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Everything posted by Archibald

  1. I play kinda the same list (excepy i changed 10 PBs, Sloppity, Bridge+Sourcerer for Morbidex and 6 Nurglings...just for fun). I always go for a battle regiment, because i don't really see the benefit of another artefact or hunters and choosing to go first to sit on objectives seems essential.
  2. Seems that the Techno Viking has a model now😂 I love the Norse Team. Have just started with BB and can't wait to get my hands on them.
  3. I will give Nagash another chance with this list: Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers - Legion: Petrifex Elite - Mortal Realm: Ghur - Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery - Triumphs: Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (955)* Mortisan Soulreaper (115)* - General - Command Trait: Mighty Archaeossian - Artefact: Godbone Armour - Lore of Mortisans: Reinforce Battle-shields 10 x Mortek Guard (140)* - Nadirite Blade and Shield 10 x Mortek Guard (140)* - Nadirite Blade and Shield 10 x Mortek Guard (140)* - Nadirite Blade and Shield 3 x Immortis Guard (190)* 3 x Immortis Guard (190)* Umbral Spellportal (70) Emerald Lifeswarm (60) *Battle Regiment Total: 2000 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 0 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 75 Drops: 1 The goal is to keep him alive until he killed a lot.😅
  4. Just wanted to show my newly painted models i will use in OBR
  5. That is so ridiculous. He got 11 wounds from a Fulminator unit today, that hadn't charged...😅😂
  6. Is it correct, that Nagash has no aftersave at all against normal wounds now, because he doesn't get to use alligiance abilities?
  7. I am hoping for the norse blood bowl team. We already have seen the yeti,...
  8. Thanks guys for clearing that up.🤗
  9. Do you mean the healing ability? Be aware of the restriction, that you have to be stationary in the movement phase. Which is quite bad...
  10. I wouldn't play two units of deathriders. They never do anything for me (last time they failed a 3 inch charge, which failed me the new battle tactic). You could think about Mir Kainan, he is quite strong, looks super cool and has an extra screening unit.:) And you could add some endless spells for fun. Burning head is good to trigger Arkhans teleport or block an area for 20 points. Maybe the portals?
  11. The hands of this creature remind me of the flute rumour engine.
  12. So Whitefang reacted to my comment, that the rumour engine reminds me of a GUOs tongue. So what do i do now exactly?😄
  13. You already have 30 PBs and a Scrivener. That is all you will ever need with the new book. I have played some games now and never used more then 20 PBs even with summoning. So go for the cheaper MoN SC box. You can use the LoB for conversions.
  14. I have a question on Epidemius: Can i reroll one failed dice or all failed dice of a ward roll with one of his counts?
  15. Could someone post a link to the maggotkin of nurgle discord please? Old link is not working anymore.:/
  16. Base 10 cm wide height to maggoth shoulder (incl. base) 9 cm height to rider head (incl. base) 11 cm height to highest point (incl. base) 14,5 cm
  17. Seems like the preview is nearly over. Nothing beside a battlebox for AOS? Meh. Happy for all the nighthaunt players. New models look awesome!
  18. Army Faction: Maggotkin of Nurgle - Army Subfaction: Befouling Host - Grand Strategy: Beast Master - Triumps: Beast Master LEADER Great Unclean One (495) - General - Command Traits: Nurgling Infestation - Doomsday Bell and Plague Flail - Artefacts: The Witherstave - Spells: Fleshy Abundance Rotigus (495) Horticulous Slimux (225) BATTLELINE 1 x Plaguebearers (300) Beasts of Nurgle (110) Beasts of Nurgle (110) TERRAIN Feculent Gnarlmaw (0) OTHER Nurglings (105) TOTAL POINTS: (1840/2000) Planning on playing this against Sylvaneth soon (last game got cancelled because of corona...so at least it was a win for papa nurgle i guess). List is all about summoning. 3 trees from the beginning plus the bell and Nurglings in enemies territory should be a lot of points. Planing on summoning a bilepiper in the first round and then a beast/Nurglings/Plaguebearers each turn. Not shure what to do with the last 160p. 10 Plaguebearers? Beats of Nurgle? I really want Rotigus to work, so i am trying him out, but i am not really optimistic. Often find my Nurgle lists lacking of some real punch.
  19. I am encouraging this too. When playing groups of 2 PGBL i seem to lack a reasonable hammer and this could be a good solution. Maybe someone could post a link to the nurgle disord for anyone who is interested to this new thread?
  20. Exchange LoP and Sorcerer for a second Maggothlord.💪
  21. Just wanted o keep it as low as possible. So no deeper meaning i guess. 😅 I chose Morbidex and the 6 nurglings to test them out. Everyone is down on Bloab and Orghotts but he deserves at least a testride. A few days ago i saw a deamon heavy list with him with a focus on summoning. I tried a modified version of it, but totally screwed upv my deployment (gave first turn to sylvaneth, and it was game...). So after setting the summoning focus asside i chose mobility and flexibility in deployment for the next game. Unfortunately i don't have any more PBGL and don't plan on getting another duo. Second Maggothlord goes first (when he is finally available again).
  22. I will be playing against SBGL with this list on friday: Subfaction Drowned Men Mortal Realm Ghur Grand Strategy Hold the Line Triumph Inspired Leaders Lord of Affliction** 210 Gutrot Spume** 170 Morbidex Twiceborn** 320 Battleline Pusgoyle Blightlords* 220 Putrid Blightkings x2* 500 Putrid Blightkings** 250 Units Pusgoyle Blightlords x1** 110 Nurglings x2** 210 Ballations Hunters* Battle Regiment Points 1990 Drops 3 Wounds 135 It is very flexible in seting up the army. You can pregame move the drones or play a nearly total null deploy. Everything is flexible and can react to the enemy. Mainplan should be to look the enemy in his deployment zone. This is why i use a 10-man unit of BK. Just for staying power (and to test it out). Oh and btw why don't we get our own subforum like Slaanesh? Seems fitting with new book and all.
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