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Lich King

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Everything posted by Lich King

  1. Still no mention on engines and other units. Looking forward to more info on Battletome !
  2. Vargheists almost 100% - I was more talking about certain Nighthaunt , Morghasts with Arkhan , the Engines etc. at least some final confirmation - or perhaps an alignment type of thing because they did mention not just Soulblight but death alliance itself under Nagash - the Tome is “packed” under their first unveil
  3. I know they won’t go super into detail - but maybe a quick overview and mention on certain other units which may or may not be in the Battletome ...
  4. I appreciate all model reveals and all, but honestly I rather have a good look at some of the Battletome sections. Like certain warscrolls / ability or spells most importantly : Army Construction. This is so I can focus my hobbling on which units I’m actually going to use in the near future etc.
  5. If it was a problem with releasing actual models, not just Cursed City box, wouldn’t it spill over into other games? Wouldn’t the new releases for 40k etc be canceled as well. I frankly don’t see that as an option - at worst it will delay the releases which has been the case for months now. They will always initially be a models company.
  6. I agree - I don’t think they’re canceling all of these models and scrapping pages of books. Plastic, after all, is the lifeblood of GW- they will release just models separately without any side game book expansion if necessary. Also - Cursed city does not dictate Soulblight. Soulblight Gravelords will have everything encompassed in it. Otherwise they would make an official statement and say “Annika or Kritza” will no longer be available due to a scheduling conflict.
  7. On one hand I think it’s time for an official 3.0 to clean up a lot of stuff. I don’t want it to effect our new Battletome negatively in any way. I would like to think that since their releases are close together, SBG will in fact be the first “3.0” Battletome fully compatible ( don’t think the Tomes will be necessary to release in high demand after this like in 1.0 to 2.0). On the other hand, GW doesn’t care too much about the stability of a cohesive rule set as much as having an excuse to sell us more product. Let’s be honest - they literally write the rules in such a way to sell us more plastic / paper. So I don’t know - looking at the history of the company they do a good job in the beginning but a year or so after they start going autistic with extra ****** we don’t need or really want and mess up whatever semblance of balance or rules cohesion they actually had to begin with .
  8. I hear everyone on the Mortis Engine question, but isn’t it ridden by a corpse master not necromancer? I guess if anything they can just make it a corpsemaster hero or actually just write in “necromancer” to change it..
  9. I don’t think the current scroll suck - at the current cost of 180 I think it’s really good. However - I do expect them to update it with options depending on blood line and keeping a cool 200 pts.
  10. New warcom articles on the actual rules or updated warscrolls for existing units would be better than revealing the rest of the range. I have a lot on my plate and would like to know which direction to paint right now : )
  11. Would skeleton archers be battle line perhaps? I sure hope so - Soulblight needs an actual Shooting phase apart from one dragon breath or Mortis engine attack. As for the release delay - we just had a huge amount for Sigmar this month so I’m not worried. Soulblight is right around the corner according to the latest Warhammer Community article on Wight Kings. That means almost 99% May ( if all goes accordingly).
  12. This is what happens when a new game comes out and tries to establish itself as something radically new while using old model lines. Aos originally just had the army PDFs - then just made grand alliance books - then broke all armies into little sub factions . That was the beginning of the mess. We later graduated to individual faction books ( Bonesplitterz, BCR etc.) Overtime they realized they should’ve never completely broken up factions and started to bring them back together - Warclans , Mawtribes , Cities - and SBGL is the new version of that . It would be a stretch but I think rolling FEC back with SBGL would make sense and kind of “complete” this undead faction. Who knows - maybe they can even keep their lore somehow. There are a lot of new warscrolls coming with our old remakes while still having the others which are sure to pop up ( corplse cart, Mortis etc.). But if this turns out to be the case - this will easily be one of the larger armies out there. Or perhaps they won’t get rolled in and instead have special ally rules for certain builds. Regardless - I have a feeling we will find out soon .
  13. I was just talking about the ability of summoning which every army seems to have - LON still need to be near gravesites - so if that goes and we can summon like others then that’s good ( not that bringing him specifically is useful or worth points / command ability )
  14. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Painting-Modelling?N=1088720681+3508830615&Nr=AND(sku.siteId%3AUS_gw%2Cproduct.locale%3Aen_US_gw)&Nrs=collection()%2Frecord[product.startDate+<%3D+1617589740000+and+product.endDate+>%3D+1617589740000]&view=all Looks like they’re still there / just temporarily out of stock.
  15. I believe we needed to be near gravesite to bring back units. The fact that Gorslav brings them back anywhere within 9 of him - outside 9 of enemy is infinitely better
  16. I’d wait but in case someone can’t and wants to pay bit more ( although free shipping ) https://www.ebay.com/itm/Warhammer-Quest-Cursed-City-Sigmar-Brand-New-Our-Preorders-Ship-Fast/254927426103?epid=4045595354&hash=item3b5adbd237:g:zI8AAOSwwAZgaKDn
  17. I mean - do all zombies have to have branches going through them ? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  18. Nothing is missing - these releases will be grouped in with the Legions of Nagash range - plus some warscrolls from Cursed City and Underworlds and you have a completely developed range.
  19. I know lol but what about Arkhan, Morghasts , Mortis Engine etc... I just want more info because if Morghasts are just Ossiarchs that would suck ...love those models
  20. Still want to have it confirmed if this is technically Legions 2.0 with extra goodies
  21. I feel this month- with a later preview towards the end - will give us a better perspective as to what’s coming out and when .
  22. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/03/01/vampire-rat-style-icon-its-kritza-the-rat-prince/?utm_source=Warhammer Community&utm_medium=Banner&utm_campaign=NewModelMondays01032021&utm_content=NewModelMondays01032021 Not feeling this one - would be better without rats. Any takers ?
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