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Everything posted by SirSalabean

  1. I’ve heard rumblings of drakes being around the new year which sucks sounds like it’s the case
  2. I don’t think we can say for certain it’s the rest next week as it was the typical this week of Warhammer video. I’m hoping for a preview event
  3. This isn’t allowed. I’m not allowed to get a new army until I’ve finish my current ones
  4. Hi guys. ive found a Fatesworn host set, how would I expand from it into a list I can reuse in thousand sons too? I appreciate some of its mortals which are nice models anyways and the tzaangors I can use in 40K. Thank you
  5. Black templars for 40K is likely and or more stormcast or kruleboyz stuff. I think they said there are a few surprises still to come but correct me if I’m wrong.
  6. Hopefully I’m sad painting guides were scrapped in the codexes too. Less lore means more to sell in extra books
  7. I’m considering getting some khorne daemons for AOS but also usable in 40K. What do I get?
  8. I’m only just painting dominion and there’s no where for me to play locally as my local gw isn’t doing games yet and I cannot drive so books are currently useless to me besides lore
  9. Hi gang looking to start a Trogg only army what would I need for this? I don’t mind the odd hero dude or something from gitz or trogg/squigs but I appreciate its three separate categories for gloomspite
  10. What do the letters in front of the armies mean?
  11. Thank you so much this helps a lot I’ll be getting Kroak too when he comes out as his model looks amazing
  12. Thank you! How would you suggest building each unit/big model?
  13. Hi all! I’ve got two start collecting skinks, and two boxes of skinks and two stagadons do I need anything else or am I good to go? I have no clue when it comes to list building I mainly just wanted a cool skink army and to try and avoid the older models in the rank.
  14. I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned but I spoke to a couple people I know at GW and cursed city was cut as over the most recent lockdown in the UK we are only now exciting their UK print company went bust, the had big plans with them including cursed city and they had closed their China facility due to this. It’s not the best scenario but it’s one I can understand due to the unforeseen circumstances. what I personally disagree with is the handling of the situation, all they needed to do was clearly explain the situation and apologise for the misinformation. What they did was sly and pushing comments under the rug didn’t help. Thankfully I’m not interested in cursed city but I definitely feel for others. Hopefully this doesn’t happen again.
  15. Malekith has been hinted at lots before he’s a long time coming, this is all vague and pre existing information
  16. The guy who posted it has posted fake leaks in the past for other games and has cleaned his account so it looks fresh. The “leak” is a compilation of pre existing rumour such as the hob goblins, guesses such as dwarf soup as grungi is back and new dragon stormcast seeing as they have basically redone liberators and paladins so why not the dragon cavalry and flying units, and other vague info. everybody please take this with a grain of salt if any at all, it’s just a karma chaser there’s tonnes of it on that forum.
  17. Exactly. I just picked up some KO because they are not the traditional dwarf aesthetic. I don’t really like the other dwarves and personally I wouldn’t really appreciate KO being bunged in with the rest it doesn’t make sense even with grungi returning.
  18. I mean imagine them souping up Idoneth, Lumineth, and Daughters
  19. I frequent that subreddit often, this is just one of those people mashing a bunch of vague stuff together based on things already know, rumoured, or guessable. He’s deleted all his posting history but you can check it on websites for credibility and he’s attempted to “leak” battlefield and call of duty before. It’s just karma farming off the hype unfortunately. I wouldn’t trust anyone unless they have a strong consistency with leaks prior, or can verify a source with the mods. Lots of people like to write vague stuff and build communities of it.
  20. So what about this rumour engine as a Fimir tail? They seem to have mace like tails from the concepts, however no doubt they will get AOS treatment and differ slightly from fantasy versions.
  21. I think we should all set our sights on the most realistic and deadliest foe a swamp could muster .... The Mudcrab
  22. Looks like I’m becoming a beast snagga player
  23. I’m not expecting any more endless spells, some armies still don’t have any, it’s showing now the necroquake is over and with these endless spell hunters that they are likely being less focused on. Scenery is definitely possible but as before some armies don’t have scenery too but they’ve got a pretty large release inbound so personally I’m not expecting it to be like Lumineth, we might see more in a couple years.
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