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Everything posted by Dingding123

  1. Doing everything at once in one turn is such a huge deal that the act of taking a single turn is enormously strong. It's almost as if...decreasing the potency of a single turn would help balance double turns. Almost as if nerfing CAs or the sheer number of CPs players got on their turns would be the smartest thing to do without shaking up the game too much. Or Mega-Gargants and the like can just have All-Out Attack/Defense every single turn. One of the two.
  2. 1.) The models are cool. 2.) The vanilla warscrolls are flavorful and generally well-written; it's just the generic command abilities and artefacts combined with us drowning in command points making the game a bit more obnoxious than it needs to be. Honestly if All-Out Attack had a penalty to it and both All-Out Defense and Unleash Hell disappeared entirely I'd be good with that. If either or both of the latter two came up instead as faction-specific (or heck, Grand Alliance-specific) command abilities then I'd still be fine with that as well. It just doesn't make thematic sense that a Mega-Gargant would suddenly focuses on defending his legs from the army he just charged into the middle of. 3.) The lore and aesthetics are rad. 4.) A 2k point army is still twice as cheap as a competitive Magic deck (or playing Draft or updating a Standard deck for 1~2 years), with more to show for it than just cardboard.
  3. No rule of threes...but how about a rule of halves? A single warscroll cannot contribute to more than half of your list's total wounds. Heck, it could be Matched Play only as well for the sake of PtG and Narrative campaigns.
  4. I'd like a system that for every non-hero unit a player brings with 10+ health they must also bring a hero to keep it in line. That way it's impossible to spam big stuff for the sake of spamming it. Edit: okay they have 9 wounds LOL
  5. I'd love to see a Gitz monster in the form of a new Troggoth and a new warscroll for Fellwaters. Another pass at point values for Grots and Grot-buffers would be sweet as well (75 for a Loonboss is pretty ridiculous haha).
  6. Bonus: 1.) Mo' Magic. Bring back Realm spells. Realm command traits would be cool since armies often have CP to spare, but not Realm artefacts which were incredibly polarizing. If some Endless Spells could get a buff but be realm-specific as well that would be pretty sweet; a lot of them seem to struggle in 3.0. 2.) Extra artefact for 50 pts! Why not?
  7. The Squig Herds are worth running either as a filler battleline or a double-reinforced blob, and Squig Hoppers must be taken in 10s rather than 5s so you can convert 5 of the Bounderz into Hoppers in order to use them. With a Loonboss on Mangler Squigs and another hero, a deathball of Squig Herds will be hitting on 3/2/-1 which is fantastic considering their sheer density, not to mention the Loonshrine potentially bringing 18 of them back and Hunters of the Heartlands making them even more obnoxious to deal with. Skragrott is good but he needs Arachnocauldron to really shine on his own, or you can drop both of those things to fit in 6 Rockguts and drop 5 Boingrots for a Fungoid so you still have a caster. Another alternative is to take both Skragrott and a Fungoid and take the spell enhancement to give each of them an extra spell, or you could even take both of them and fit in Arachnocauldron for the sake of sheer redundancy. The Great Green Spite does d6 mortals at a 2ft range with reinforced Squigs! The other endless spells are pretty costly for what they do (Mork's is terrible vs. a ton of lists now), but if you feel your wounds total is good enough you could absolutely take Malevolent Moon or Scuttletide for some extra mortals. You could also fit in a Dankhold to make your troops a little less flimsy. Tweaks are basically just a matter of how you'd like to play matches out.
  8. All-Out Attack: +1 hit, -1 save All-Out Defense: +1 save, -1 wound Heroes can issue command abilities to all other units within 3" of the hero, or 6" of a hero that is a general.
  9. Random things happening >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Random prevention of things from ever happening
  10. IMO reinforcing battlelines with 2 or fewer wounds should be at a discount. No one brings basic stuff anymore, let alone tons of it unless it's for shooting. Tweak points how you will for shooting armies/etc.
  11. I get why GW wanted to nerf horde units, but I also can't comprehend why they left so many warscrolls in the dust that revolved around buffing said units. Loonboss is just a joke of a piece now; seriously 75 points for a walking mediocre command ability that lost its personal stacking -hit penalties? 55 points is fair and lets Gitz run en masse the army's signature non-unique hero and further helps keep the faction from feeling completely dwarfed by other factions' smorgasbords of good heroes. Granted Gitz in particular has other problems (why on earth are Stabbas a whopping 150 lol), but QOL changes for horde units can go a long way toward keeping them (and players' collections!) more relevant. I didn't personally invest in grots, but I shouldn't feel THIS relieved about it.
  12. Implying any of these changes were done meticulously haha
  13. Hoppers are solid for frontline, but you'll absolutely need Bounders and Rockguts for your beatsticks unless you're all-in on a particular subfaction.
  14. On the topic of the winter changes, I do like that every Gitz subfaction got a points reduction on useful warscrolls! Dankholds, basic Skitterstrands, Fanatics and Loonboss on Mangler Squigs all getting reduced in points is very nice for list flexibility. The changes aren't great for any one list, but fewer Gitz units seem terrible now which is fantastic as far as I'm concerned.
  15. I'm thinking SoB got a couple decent nerfs, albeit indirect and despite the points buff for Mancrushers. Amulet and Heroic Recovery were both huge for them - how many other heroes are unnamed and have 35+ wounds - plus buffs to other factions (however slight) are nerfs to them as well with them being so popular in competitions.
  16. I wouldn't mind seeing changes to points every time to keep armies iconic, and to counteract how easy it is to lose models. If we could reinforce battlelines more easily that would make battleshocks much more manageable for so many horde armies. The armies that seem to be doing poorly right now could all use more incentive to stack their hordes - imagine painting 140+ Grots in 2.0 and never winning with them now haha.
  17. It's not tied to any one game but my definition is the ability to adapt on the fly to overcome obstacles. If people need more rules or bigger numbers than their opponents to do that, or have to get lucky, skill wasn't present. AoS caters to a non-player fanbase and I get that, but a game's very much not worth playing if it played itself, just like models wouldn't be worth painting if they came pre-painted.
  18. There's your problem: your squigs were holding an objective. They needed to be biting the crunchy things at enemy objectives. Your leaders should tag along as well, so you can get at least one free pass on a battleshock test for your little red balls of death per round. If said leaders get focused and die, the squigs didn't get focused and the leaders did their job. Basically dismantle games as quickly as possible if you have squigs in play lol. The light of the Bad Moon helps, since it lets them run+charge and they get free rerolls on both run and charge rolls. Reinforcing them in smaller games helps as well since the 4 herder models buff their survivability, plus you can bring a few squigs back with Rally when they get whittled down and can also dedicate 1 CP to passing battleshock for all of them. A Dankhold can buff their bravery on the go, but they have their own bag of rocks.
  19. It doesn't seem appropriate anymore for units on the charge to be able to wield command abilities in the combat step. All-out Attack/Defense on the charge are obnoxious, especially with there now being fewer models on the board than in 2.0. It also heavily favors massive models that just like to wipe out units in one fell swoop, taking turns using AoA and Finest Hour. There's just not a whole lot of gameplay going on there.
  20. It wouldn't be a problem if they were to make All-Out Attack, All-Out Defense and Mystic Shield more exclusive. Like if they were to make both commands cost 2 points each instead of 1 and if they made Mystic Shield successfully cast on a 7 or 8+. Also mass mortals are a thing, but that makes hordes a bit better in comparison (they're abysmal atm) so those might actually be fine as is.
  21. Honestly they should homogenize them down into seven or even ten different types of heroes at most. No one's gonna remember what each individial guy does haha. Imagine having an army of 15+ different weenie heroes lol
  22. All-out Attack and All-out Defense should cost 2 command points instead of 1. Not because I play GSG and don't have powerhouse heroes or gargantuan behemoths like everyone else does or anything. I just enjoy competitive integrity. No other reason... Also Mystic Shield could stand to have a 7+ or even an 8+ cast value for how powerful it is right now!
  23. 4 battle rounds instead of 5 might be spicy; would give lists an incentive to put their best foot forward and light a fire under it. That wouldn't fly for special battleplans, though.
  24. Yes! No other allies can be taken along with one, though.
  25. Despite nearly every other behemoth got a huge price hike, the Arachnaroks were left mostly untouched. That's a pretty big plus considering all the new Monster rules! Spider Riders are still...Spider Riders but at least their price didn't get hiked either, unlike Grots and Squig Herds.
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