaster with the dirigible suit is expensive, but can really be useful in terms of getting around and messing with people, but the other endrinmaster (the one on foot) is equally good. He has a double (I believe) that gives him an extra attack and basically means you'll hit any target on 3s and deal a good chunk of damage.
  5. So I actually just finished a campaign with KO that I got lucky enough to win with, so here are some suggestions: 1) use the Leader's Triple (fight for profit, I think it's called) as often as you can. If you can keep your volley guns near your leader and stay 3" away from the Gitz, each volley gun can pump out 14 shots a turn (assuming you shoot with both actions), which will shred most things (especially the smaller Gitz stuff) 2) similarly, try to make use of the double that gets you a free disengage to keep stuff out of range. 3) If you can, swap the arkanauts with a pistol and cutter to the ones with spears - they're SO good. Over my campaign my one guy with a spear would regularly take out stuff much bigger than itself. 4) I love my thunderer with an aethercannon, since it would regularly delete stuff in one or two actions. Try to fit one in if you can. As for actually playing, the keys are going to be to stay out of melee, and to try to get as many shots off as possible. If you can work it where everything is fighting the Troggoth once it lumbers over to you versus having to take on everything AND the Troggoth, it gets much simpler. My go-to was to, essentially, focus fire on one target at a time in order to make sure the things died before they could cause too much trouble. Hope this helps!
  6. Normally I would say that that seems like an overly nit-picky distinction... but then again, this is GW
  7. Ah, I missed that one - thanks for the heads-up. I feel like that won't be the case, ONLY because when they first announced Broken Realms they announced that "every faction would get rules", which to me means they'll get something... That being said, as soon as I posted my response above I thought of this as well. We could get something like Defenders of Lethis from Forbidden Power, but for Destruction and that's how they get around "every factions gets rules" without having to, y'know, actually give every faction rules.
  8. I feel like we'll get 2 more books - Kragnos, another one that I feel like will be Slaanesh and then 3.0 releasing - at the earliest - in late June. What am I basing this on? Nothing, other than that there are 10 factions that haven't gotten any rules in a BR book. Now, 2 of these (Legions of Nagash and Sons of Behemat) might not get their own rules, but that still leaves 8 factions that need rules in a books, along with CoS getting something new (source: the new witch hunters) and the new Kroak model. Plus, they can't keep hyping up Slaanesh potentially breaking free and not do anything with it
  9. I've never wanted a rumor to be more true... Dwarves and Goblins are my jam, so getting half of that in a starter set is dope
  10. You're a saint, although I have a quick question - you have an Endless Spell in there, but not the battalion for the Gobbapalooza. Is that an oversight? Or did you change it in order to fit in the extra battle line?
  11. Hey all, So after dabbling with Squigs and Troggs for a while, I want to put together a Grot-exclusive list, but don't really know where to start with it. Anyone have any good 1000-point lists? I found one on this thread earlier from @KrrNiGit, but I don't think it works for 1000 point games due to Battleline constraints... Thanks for the help!
  12. Thanks! I've actually been looking at picking up a Slaughter Priest for Warcry purposes, so now I have justification to do that!
  13. Hey everyone, So I'm hoping for a little help (keeping in mind I'm not a Khorne player, so don't really know what I'm talking about): I run a games club at the school where I work, and am putting together 1000 point forces built around the various Age of Sigmar starter sets (namely, the original one and the Soul Wars box), so I'm working on expanding the Khorne half of the original box, with the idea to make it a sort of board game for people to play with during club meetings. As a reminder, here's the list of that: Mighty Lord of Khorne (or Khorgus Khul) Bloodsecrator Bloodstoker Khorgorath 5x Blood Warriors 20x Bloodreavers So as it stands, I have 720 points if I run the Mighty Lord of Khorne as Khorgus Khul (which I'm leaning towards since I have Vandus Hammerhand in the Stormcast half) or 680 points if I run it as an unnamed version. So my question for you becomes this: where do I go from here? I'm not really going for hardcore competitive, but I don't really know where to expand it from what is included in the box. My one rule for suggestions is that everything above NEEDS to be in the final list, but I don't mind buying other models that aren't listed above to add some cool new stuff to the list (that is, feel free to suggest other units from the Khorne range) Thanks!
  14. Yeah - I can see that, but I'm admittedly going more for theme than the "strictly best" option, but I do have more evacuators planned when I tackle the Soul Wars box. Awesome! Having never played them (but looking over their war scrolls), are they basically just retributions on steroids?
  15. Hey everyone! So I'm a school teacher that runs a games club, and am working on making 1000 point forces for Age of Sigmar for my students to use, based off of the starter sets available. I'm starting with the original one, and am not sure how to expand it that extra 180 points (or more if I don't used the Celestant on Dracoth as Vandus Hammerhand. Here's what I got so far: LEADERS: Vandus Hammerhand (General) Lord-Relictor BATTLELINE: 5x Liberators w/ hammer and shield 5x Liberators w/ hammer and shield UNITS: 5x Retributors 3x Prosecutors (with whatever they're armed with in the starter box) So if I build it that way, I have 180 points left, which I could (in theory) use to just double the numbers of Liberators. That being said, I don't mind buying a box of, say, judicators or another hero if folks think that that would be a better use of the points (and, as always, I could just not run Vandus as Vandus, he could be a normal Lord-Celestant on Dracoth). Thanks in advance for your help! The goal of it is to keep all of the stuff from the box in the army and just add stuff, and it would act as sort of a board game against the Khorne forces that come in it, so any help is appreciated!
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